"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Gongsun Yao was also stunned and asked back.

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just people who complain about things, try to make others get this disease too!"

Jiang Xiaohu said casually, and he started to feel a little worried. These people were so anxious that they could do everything.

"Okay, okay, Xiaohu, let's go back first. Just find the source of this matter. Let's find it in the daytime!"

The village chief sat on the ground, didn't know what he was thinking, sighed and waved his hand, stood up, rode on the car and left, without asking Jiang Xiaohu how to leave.

It wasn't until the village chief left that Gongsun You turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaohu, Suiling's eyes were full of doubt.

"what happened?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked softly.

"The sexually transmitted diseases you are talking about can be spread by blood?"

"You are stupid! Every day you make a hole in your body and get blood from others everywhere!"

After a blank glance at Gongsun You, Jiang Xiaohu lit a cigarette and walked back silently.

Although it is said that, but today's things have nothing to do with me, and there is no need to mix these.

Not long after, the two returned home.

As it was, Gongsun Yao lay on Jiang Xiaohu's back without taking a few steps. He was back home by Jiang Xiaohu. When he returned home, Jiang Xiaohu only felt that his feet were swollen.

The whole night passed quickly. Early the next morning, when the agitated little tiger got up, he was surprised to find that Gongsun Yao was always getting up.

It's just that he didn't wash himself, but was lying on the bed and carefully inspecting something.

"What are you doing!"

Jiang Xiaohu sat up and asked softly.

"I'll just see what this thing is. I've only heard of it before and haven't paid attention to this matter seriously yet!"

Gongsun You said and handed the phone over. The above was a detailed explanation of STDs.

"Oh, take your time, we still have things to do today! Yang Zhou and Zheng Yingying ran away, and I still need to take care of that small hill!"

With that, the passionate little tiger subconsciously wiped the pocket of his pants. The money in the card has only been dwindling recently and has not seen an increase.

But speaking of it, the big gold players don't know what's going on, will they embarrass themselves because of their release of pigeons!

"I'm going... why there are so many things!"

When I think of so many things, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly feels his head is big, as if he has seen the hair on his head falling down in a handful.

Half an hour later, at the gate of Jiang's house, Jiang Xiaohu and Gongsun You both looked sleepily at the distant hillside.

"It's great, I didn't forget to get rid of all my trees when the dog left!"

There were a lot of cedar hillsides left in the distance, but at this time, there was only a large bare area left, and there was no more life.

All of this benefited from Yang Zhou. Half a day before leaving, he took people to evacuate directly, but Jiang Xiaohu had no idea...

"Hey, isn't that your little lover? Where did you go in the morning!"

Before they could walk out, they saw the entrance of the village not far away. Biyun was looking at the distance nervously, as if waiting for something.

"Huh? What is she doing!"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned and looked at Biyun, shook his head, and decided to go to the hillside. After all, where he went was his business and he couldn't control it.

"Hey hey hey! Look, you see, isn't that the Hua?"

Before Jiang Xiaohu turned around, Gongsun Yao pointed to the path in the distance and shouted in surprise.

"No, keep your voice down!"

Jiang Xiaohu quickly looked over and pulled her back behind the door.

In the distance, Zhao Hua happily ran to Biyun's face, saying something, but Biyun's face was gloomy.

"I'm going, this little bastard, made an idea to hit Sister Biyun on the body, isn't this going to die?"

Take a look at this scene.Jiang Xiaohu suddenly felt that he had been robbed of the roast duck in his hand, and he stepped out of the small courtyard, rushing past his feet like a wind.

"Biyun, this is not what I said, look, if you can help, everything is easy to say, if you don't help, I can't help it! And...puff!"

Zhao Hua was talking to Biyun at this time. He didn't even see what was on his side. He touched a foot on his belly, followed by holding his belly and threw up on the side. He ate it early in the morning. The rice was all vomited clean.

"what are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, Bi Yun was also dumbfounded, and shouted loudly.

"Sister Biyun, don't be fooled by him! I'll tell you!"

"No, what is this for? Biyun, I am kind!"

Before Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, Zhao Hua stood up, looked at Jiang Xiaohu ferociously, turned his head and frowned at Biyun and said.

"Oh, you bastard, if you make up your mind to hit Sister Biyun on your body, you're still fighting with me! I'm abolishing you today!"

With that said, Jiang Xiaohu was about to pounce on Zhao Hua again. Although the latter was long and strong, he had heard of Jiang Xiaohu's power after all, and backed back again and again.

"Little Tiger! What are you doing!"

"Sister Biyun..."

I don't know if Jiang Xiaohu said the wrong thing, but Biyun suddenly gave a low drink, looking at Jiang Xiaohu with cold eyes.

Jiang Xiaohu had never seen this look in Biyun's body, but it was the first time she saw her facing him like this.

"What are you doing? Is it true that the power is stronger, you can really hit people casually?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu finally stopped, Biyun only took two steps forward, stretched out his hand to help Zhao Hua, and asked coldly.

"I don't. No, Biyun, don't be fooled by him, he is sick!"

"You're fucking sick!"

When he heard this, Zhao Hua was immediately unhappy. Although he couldn't beat him, he couldn't let go of his mouth, and he responded directly.

"Sister Biyun, I really didn't lie to you, that... Whoops! I can't say that it's a humiliating reputation, but I'm definitely telling you that this kid has a problem, don't trust him!"

Jiang Xiaohu was about to tell about the widow of the Li family, but on another thought, the village chief sent her away in the middle of the night just for fame. His own words would definitely spread, so he could only stomped his feet in a hurry. Dare to point out.

"Really? Xiaohu, are you looking after me?"


On the contrary, Biyun watched Jiang Xiaohu jump up in a hurry, without the worry and tension on his face, just asked coldly.

"No, Sister Biyun, what do you mean by this! I..."

"I think you are spying on someone's body!"

When Jiang Xiaohu was speechless, Zhao Hua pursed his lips and added a word mercilessly.

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