"Don't think about it! I was really saved by Sister Biyun. As for you, it's the same as if you were there, and I just thought it was strange!"

Regardless of the age of Fo Zisang, but the ability to see through people's minds is first-class. Every time Jiang Xiaohu does not wait for him to express his meaning, the latter will say all his thoughts, so that Jiang Xiaohu is completely unnecessary. Talk nonsense.

"Open the conditions!"

The two looked at each other for half a minute, and Jiang Xiaohu said straightforwardly.

"What's the matter? Give me the same one. I guess you don't have it anymore. It depends on the best thing you can come up with!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu had compromised, Fozi Sang pursed his lips, and the businessman's eyes were exposed.

"...Vicious, mother, bite the best with your mouth open!"

Speaking softly, Jiang Xiaohu's spiritual thoughts flashed, and he pretended to take out a small cloth pocket from the inner pocket of his jacket. This is a scrophulariaceae he just went to Shanhe Tu to dig out. Although it is only a hundred years old, it is also Very good things, not to mention the nourishment of the mountains and rivers in the mountains and rivers.

"This stuff is okay, but one is not enough. Give it to me first. I will pick you up at night!"

Fo Zisang took the Scrophulariaceae away, turned around and gently said a few words in Biyun's ear, and then walked forward along the mountain road grinning.

"Where are you going? I can't get a taxi!"

"Don't worry, there are probably many people waiting for him!"

Seeing that Biyun was still worried about the whereabouts of Fo Zisang, Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and said.

"Well, can this happen?"



The two chatted without a word, and they started to go home.

Without knowing what's wrong, Jiang Xiaohu went so far as to follow Biyun to her house.

Although this place hasn't been here for a long time, when Jiang Xiaohu followed in, he could always feel that it was like going home, relaxed and comfortable, and the placement of some things in the house was so familiar.

"Sister Biyun, is the tap outside still working?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked casually when he turned left and right in the house.

"All right, come, drink water!"

Although the relationship was very good, Biyun still behaved rather differently. When he entered the house, he served tea, poured water and got cigarettes. After three things came down, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Sister Biyun, don't you want to find another one?"

When I was idle, Jiang Xiaohu lit a cigarette and asked softly.

"What are you looking for? I'm pretty good now, I'm living a good life alone, now you take care of me like that, haha! You see you are almost a nouveau riche, if you remember Sister Biyun, Sister Biyun will not eat or drink in the future Worry, what are you doing with someone else, is it like arguing and suffering next door all day?

Biyun responded with a smile, but the longing in his eyes still did not fade, and it became stronger.

"Ahem, okay, but Sister Biyun is now in good conditions. You don't have to be in the village. You can go to town, county, and urban areas. It's all fine! No need to fix it. Heaven suffers in the village!"

Jiang Xiaohu curled his lips and picked up the teacup on the table. This teacup is new, and it looks like Biyun is doing better.

"It's simple! I'm pretty good now. You are like my brother now. Watching you grow is like watching a child grow up. It's unspeakably warm and natural. Sister Biyun has no literacy and no reading. Books, you know farming, and you don’t know anything when you go out. Why do you go out? It’s better to stay at home. If you need help, I can help, and it’s useful!"

"Sister Biyun, don't always say this, think like this!"

"Don't tell me?"

"Ah...good, then I'm leaving now!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Xiaohu's original intention was to persuade Biyun, but the other party was unwilling, and his attitude was very clear. Jiang Xiaohu was never her family member, so naturally he couldn't say anything, he could only stand up and prepare to go home.

The two talked and walked to the door one after another.

Maybe it was because Biyun's small courtyard hadn't been walked for a long time, and moss had grown on the shady steps.


With a soft cry, Jiang Xiaohu quickly turned his head. At this moment, Biyun had already rushed towards him with his mouth open.

A pair of soft and warm lips gnawed on Jiang Xiaohu's face.

"I go!"

Under the pain, Jiang Xiaohu instinctively wanted to reach out and push Biyun away, but reason prevailed at this moment. The moment Jiang Xiaohu's hands touched the opponent's chest, he retracted his hands instead.

One was unstable, and the other couldn't dodge, with a plop, and the two lay on the ground together.

The most unlucky was Jiang Xiaohu. Biyun took a bite on his left cheek and didn't say anything. The back of his head hit the floor. It hurt. What's more important was that his hands were so cheap. But the elbow hit the bluestone steps, if it weren't for high physical quality and thick skin, it would have been bloody.


Lying on Jiang Xiaohu's body, Biyun seemed to be psychedelic as if he was dreaming, and his eyes were filled with relief. It seemed that the scenes that he had dreamed of for many years had happened and he raised his head in a daze, closed his lips, and stared at Jiang Xiaohu. Eyes.

It's a poisonous snake... or maybe it's a fox charm!

Under such eyes and the pressure of the beauty, Jiang Xiaohu's brain buzzed, forgetting to dodge and reminding her, and the two looked at each other.

"Little Tiger..."

Suddenly, Biyun whispered Jiang Xiaohu's name, his warm lips pressed against Jiang Xiaohu's thin lips.


Just when Jiang Xiaohu was about to remind him, the touch on his lips instantly confused him, so he could only curse secretly: "Mother, it's over!"

"Ahem, what? Sister Biyun, I'll go back now! I will come to you when Fo Zisang comes tonight!"

Standing outside Biyun's house, the blush on Jiang Xiaohu's face has not disappeared, hesitating, like a shy teenager preparing to confess.

"Well, you go back first!"

Biyun replied softly and closed the door.

Only half an hour has passed since the time of the kissing. There is no doubt that Jiang Xiaohu pushed her away, which made her sad.

But this was not Jiang Xiaohu’s original idea. Jiang Xiaohu just wanted to stretch his arm. After all, under the severe pain, the tingling from the arm was really unbearable. But this kind of action made Biyun think Jiang Xiaohu from the bottom of his heart. They repelled themselves inside, so after standing up, the two did not speak too much, just stood opposite each other.

Until now, Jiang Xiaohu proposed to leave.

"Yeah, Xiaohu, what are you doing at her house so early!"

Before Jiang Xiaohu was about to turn around and leave, a big aunt's voice sounded. Looking back, an aunt holding a big iron basin was standing on the side of the road. She was also one of the information disseminators on the corner.

Only with Jiang Xiaohu's status in the village now, no one would dare to talk about Jiang Xiaohu's gossip, after all, he was counting on Jiang Xiaohu to make money.

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