The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 840: A Useless Idea

"Don't, you think too much, I am just broken in love!"

Xu Linglong looked at Shen Rong'er, waved her hand quickly and explained, but also noticed Gongsun You who was following Jiang Xiaohu.

"No, you are broken in love, what are you doing with Xiaohu!"

Shen Ronger still seemed dissatisfied with Xu Linglong's explanation, and asked again.

"Rong'er, you think too much, Xiaohu, be honest, you also know that I talked about a boyfriend, just like being sick, I thought about coming to Xiaohu for a few days today, and asked him to find a place for me to live. Call you here by the way, I called you today! No wonder you ignored me, it turned out to be with him! Hahaha!"

While talking, Xu Linglong pointed at Shen Rong'er.

Hearing this, Shen Rong'er felt relieved. She did not receive a call from Xu Linglong today, because she was in the car at that time and was going to get out of the car and go back there, but then forgot.

"Is this your sister? I didn't know you had a sister yet!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little silent, Xu Linglong stepped forward and reached out to grab Gongsun You two steps, and hugged him hard, saying that it was really beautiful.

In fact, it's no wonder that she thinks this way. Among the people present, only Gongsun You's height is relatively short, and now she is wearing Jiang Xiaohu's previous clothes, so Xu Linglong directly misunderstood.

"You think too much, I am not!"

After accepting the affectionate action for a long time, Gongsun Yao shook his head helplessly.

"Don't don't don't, she is not, if she is my sister, I will be tossed to death by her sooner or later!"

When Jiang Xiaohu heard the words, he waved his hand quickly, but Gongsun You's eyes rolled.

"Well, since it's such a coincidence, let's play here together for a few days. Anyway, the environment here is pretty good, there is nothing to play, but it is better than leisure!"

When Shen Ronger saw this, she pulled Xu Linglong over and said with a smile.

"Okay!" Xu Linglong nodded quickly, then turned to the driver who had been waiting behind him and shouted: "You go back first, and I will call you directly!"


The driver responded and drove away.

Seeing another rich girl suddenly appeared beside him, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't wait to get to the ground.

What is this?

He can't stand one or two anymore, here's one more!

"Looks like it's soaked tonight..."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Shen Rong'er and Xu Linglong in front of him, then looked at Gongsun You who was following him, carrying the box, and shaking his head helplessly.

After all, Xu Linglong is not like Shen Rong'er. People's goal doesn't care about being rich, but she definitely can't be worse than her.

"Mom, there's another guest at home, let's cook two more dishes!"

Back home, Jiang Xiaohu lifted the box to the corner and shouted softly.

"Ah? It', such a beautiful girl! Well, make two more meats!"

When Wang Xifeng heard the sound and walked into the kitchen, when he saw Xu Linglong, he laughed happily, then turned and got into the kitchen to get busy again.

Speaking of it, she also knew Xu Linglong, maybe she had forgotten her looks after a while.

"Yes... I can open a resort hotel! No, there is nothing here. Who will open it!"

Looking at Xu Linglong and Shen Rong'er, a thought just came up, and it was soon broken.

This is the case, this is not a scenic spot either, people have to come here for at least something!

"Why, what other resort do you want to open?"

Gongsun Yao, who has been with Jiang Xiaohu the longest time, saw his thoughts at a glance and asked directly.

"Oh...I just think about it, there is nothing to do in this piece!"

Jiang Xiaohu shook his head and sighed, even if he could find a small hot spring in the mountain village, he could blow it.

Of course, as for the jade and minerals, let's just forget it. It's no use not to mention that it will cause riots. Fortunately, after Li Jianhua's matter is resolved, most people in the village think this matter is a scam.

During this period, a few unbelievers secretly came to the hillside contracted by Jiang Xiaohu in the middle of the night, and the hoe digged for several days.

Jiang Xiaohu also knew about this, but he didn't say that the more this kind of thing hinders others, the more they feel that you want to cover it up.

"Actually, I think it's a bit messy!"

At this time, Shen Ronger and Xu Linglong said in unison.

After all, both of them have their own careers, so their brains are naturally brighter.

"what does it mean!"

Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and looked at the two of them.

"Let’s talk first, Xiaohu, if your orchard can continue to grow, it’s not bad to get around it every year when the fruit is ripe to make it a scenic spot. In addition, look at the top of the hill you want. It's high, but you can overlook the surroundings. Maybe you can build it?"

Jiang Xiaohu, whom Shen Ronger loves so deeply, naturally knows everything Jiang Xiaohu does. She saw that hillside when she came last time.

"Mountain slope? What mountain top, what are you talking about?" Xu Linglong's face was confused when she heard these words, but it did not affect her own thoughts. "I think, Xiaohu, you can start your own Chinese medicine doctor. Signboard, then become famous, and build this side into a center. When there is a signboard like yours, someone must come!"

Hearing Shen Rong'er's words, Jiang Xiaohu nodded. Hearing Xu Linglong's words, Jiang Xiaohu immediately shook his head. This would indeed be able to transfer a lot of money, but it would be too much.

Just like a qigong master, it's a complete deception, but it's a more advanced deception, because he can indeed cure diseases and save people.

"Okay, okay, don't talk first, let's eat! Hahaha, I didn't expect Linglong to be here today, there are a few dishes to cook, come on, eat first!"

At this moment, Wang Xifeng came out of the kitchen, holding two dishes in both hands, and greeted several people to come and sit down in front of the table.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaohu bought a relatively large table before, otherwise he really couldn't sit down now.

"It's so good. Is Linglong coming here to live in our house this time?"

"Rong'er, come, eat more, I haven't eaten well the first few times!"

"Yaoyao, do today's dishes still suit your taste?"

As soon as he sat down, Wang Xifeng looked at the three beauties and began to chat one by one, as if they were all his own daughter-in-laws.

One of the most embarrassing was Jiang Xiaohu. How did he feel that his mother was going to choose a daughter-in-law for himself among the three.

He knew that his mother liked Shen Rong'er more, and grandma liked Gongsun Yao more, but in Jiang Xiaohu's heart...not to say that he didn't like it, but Zhang Xiaohua was still in his heart!

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