These people said they were going to supervise Yuan Yu, fearing that he was cutting corners, but in fact they just found an excuse to stay at the entrance of the village because they had nothing to do.

Regarding these, Jiang Xiaohu didn't care at all. He returned to the chair in the small courtyard, stared at the sky blankly, lit a cigarette, and emptied his head.

"Little Tiger, we are back!"

After two minutes of silence, the voices of Gongsun You and Biyun appeared at the door.

The two were holding hands, talking and laughing, and they looked extremely close. In fact, Jiang Xiaohu could see that Gongsun Yao just wanted to know if Biyun had lied, whether it was really simply because of his life-saving grace that he only met the big golden hand. Their family.

He didn’t need to break, because Biyun’s personality was really too gentle, so just as he thought, Gongsun You really likes friends who see through at a glance, and the relationship with her is getting better, even though the two are seven or eight years old. year old.

"Little tiger, what are you doing, there is no sun today!"

When Biyun and the two walked into the living room, the village chief came. As soon as he entered the door and saw Jiang Xiaohu sitting in a chair, squinting his eyes, he asked with a smile.

"The village chief? Why are you here, come, do and do! Smoke!"

Jiang Xiaohu hurriedly passed the cigarette over and greeted the village chief to sit down.

"Little tiger, I didn't make a special trip to thank you, don't tell me, this is really unpredictable. I originally thought that the village provokes some experts, but I didn't expect it to build a road. What a good thing!"

As soon as the village chief sat down, he began to talk to Jiang Xiaohu about the main reason, regardless of whether Jiang Xiaohu wanted to listen.

Since the two of them sat down, Jiang Xiaohu did not show any impatience either, chatting and laughing with the village chief until the sky outside was dark.

During the period, Wang Xifeng also came out of the back room, and saw the village head smiling and saying hello in the small courtyard, and began to get busy.

"Okay, it's getting late, I have to go back too, Xiaohu, the people in the village know that you don't need money, everyone has joined together a little, this is also a thank you, you accept it!"

Seeing that it was late, the village chief stood up, took out a small red cloth wrapped ball from the patched clothes and stuffed it into Jiang Xiaohu's hands.

"Don't don't, village chief, this, I don't need it!"

"Accept it, you have a lot of people in the village. Don't always carry it by yourself. Let everyone know that you have worked hard. It's a good idea to say hello when you see you?"

The village chief forced the red cloth into Jiang Xiaohu's hands as he said, and looked at the three girls in the back room with a smile, and the corners of their mouths rose.

"The younger generation is terrible! The younger generation is terrible! This requires more attention to your body!"

Seeing several girls smiling at themselves, the village chief looked at Jiang Xiaohu, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, and mumbled loudly and went out the door.

Until the village head left, Wang Xifeng's voice yelling for dinner came from the living room.

When Wang Xifeng walked out, he found that the village chief had already left, so he pursed his lips and let Jiang Xiaohu come in for dinner.

This meal can be considered as busy as Wang Xifeng. In the past, it was only when Jiang Xiaohu and her were at home that they could eat whatever they wanted. Now there are four more people in the family and an old lady who takes care of the old lady and puts less oil and salt. Rice has also become a technical job.

This also indirectly caused Wang Xifeng to refrain from doing many things in the land. She used to have three plots of land by herself, but now she is busy with one plot.

After eating the food, Jiang Xiaohu returned to the room and sat down cross-legged, and began to gather the true energy in his body. Outside the door, Shen Rong'er and the others were rushing to help Wang Xifeng. This also made Wang Xifeng very happy. He kept laughing. It's so nice to have so many daughters-in-laws who really want to go.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was completely dark, and the time was fixed at nine o'clock. Jiang Xiaohu then opened the door. The four girls in the living room were listening to the old lady telling the previous story.

The least serious one is Biyun, because she came here poorly when she was a child, so she was also the one who helped the old lady speak.

"Yaoyao, you come in, I will start to condense the sun for you!"

Seeing the three daughters carefully listening to the story of the poor life in the past, Jiang Xiaohu yelled very carefully, for fear of interrupting several people from listening to the story, causing public anger.

"Come on! Grandma, tomorrow I will leave for me!"

While standing up, Gongsun You still took the old lady's hand and said with a smile.

The old lady had never been treated like this before, and she didn't know that she was sought after by others. She was very happy with a smile on her face, nodding her head in satisfaction.

"Is it going to congeal the sun tonight? Didn't you say you have to wait a few days?"

Sitting on the bed, Gongsun Yao's face suddenly became reluctant. After all, she still liked her current life and didn't want to lose it so soon.

"What will your body do if you don't congeal the sun? Is it going to be like this forever?"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled, indicating that she was lying flat on the bed.

At this time, Gongsun Yao had taken off his underwear, pants, and was wearing Jiang Xiaohu's short sleeves. Fortunately, Jiang Xiaohu was tall enough, and a short sleeve had reached the middle of Gongsun Yao's upper leg.

"I'm going to start!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Gongsun You's face reluctantly, sighed and said.

Following Gongsun You's nod, Jiang Xiaohu opened her clothes and pressed his right hand to a position two inches below her lower abdomen, his hands continued to condense.

Before, he didn’t know that Gongsun Yao would use true qi, so he kept dragging it until he got used to his true qi, but now it’s different. Now he knows that Gongsun Yao not only uses zhenqi. , And also secretly learned his infuriating way.


Feeling a warm heat coming from the dantian position under his lower abdomen, Gongsun You's eyes gradually closed, and he let out a deep breath of muddy air.

Jiang Xiaohu's eyes widened, staring closely at Gongsun You's body.

It is not that he is lustful, but that he needs to see if the true qi is running. His true qi can only be guided in Gongsun You's body, and he cannot forcefully start to condense the yang in his lower abdomen as soon as he comes up.

On his head, chest, lower abdomen, and legs, Jiang Xiaohu's eyes shone slightly, for fear that something was wrong.

As time passed by, the big beads of sweat on Jiang Xiaohu's forehead began to fall, and Gongsun Yao's lower abdomen began to heat up. This is a good sign. If you persist for a while Until Gongsun Yao's true qi can run on its own and run according to Jiang Xiaohu's predetermined meridian, it means that it has been completely completed.

Of course, if it fails, then Gongsun Yao's dantian will be out of reach!

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