Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaohu was still standing at the door, and Biyun was sent home by him.

"Why haven't you come back?"

Jiang Xiaohu believed that Gongsunpu must have arranged a bodyguard for Gongsunyou, and firmly believed.


After waiting for another ten minutes, the sound of vehicles was finally heard outside. Jiang Xiaohu seemed to be leaning on the door with his wife and stone, quietly waiting for the vehicles from a distance to approach.


With the sound of the brakes, Gongsun You hugged his shoulders and got into Jiang Xiaohu's arms without any pause. He unbuttoned his coat and wrapped himself in.


Jiang Xiaohu hugged her tightly with his left hand, conveying a trace of innocence that he had just replied in his hand, raising his right hand to say thank you, the car drove away, and the person in the car had never seen Jiang Xiaohu once.

"Really unfeeling!"

"Quick... go in, I'm so cold!"

Before Jiang Xiaohu was finished, Gongsun Yao directly pressed his soft chest to Jiang Xiaohu's belly, and shook his hands around Jiang Xiaohu's waist and shouted.

Originally she was not too cold, but she couldn't wait for someone in camouflage uniform to move the body there, and ran down to help, but it was frozen like this.

What made her more wronged was that the air conditioner in that jeep turned out to be broken.

"Good good!"

Hearing the words, Jiang Xiaohu nodded quickly, reached out his hand and hugged her directly, closed the far door, and got back into the room.

In a huge manor outside the suburbs of Kyoto, Gongsunpu sits in the room, wearing a brushtail mink pajamas and holding a cup of Wuyun Maojian tea.

"She really got into Jiang Xiaohu's arms like that?"

After a moment of silence, Gongsun Pu asked softly.


On the phone, a nervous voice replied.

"it is good!"

After a reply, Gongsun Pu hung up the phone, and at the same time there was a jealousy that shouldn't be there.

He knew best about his granddaughter, except for Gongsun You who got into his arms like this when he was a child, he really hadn't seen Gongsun You ever act like this when he grew up.

Even when her father was still alive, she never had it before, but now she is enjoyed by a kid like this.

"Xiao Zhang, go see who is so courageous! Dare to move my granddaughter of Gongsun Park!"


With an answer, the extremely luxurious room fell into silence again.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaohu was comforting Gongsun You who was suffering from cold in the room.

At this time, an hour has passed since the kidnapping. In this hour, Jiang Xiaohu has been earnestly conveying this true energy to Gongsun Yao, driving away the cold air in her body.

If it's an ordinary person, drink a cup of ginger tea, and sleep will be fine, but Gongsun You's body is already very cold, and he just received the Yin Qi at midnight, which would be extremely troublesome to disperse.

In a blink of an eye, another half an hour passed before Jiang Xiaohu let go of Gongsun You's hand, looked at her sleeping face, stretched out a lazy waist, and said, "I really picked up a naive sister!"

With this being said, Jiang Xiaohu still has a trace of love in his eyes, which is different from the love in love, but the love between brothers and sisters. If Jiang Xiaohu was very clear about what she thinks of her, I am afraid he would also think he likes it. Going to the pretty beauty in front of you.

Outside the window, the chill was getting stronger, and unknown beasts were screaming and howling crazily in the mountains. The breeze was caught in the unbearable cold blowing the window, drilling in along the gap.

The whole night passed quickly, and Jiang Xiaohu woke up from meditation when the sun rose in the morning.

Since Gongsun You came, he hadn't practiced so seriously, and this was no way. After all, Gongsun You needed him to wash his body with true energy like that every night.

But last night he spent more than an hour to complete the night's work, and since it was late, he also meditated and improved his cultivation.

After all, it was no small joy to find out that I was able to let go of this matter.

"It's past seven?"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the time, and after a simple wash, he turned on the computer that Gongsun You had brought, inserted the U disk, and began to look through it.

There are not many important things. They are all chat recordings with Li Jianhua and photos of various contracts.

"Zheng Yingying, this little girl is doing a good job, and she knows to keep it!"

After flipping through it, Jiang Xiaohu's mouth slowly raised. With these things, Li Jianhua stopped thinking about hitting the village.

"Is Xiaohu home?"

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was secretly delighting, that familiar and annoying voice rang outside the door.

"Here, wait!"

After hearing Wang Xifeng's answer, Jiang Xiaohu opened the door of the room. Li Jianhua was standing in the living room outside at this time, just to see that his condition was a bit wrong.

The eye circles are red and swollen, the left cheek is swollen, and the standing posture is also very strange, as if he has been greatly tortured.

"What are you doing here?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked coldly.

"I'm here to apologize! I'm sorry!"


What Ling Jiang Xiaohu didn't expect was that Li Jianhua actually knelt directly on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked in a cold voice, although it was a very happy thing to see this scene, but when he really encountered it, he was still a little uncomfortable. No one wanted his best playmate of the year to get along with himself in this way.

"Sorry, it's my fault, I just..."

Li Jianhua said softly, the trembling voice held back a cry of breath, shaking his body several times before exhaling a long breath and continuing to speak.

"I'm sorry, Xiaohu, I did this wrong. I don't know what consequences I will bring. I've just been poor since I was young. I don't want to be poor anymore. I don't want to eat what others leave. It's me. It's useless, I fell into the eyes of money, I can't help myself, I'm sorry!"

"I know that nothing I do can make up for the wrong things I did. You accept this, I'll go now! I hope we still have a chance to meet, and then, we can get along as well as before!"

After saying all the hard things, Li Jianhua stood up, took out a bank card, a few keys and a few folded papers from his pocket, and turned and walked out of the room.

From beginning to end, he never looked up at Jiang Xiaohu, maybe because of debts, maybe because of regret, he didn't do that.

"Hey, we are brothers from start to finish, we just stand in the wrong position!"

Seeing his staggering back, Jiang Xiaohu didn't know what to think, couldn't help taking a step forward and shouting loudly.

When the voice fell, the other party paused for a while, did not respond, and slowly walked to the familiar jeep at the door.

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