"Where you start, you end there. I was like that when you saw me. I'm leaving now. I'll show you a look. Don't be like me in the future!"

Gongsun You suddenly pulled his clothes off when Jiang Xiaohu was silent, and said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaohu is not a fool. He can see that there is almost no possibility that this Xiao Nizi will return after leaving. If there is, it means that something has happened and the other party needs his own help.

She is different from Shen Rong'er. Shen Rong'er's family is a big business. After all, it is only the business of his own family, but the Gongsun family is not a person's business. It will be a matter of many places, and the Gongsun family involves too much.

"Okay, okay, let's not make trouble, let's see you by chance, I'll go first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Jiang Xiaohu could react, Gongsun You suddenly came up, aimed at Jiang Xiaohu's lips, and kissed him fiercely.

Soft and warm...

This was Jiang Xiaohu's first reaction. When he was just about to enjoy this sudden surprise, a flexible little snake slammed into his mouth.


Jiang Xiaohu opened his eyes abruptly, but Gongsun You had already turned away.

"Comfortable? Do you like it? Good is always not available. If you often have it, you will be addicted to it and eventually become bored. I hope you can remember me because of this!"

After that, Gongsun Yao turned around and opened the door and walked out. His movements were smooth and flowing, without any muddling.

"Didn't you say to leave at noon?"

"I planned to do that, but forget it!"

Gongsun You didn't turn his head back, he came directly to Shen Rong'er, and started to say goodbye, walking towards the door while saying goodbye.

Jiang Xiaohu followed, not because he didn't know what to say, but he didn't dare to say anything. He himself was afraid, afraid that he would move his mind and say what he shouldn't say.

Since you can't give so much, why should you leave so many thoughts?

This is Jiang Xiaohu's own thoughts, as others have said, it's not a group of people, there is no need to insist on it all the time.

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

At this time, Gongsun You had already arrived at the door, and Zhou Shuang was standing at the door waiting with someone. It seemed that he did not leave at all in the morning.

As Gongsunyou got on the car and the vehicle slowly drove away from the village, Jiang Xiaohu stood at the door and silently took out a cigarette and was stunned.

It was not long since Gongsun You came to the village, but when he recalled, it was like many years had passed, the little girl who liked to stay with herself in the small courtyard and watch the moon.

That little girl whose personality has changed dramatically because of her own innocence.

The little girl who caused me trouble because of my unfamiliar place, and the little girl who was regarded as a lunatic by Wang Xifeng because I had never seen it before and had never contacted it.

All of this disappeared with the car that was going away.

"Maybe there is nothing in this life!"

Jiang Xiaohu said blankly, threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, turned and walked in the door.

Shen Rong'er didn't bother or ask him about his melancholy, leaving him alone.

No matter how much he said, maybe it would only attract the other side's disgust, so Shen Ronger chose to look at him silently and stay in the living room with Xu Linglong.

"what happened?"

Jiang Xiaohu returned to the living room and found that the two girls were staring at him, looked down at their clothes, and after confirming that there was no dirty place, he asked softly.

"Ah... it's okay, I just want to ask if there is any place to go around here? I want to go and see, I haven't wandered outside the village yet!"

After hearing this, Shen Ronger waved her hand quickly, not daring to mention Gongsun You, for fear that Jiang Xiaohu would become even more saddened by this.

"Ah...is it near here? There is really nothing to wander around, but if you want to, go with me to the hillside in the afternoon and have a look. I will start planting trees tomorrow. The cultivation is good. It should be almost OK next year. Got it!"

While talking, Jiang Xiaohu also began to figure out how to get the water and soil in the mountain and river map out of his mind.

But speaking of it, he also remembered a question, that is, how long can the things in the mountains and rivers keep in reality. If they can be kept forever, wouldn't they be taking off?

"Okay, I just want to see it too!"

Xu Linglong nodded and agreed without waiting for Shen Rong'er to speak. Speaking of which, since she started her busy life, she had no time to feel the great rivers and mountains.


As Shen Rong'er met softly on the side, Jiang Xiaohu returned to the courtyard and began a daily daze.

Soon it was noon, and Shen Rong'er was good at cooking, and Xu Linglong was not bad either, but the two girls didn't study thoroughly how to control the fire.

After trying two dishes, Shen Ronger gave up first, and directly prepared all the noon dishes, cut and washed them, and waited obediently for Wang Xifeng to come back to make them.

After a meal, Jiang Xiaohu looked at Xu Linglong who was devouring her with a dazed expression.

"No, did you escape from the famine?"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Xu Linglong who was tidying up the table, and he couldn't help but asked.

"Cut, I just want to eat, what's the matter! Good mood!"

Xu Linglong glanced at Jiang Xiaohu bluntly when she heard the words, and continued to take care of herself.

Seeing the appearance of the two helping, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly shook his heart, watching Shen Rong'er frowned, this little nizi didn't know why she came here!

Gongsun Yao was here before, and the two of them pinched up as soon as they met, and didn't pay much attention to this matter at all.

"Okay, when shall we go see it?"

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was thinking about Shen Rong'er's purpose, Xu Linglong had already put on a mountaineering suit, which seemed to have been prepared before, and asked cheerfully while standing in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

"Huh? Are you going to climb the mountain? What are you doing with the rope?"

"Didn't you mean the hillside?"

"That's not about climbing a cliff!"

Before Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, Shen Ronger felt that she couldn't stand it anymore, so she dragged Xu Linglong to the back room and forced her to change into a more casual outfit.

"Have you really never seen a mountain or been here! Why do I think you are more naive than me? No, this is not naive, it is simply stupid!"

Not long after, the two Xiao Nizi came out of the back room, and Shen Rong'er was still muttering Xu Linglong.

The latter just nodded and explained, "When I came here, I thought about whether or not to bring them, but I didn't expect that there are really no mountains here. I originally thought there were several big mountains over there!"

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