"Aunt Sun, let me see if Sister Biyun has time recently. After all, the field is still worthy of people! By the way, how long will your boy come back? Do you want to be together?"

"Yo-yo-yo! As for this, there is time anytime, you just have to tell me, he, he is busy all day..."

With Jiang Xiaohu's sentence let her children do things together, Aunt Sun's face instantly raised a smile, completely forgetting her favorite gossip topic in front of him, and happily bid farewell to Jiang Xiaohu.

All the way back home, it naturally drew greetings from many villagers on the road. Jiang Xiaohu responded with a smile, but his heart was still up and down, thinking about the previous things, the touch on his lips, and the wrapping in his hands. His gentleness made him dream.

"where did you go?"

Back home, before Jiang Xiaohu's buttocks touched the stool, Gongsun You came out of the back room, grabbed Jiang Xiaohu by the collar, and asked sharply.

"What's the matter? I went out to find a helper, this is something going on!"

Jiang Xiaohu stared at Gongsun Yao who was burning with anger, and suddenly remembered that this little Nizi had told him that he had to take her wherever he went.

"Why do not you take me!"

"I want you to have a good night's sleep. I worked hard last night!"

Facing Gongsun You's low roar, Jiang Xiaohu made up a lie leisurely, his face was not shocked, and his eyes were still gentle.

"Huh?" Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's expression also softened, Gongsun You frowned, his face was full of disgust, and said, "Don't don't, you can't make trouble!"

After that, Gongsun You threw Jiang Xiaohu on the stool with both hands, turned around and got back into the room.

"At least I really think so! Hard work!"

After Gongsun You left, Jiang Xiaohu tilted his head and sighed leisurely.

After all, although he didn't see everything last night with his own eyes, he still truly felt the warmth on his pajamas and Gongsun You's fatigue.

"Oh... it's really an eventful autumn!"

Jiang Xiaohu sighed slightly, turned his head to look at the door, and almost jumped off the stool in fright.

"Who are you, you are sick! Standing at the door and not talking, looking for trouble!"

After seeing clearly that there was a woman standing at the door, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help his temper. He straightened up and began to curse with arms akimbo.

"Yes, sorry, I didn't mean it! Are you Jiang Xiaohu, Doctor Jiang?"

After Jiang Xiaohu calmed down a bit, the woman at the door asked softly, her voice seemed very scared.

"I'm Jiang Xiaohu, but I'm not a doctor, why? What's the matter?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Xiaohu only felt something wrong, and asked in a low voice.

"Hello, I am from the Golden Hand Auction House! Do you have time now? Our Big Golden Hand wants to talk to you!"

The woman said softly, and she turned her body sideways. At this moment, a big G was parked at the door, which looked like a big brother in society.

The window opened, and the brawny man with his face covered in tattoos was staring at Jiang Xiaohu coldly.

"it is good!"

Jiang Xiaohu said that he turned around and got into the room. At this time, Gongsun Yao was lying on the bed with his butt and playing with the phone.


"Go, go out with me!"

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and said softly.

"What are you doing! Really, can't speak?"

Gongsun You turned over and sat upright in a Ji Ling, and shouted displeasedly.

Not long after, the two walked out of the back room one after another, and the woman at the door was still waiting there.

"We only saw you alone!"

"Then I won't go, I can't be separated from her!"

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaohu was also direct, turning around and sitting back on the stool.

And Gongsun You also sat back, and didn't care whether he would affect Jiang Xiaohu's business or the like, because in her eyes, these were all remedies.

Time slowly passed, and the man sitting in the co-pilot was still staring at Jiang Xiaohu, but Jiang Xiaohu still saw his mouth moving, who should be in contact with him.

"Okay, Da Jinshou said she can go, but she must bring earplugs and check her body!"

Finally, ten minutes later, the woman at the door agreed to Jiang Xiaohu's request and let Gongsun Yao go with him.

As long as he can bring Gongsun Yao with him, Jiang Xiaohu is naturally not afraid of so many, and directly takes Gongsun Yao on the bus.

The space in the car is not large. There are only two people in the back seat on either side. Jiang Xiaohu and Gongsun You are squeezed in between, and the two in the front seat of the car are like dead people, completely silent. No matter what Jiang Xiaohu asks, they are all He coldly answered something like waiting for the big golden hand.

After asking a few more questions, Jiang Xiaohu didn't bother to ask, quietly waiting for the car to stop.

After more than half an hour, the car stopped, in a deep mountain.

"What? Are you planning to bury us alive? Do you know..."

"The big golden hand is here!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Xiaohu was about to declare Gongsun You's identity when the car door was opened, and a sturdy man said coldly.

"Ah... well, I'll get down right away!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu nodded hurriedly, as long as it is not for life, everything is fine.

After all, Jiang Xiaohu can protect himself, but he can't protect the woman next to him. What's more dangerous is that if something happens to her, that's really done.

"follow me!"

The strong man nodded, turned and walked out first, regardless of whether Jiang Xiaohu followed.

"Hey, slow down!"

Jiang Xiaohu reached out and grabbed Gongsun You's right hand and hurried to catch up.

But the burly man in front of him strode the meteor, he didn't care if Jiang Xiaohu's footsteps would be chaotic.

One party hurried, and the other party chased. After walking for nearly ten minutes, the footsteps of the big man in front stopped, but he was not panting at all, and Jiang Xiaohu naturally did not. Only Gongsun Yao, who was clearly on his back by Jiang Xiaohu, Breathing heavily.

"You haven't walked, why are you tired!"

"You don't try your own muscles either, it hurts to death for me!"

Gongsun Yao lightly beat Jiang Xiaohu on the shoulder, saying this on his mouth, but he beat him back gently.

"The big golden hand is over there!"

The burly man stood in place and glanced at the two still frolicking, shook his head, and pointed to a haystack beside him.

In the golden hands auction house, there are three people who say what counts. The most powerful one is the big golden hands, which is the number one.

The strange thing about this auction house is that there is no shareholding system, that is, the three professionals of the professional one have the final say. Even if the second gold player and the small gold player disagree, as long as the big gold player says to do it, they will do it. .

That's why Jiang Xiaohu said that he should bring Gongsun Yao over, so that the other party wouldn't hurt himself if there were any more mistakes.

"Behind the haystack?"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned and looked at the big man. After all, he was a normal person and didn't want to go to the haystack.

But his decision was useless. Before he could ask a few words, Gongsun You behind him had already swiftly smashed the haystack and went straight in.

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