"Then where do you sleep tonight?"

After hearing this, Fo Zisang turned his head and looked at Biyun, with doubts in his eyes.

"I... I don't know!"

"Sleep with me!"

At this time, Gongsun You spoke, perhaps because of Biyun's always gentle character, or because of Biyun's soft heart just now, she still liked Biyun quite, and said directly with a smile.

"No way, no way!"

The voice fell, before Biyun nodded and agreed, Jiang Xiaohu blushed, waved his hand quickly, and shouted loudly.

"I want you to take care of it! I asked you a lot of shit?"

It was Fo Zisang. He thought Jiang Xiaohu had any other thoughts, and he said two words repeatedly.

"That's not what I meant, I..."

"Then shut up!"

With that, Fo Zisang glanced at the phone and realized that it was past four o'clock, and quickly passed the phone to his pocket.

"Sister Biyun, I'm going back first, I'll come to you next time, there is really no time today!"

Having said that, Fo Zisang didn't even look at Jiang Xiaohu, turned around and got back into the car, kicking off the accelerator.

It wasn't until Fo Zisang left for a long time that Gongsun Yao shook his head leisurely, looked at Biyun, and asked, "Who is he, is he so defiant?"

"Ah, haha, it's a child who fell into the water I rescued before. It's fine, maybe it's spoiled, so get used to it!"

Biyun smiled and explained a few words, and looked at Yuan Wei, who had been held by the old man and dared not move.

"I see, I will contact immediately, and I will contact immediately!" Yuan Yu also knew that he was afraid, and offended someone who shouldn't be offended, so that his head became brighter, and he quickly stood up and pointed to the dig beside him. The pilots shouted loudly: "Dead, I don’t know how to move! Hurry up and go back to me, don’t know how to pack things! Go away, contact, let the construction team come over, I tell you, if there is something in this house My son is not good, I demolished your family's ancestral grave!"

Seeing Yuan Yu's bluffing, Gongsun You couldn't help but frown, and said disgustingly: "With such a son, it's no wonder that their family has no pursuit, and they are falling behind!"

"The point is that they have money, which is bad enough for him!"

Although Jiang Xiaohu couldn't understand Yuan Wei, it is a fact that people have money.


Hearing the sound, Gongsun Yao turned his head mercilessly and waited fiercely for Jiang Xiaohu, then immediately pulled Biyun and left.

It was the villagers who still stood still looking at Yuan Yu, without the slightest intention to leave.

"Look...I see. I build the road. Don't worry. I will build this road right away. There is no problem with 1.8 million yuan!"

Yuan Yu was about to get angry, and he remembered that it was because of the unity of these people that someone made a head start. His excavator couldn't drive into the village for a long time, so he quickly changed his mind.

One hundred and eight hundred thousand is actually quite a lot, and the total cost to play is almost several million, but distress is much better than flesh pain!

If this group of people quarreled to make that Biyun call the son of the Great Golden Hand, it would be a severe beating if it couldn't hold back.

"Should I say...huh? What about people?"

Jiang Xiaohu was still standing in the crowd at this time, about to make a noise, and led the villagers to ask him to build a road. When he spoke, he realized that everyone around him was returning home one after another, so he quickly turned and walked home. .

"I'll go, four people at night, where do I sleep! My dream..."

Although it was not a few steps away, it did not affect Jiang Xiaohu's dream of having two beautiful women on the left and right at night in his mind.

But the bed is really small, it can sleep up to three people, now with Biyun, Xu Linglong, and Shen Rong'er, there is no place to sleep at all!

"Oh...really, if Xu Linglong doesn't come, maybe Shen Ronger is on the left and Yaoyao on the right. These days... I want to eat more meat!"

After thinking about his dreams in his mind, Jiang Xiaohu almost slammed every head on the door of his house.

"Xiaohu, you're back, how is the matter?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's return, Xu Linglong stepped forward and asked quietly.

She didn't dare to come out just now, still afraid that Yuan Yu would go crazy seeing her again, and then she would have no face to come to Jiang Xiaohu again.

"It's okay, eh? Where's Biyun sister and Yaoyao?"

Jiang Xiaohu replied, only to realize that Gongsun Yao who came back first seemed to be not at home, so he asked quickly.

"The two of them? They just passed by the door and said that they were going to the back mountain, so they didn't know where they were going!"

Xu Linglong frowned and pointed to the back mountain, and then began to question what had just happened.

She didn't dare to go out, but it didn't mean she didn't dare to watch it secretly from a distance...so she still knew a little bit.

After Jiang Xiaohu finished telling everything, Xu Linglong put her phone aside with a shocked look, and said blankly: "Is that sister Biyun so good? You even know the big gold hands?"

"What's the matter then? Don't you still know Shen Rong'er? As far as I know, Shen Rong'er's family background is not worse than that of some big goldsmith!"

Jiang Xiaohu said disdainfully.

"What do you know, connections are money, do you know? The reason why few people dare to provoke a big golden hand is because there is so much evidence in his hand that he can easily kill a family! I don't know Right, that's why he is so good!"

While talking, Xu Linglong turned on her mobile phone, saying that she had to prepare first, and wait until Biyun came back to take a good photo with Biyun.

"Where is Shen Rong'er? Still sleeping?"

After sitting there for a while, Jiang Xiaohu remembered that Shen Ronger was still sleeping, and asked softly.

"Yes, she has been very tired recently. It is said that Shen Hui is unfamiliar with many things, and he relies on her to run around and do it everywhere!"

While talking, Xu Linglong began to touch up her makeup on the phone.

"I'll go see it!"

Jiang Xiaohu nodded and stood up, opened the door and walked into the back room.

Inside the room, Shen Rong'er was still asleep, as usual, she did not sleep, spread her legs, opened her arms, and looked very cute.

No one would have thought that such a dignified and gentle girl would look like this when she fell asleep.

"Really are!"

Seeing that she hadn't covered the quilt, Jiang Xiaohu reached out and pulled the quilt over and placed it on Shen Rong'er's belly to prevent her from catching a cold.




As soon as Jiang Xiaohu put the cover on her, he heard Shen Rong'er mumble. Jiang Xiaohu thought that Shen Rong'er was talking to him, and just agreed, but found that the other party was only talking in sleep, so he shook his head, stood up and walked out the door. .

In the living room, Xu Linglong was still renewing her makeup, but her calmness was restored outside, but there were still many people carrying tables, chairs and benches to watch Yuan Yu rebuild Biyun's home.

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