The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 834: Misunderstanding


When guided, Jiang Xiaohu's feet quickly interlaced, whirring in his ears, and not long after he caught up with the sound of the car ahead.

In fact, this is not because Jiang Xiaohu's body is enough to compete with the car, but because the car didn't seem to expect the road in this village to be so bad, and the sky was too dark, and it walked very slowly.

"Huh? Where's the one before?"

Looking at the vehicle, Jiang Xiaohu looked around, hiding in the haystack on the side of the road, and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, maybe I didn't catch up!"

Gongsunyou hid in Jiang Xiaohu's arms. The cold wind just blew her into Jiang Xiaohu's arms like a kitten.

"No... It looks like a veteran, why can't you catch up..."

As soon as the two of them spoke, they heard a very light creaking and creaking sound behind them, which should be a relatively old bicycle.

Sure enough, the two turned their heads to see, a figure on the small road was riding a bicycle along the bumpy road cautiously, while trying to avoid the potholes, trying to make a quieter sound.

"Who is that person, how come you look so familiar!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the figure of the person who came, always felt like he had seen it somewhere, but because of the dim moonlight, he couldn't see his appearance clearly and didn't dare to confirm it.


The sound of the bicycle is getting closer, but the figure of the car in the distance is getting slower and slower. It seems that it should be blocked by something, and it is difficult to move forward.

"Fuck! The village chief!"

As the bicycle passed by the two of them, Jiang Xiaohu almost yelled out.

"Speak down!"

Gongsun You, who was squatting next to him, covered his mouth and whispered, but the shock in his eyes did not dissipate.

Although the moonlight was extremely dim, the two of them were also using this infuriating energy, and naturally they could clearly see the contours of their faces.

In the middle of the night, the village head stayed up and waited for others. Now he catches up again. They both dare not tell whether the village head is good or bad. They dare not speak for a while, and can only watch the village head gradually. The act of catching up.

"What the hell is going on! The village chief is not a trafficker, right?"

It wasn't until the village head gradually moved away that Jiang Xiaohu asked softly, and he had no confidence in speaking.

After all, this is the old village chief who showed his loyalty not long ago!

"I don't know, but the human heart is separated by the belly. Do you know that it is a ghost?"

Gongsun You looked much calmer at this time, looked at the village chief in the distance, and said coldly.



Just as Jiang Xiaohu was about to give a few words of excuse in a low voice, Gongsun Yao grabbed Jiang Xiaohu's collar and pointed to the front.

In the distance, the vehicle suddenly stopped. The old village chief appeared beside the car and got out of the car. What was the topic of conversation with them. What surprised the two of them was that the village chief seemed to know them and talked extremely well. It's easy, and there is no time to smile.

"What are you doing! The village head is a group with them!"

"Hey, don't worry, don't expose it, haven't you seen the village chief's hands still held tightly together? There must be something in it!"

Compared to Jiang Xiaohu's anxiety, Gongsun Yao acted extremely calmly, looking at the village chief calmly.

At least in her opinion, the village chief should have something unspeakable, because the village chief's right hand has been tightly pinched together, as if very angry, but helpless, and can only bear it silently.

"What do you mean!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaohu looked down at Gongsun You and asked softly.

"Calm down, take a good look, I think things should not be that simple!"

Gongsun Yao's eyes were really flowing, staring at the front closely.

But after all, she is a sick person. Such a body must be a little unbearable in the face of such exhaustion. Within two minutes, Gongsun You's figure was a little shaken.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaohu's observational power is still quite strong. He put his hand on Gongsun You's shoulder, and some real qi splits into his body.

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed, and the village chief finally ended the chat, turned around and rode his own car, and that car speeded up, no longer worrying about potholes.

"Stop him!"

As the village chief passed by the two of them, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly yelled softly.

When the voice fell, two hands suddenly stretched out from the haystack, and grabbed the village chief. Before the village chief opened his mouth to yell, Gongsun Yao stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

The two cooperated extremely tacitly, as if the village head disappeared in the blink of an eye, and there was no sound.

"Woohoo! Huh?"

The frightened village chief was still waving his hands quickly when he was pressed on the ground, but within a few seconds he suddenly calmed down, watching Jiang Xiaohu stunned.

"Say! Are you in a group with them?"

Jiang Xiaohu shouted in a low voice.

"Little Tiger? What are you doing!"

The village chief lay on the ground, sighed and asked.

"You and the trafficker are in the same group?"

Gongsun You asked softly on the side, ignoring the village chief's words.

"Misunderstandings! All misunderstandings! They are not human traffickers!"


Hearing this, Jiang Xiaohu let go of the hand that was pressing on the village chief, his face full of confusion.

Gongsun You on one side also frowned.

"You two are not outsiders, and you've been outside. Actually, nothing happened. That girl, I don’t know how to get sick these days. The disease will be contagious. It’s not easy to tell outsiders. You can only call people overnight. Send it to the city for treatment!"

The village chief stood up and stretched his body before sighing softly.

"No, who is that!"

Jiang Xiaohu asked after hearing this.

"The widow of the Li family, she doesn't know what's going on, she actually contracted such a disease!"

As he said, the village head actually pouted his lips, looking very sad.

Seeing this scene, Gongsun You had a bold idea in his heart, but he did not say it. After all, he is the head of a village and there are many places to help others. Not everyone in a widow’s family can be like Biyun. Encountered a right-hand man like Jiang Xiaohu who didn't expect anything in return.


Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Gongsun You, and I understood everything in his eyes.

"Oh... life is bitter, she doesn't know how much it will cost. The point is, except for... how can it be contagious except for that?"


Hearing the village chief's illness, Jiang Xiaohu and Gongsun Yao both froze in place at the same time, looked at each other, and were afraid to speak.

During the day, the two remembered things at the same time. From this point of view, isn't that Zhao Hua... a carrier?

"It's over, I don't want to retaliate against society!"

Jiang Xiaohu hesitated after hearing this.

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