"Is that the end?"

Standing at the door blankly, Jiang Xiaohu was still looking at the direction where the jeep was going, falling into deep thought and unable to extricate himself.

He had seen the power of power before, but he had never really felt this. An empire built from scratch, maybe not an empire, would suddenly disappear like this overnight.

The direction the jeep left was away from the village, but not the direction to the city, but the direction to the deep mountains.

"Oh... unexpectedly..."

With a light sigh, Jiang Xiaohu silently took out the cigarette in his pocket and lit one.

How many people in this world are chasing for fame and fortune, and finally think that they are standing on the top of the world, and finally find that everything they are fighting is not worth what others were born and held in their hands.

"what are you doing?"

It may be that Jiang Xiaohu's thoughts were too obsessed with Li Jianhua's affairs, and Jiang Xiaohu didn't even notice that Gongsun Yao came behind him.

"No, this matter is over!"

Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and glanced at Gongsun You, this lovely little Nizi no longer sees the half-girl aura, no longer as cute as her own sister, and some only have thorns. Any touch will cause it Tingling all over.


Gongsun You was already good at observing words and colors, when he heard this, he naturally thought that it was because of Li Jianhua's affairs, and asked quietly.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little scary!" Jiang Xiaohu dropped the cigarette butt in his hand, and before Gongsun Yao could speak, raised his hand to indicate that she didn't need to speak, "Tonight, let's try to condense the sun! The time has been too long. !"


Gongsun You shut up very obediently, but still couldn't understand why things could be solved in this way, but they had to be dragged on.

In fact, she doesn't understand it very simple, like a long-term rich and noble person who can't imagine that people who are poor in the mountains eat chaffy vegetables every day is a torture.

In her eyes, vegetarianism is a relatively healthy thing, while in the eyes of the poor, it is as simple as that because they cannot afford it.

In the blink of an eye, it was already afternoon.

For a long time, Jiang Xiaohu never said a word of nonsense with Gongsun Yao, as if a stranger should appear at home, and he didn't need to be bothered at all.

And Gongsun Yao has also been silent all the time, thinking seriously in his mind why this matter would cause such a result.

Two people of the same level seem to be in different worlds, and they have made different ways to deal with things, causing the two people to be unhappy.

Finally, under Wang Xifeng's instruction, the two sat together, preparing to break the rice.

Wang Xifeng's manager is good, but she knows that the best way for two people to fight is to wait until they are calm and sit together and have a good chat, so she called them.


Gongsun Yao, who had never done any rough work before, blew his right hand with a grin, and the inside of his thumb was already red.


Hearing the sound, Jiang Xiaohu instinctively wanted to ask, but he held back.

"I know you think I'm doing something wrong, but it seems to me that it's as simple as that. I don't have to accommodate you. When I didn't mess with me, I didn't care how you deal with this matter, but he put his idea on me. It has something to do with me!"

"I know, I'm just angry!"

"pissed off?"

Gongsun You frowned and didn't understand Jiang Xiaohu's point of anger.

"I am not angry with you, but myself. I know that my current ability is not strong, but it is also unique. I did not expect that in the eyes of you people, people like me are dispensable!"

"You are indeed unique!"

"Really? Li Jianhua's strength and intelligence are superior to me whether it is in the long-term or short-term perspective, but you can easily abandon such a person. Forget it, let alone, I am still too bad!"

With that said, Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to mention Li Jianhua's affairs again, shook his head, took a cigarette, and continued the matter in his hands.

Gongsun You also stopped talking, and the two fell silent again.

"In fact, it's nothing. As far as your current situation is, do you know how many people in the village envy you! Don't always complain, it's useless! Moreover, you are the only one in my eyes!"

In silence, Gongsun You suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaohu's eyes seriously, and said his thoughts word by word.

When the voice fell, Jiang Xiaohu was stunned, and the beauty in front of him said something like this, whether it was a lie or true, he couldn't believe it.

"What do you mean by this!"

In order to prevent himself from having other ideas, Jiang Xiaohu asked repeatedly.

"I want to go, really... let's go fishing in a while, I haven't fished for a long time, I have been running around with you these days, I don't know what I want to do!"

Glancing at Jiang Xiaohu, Gongsun You stretched out and got up and got into the back room.

"No, the work is not finished yet!"

When Jiang Xiaohu turned around and shouted, Gongsun You was no longer in the living room.

"Slacking is so fancy!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu had to mumble and get busy with himself.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaohu had completed a basket. For more than an hour, he was like a robot, holding the two corns and rubbing each other. This was the fastest, at least the hands would not hurt.

After putting everything in place, Jiang Xiaohu stood up and walked towards the back room.

Pushing the door in, as expected, Gongsun Yao had already fallen asleep on his knees, and his straight buttocks were slightly pouted, as if he had dreamed of something that shouldn't be there, and there was a shy smile on his face.


"The teacher is here!"

Jiang Xiaohu aimed at Gongsun You's ass, and with a hand shake, the loud voice started in the room.

The moment Gongsun Yao heard the yelling, he sat up and turned around to run, but he soon reacted. Jiang Xiaohu gave Jiang Xiaohu a look and sat down on the bed with his lips to discourage.

"What did you dream of? My face is red!"


Facing Jiang Xiaohu who had recovered his hippie smile, Gongsun You didn't hesitate to reply.

"Farewell, but speaking of it, your body is much stronger than before!"

Jiang Xiaohu chuckled, put his hand on her shoulder, Zhenqi followed his arm to probe in.

Gongsun Yao is accustomed to such situations, sitting there still, but what Jiang Xiaohu said is true, and she also has some feelings. If she was woken up like this, she would only be furious. And it won't be such a rousing spirit to sit up, but it will be very difficult.

This is really the worst!

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