After a meal, Jiang Xiaohu was sweating profusely. Whenever Wang Xifeng was chatting with any of the three, they would look at him, and Jiang Xiaohu wanted to pull Wang Xifeng out.

"Mom, can we stop making trouble, I'm serious, don't make it as good as your son, and ask one by one. People think you are picking a daughter-in-law!"

"I'm just picking. Anyway, I think it's pretty good, as long as it's not the Zhang's daughter! I'm really afraid that she will become like her parents..."

After eating, Jiang Xiaohu rarely ran into the kitchen to help Wang Xifeng wash the dishes. By the way, he complained about Wang Xifeng and told her not to ask random questions next time.

"It's alright, don't talk about it, anyway, I like it, and as long as I like it, even Sister Biyun is good!"

Upon hearing that Wang Xifeng started to complain about Zhang Xiaohua again, Jiang Xiaohu was simply heartbroken and said cruel things. Since Wang Xifeng dislikes Zhang Xiaohua so much, then he went to Biyun.

"Okay, I had misunderstood the girl before. She doesn't look bad anyway, and the little thing died before the wedding night. She was still a baby girl, very good!"

What Ling Jiang Xiaohu didn't expect was that Wang Xifeng was not afraid of threats at all, and he confessed naturally with a curl of his lips.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaohu was stunned. After a while, he put the clean dishes on the chopping board and turned around to leave. At this turn, Jiang Xiaohu almost didn't sit on the ground.

At this moment, Biyun is standing outside the kitchen...

"Don't be convinced yet, I will tell you, Biyun girl, I really have a good eye. Besides, if you look at someone in these years, why don't you come by yourself? That is not better than you. Less? It’s just a bit older, not too big to speak of..."

"Mom...Stop talking..."

"What am I talking about?"

Seeing that Wang Xifeng was still saying these things, Jiang Xiaohu stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Xifeng's sleeve. The latter turned his head and saw the person standing at the door.

"Ahem, Aunt Wang, I, I have something to do with Xiaohu..."

The three of you look at me and I look at you. After a long moment, Biyun said softly with flushed face.

"Huh? But Little Tiger..."

"Okay, wait, let's go out and talk!"

Wang Xifeng was about to refuse, but was interrupted directly by Jiang Xiaohu. After that, Jiang Xiaohu came to Biyun in two steps and pulled her outside the door.

In the living room, the old lady was telling stories to the three of Shen Rong'er, telling about the things she encountered back then and some spiritual stories that are not available in the city. The three girls listened with gusto.

"What's the matter!"

When he came to the door, Jiang Xiaohu let go and asked in a low voice.

He also felt embarrassed. After all, he had been heard talking about others in his home. What's more important was that he said he wanted to ask others to be his daughter-in-law, and his wife agreed.

"No, nothing, I just asked Zisang how things are going, how calm the waves are during this time!"

Bi Yun turned his head, not embarrassed to look at Jiang Xiaohu's face.

"It's okay, let them not worry, the matter has been completely resolved, I will come to thank you if I have the opportunity, and your belly, cough cough, I will help you deal with it this afternoon!"

"Okay, I see, I'll go back first, Zhao Hua went home today, I came here without a problem! I'm leaving now!"

Biyun didn't say anything else, turned around and ran out as if fleeing.

Even if she was married, she was still a sassy person. It would be a bit embarrassing for anyone to hear such words, not to mention that she would help Jiang Xiaohu by telling him something special.

"she left?"

Until Biyun left, Wang Xifeng suddenly walked out of the living room, patted Jiang Xiaohu on the shoulder, and asked in a low voice.

"Ah! Yeah, mom, what? I'll go out this afternoon!"

"Okay, I know, but I can tell you clearly, I said that, don't really get angry with me!"

"Fine, I know, you are busy with you!"

Seeing that Wang Xifeng was still wondering whether he would marry Biyun, Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand quickly and left Wang Xifeng's style of play. He was sitting in the small courtyard and staring outside, and a figure appeared in his mind.

That figure that has been far away from him because of the so-called reality!

"Okay, okay, don't think about it, she wants to be found by you, she will definitely be found by you, and it's useless if you think about it, I can't find it!"

At this moment, Shen Rong'er came over, she saw through the longing in Jiang Xiaohu's eyes, and sighed softly, seemingly indifferent.

"Thank you, but I really..."


"Fuck! Sick!"

Before Jiang Xiaohu could finish speaking, a huge explosion suddenly came from outside the door, followed by a burst of firecrackers, which scared Jiang Xiaohu almost to jump off the stool.

"Get sick!"

Shen Rong'er was also taken aback. She stretched out her hand to hold her white chest and frowned and said softly.

"Little tiger, come on!"

Suddenly, Gongsun You's shout came from the living room.

Hearing this sound, Jiang Xiaohu was startled, and immediately realized that grandma must not be able to bear the fright at such an old age, so he stood up and ran in.

In the living room, at this time Gongsun You's hands were pressing on her grandma's shoulders, and Xu Linglong comforted Wang Xifeng to let her not be afraid.


Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu hurried forward and put his hand on Gongsun You's hands. Zhen Qi was divided into two parts. One part penetrated into Gongsun Yao's body to calm the scattered Zhen Qi for her, and the other part was taken into grandma's body. .

A few minutes later, Jiang Xiaohu let go of her hand, and grandma opened her eyes, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "It scares me to death!"

"Grandma, it's okay, I'll go out and have a look!" Jiang Xiaohu said, then looked down at Gongsun Yao, and asked softly: "Are you using my true energy to secretly learn from my true energy every night? "

"Hey, I think sometimes I am sober and I have nothing to do and find something to do!"

Seeing that he had been seen through, Gongsun You had to reach out and scratch his head, looking innocent.

"Mom, take care of your grandma, I'll go out and see which bastard it is!"

After giving Gongsun You a blank look, Jiang Xiaohu rushed out of the house.

At this moment, I heard twelve Mercedes-Benz cars outside the door. Each car was full of roses. The middle one was a big G. A man was kneeling on the roof of the car. The man was holding bamboo slats in both hands, nervously around. View.

"This person is sick?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaohu was also dumbfounded. If he hadn't recognized the car, he would really have thought it was a lunatic.

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