The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 857 Liu Qin Returning to the Village Again

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. Jiang Xiaohu walked on the ridge with two beautiful girls. In autumn, many animals that need to hibernate need a lot of food to store.

Along the way, the eyes of the two girls were exceptionally bright. They saw either the rabbit or the squirrel. What's more peculiar was that they said they saw a fox.

On the contrary, Jiang Xiaohu, with a helpless look on his face, really didn't want to point out that it was just a local dog in the village, but it was too dirty to see clearly.

"It's so good, so beautiful!"

When he came to the bottom of the hillside, seeing Jiang Xiaohu stopped, Xu Linglong let out a deep breath, looked at the emptiness on the hillside, and said.

"No, the trees are all cut down, where are they going!"

Jiang Xiaohu couldn't hold back when he heard the words, and turned his head back and said.

"Really? I think it's pretty good, it looks lonely, it fits the mountain village!"

"Oh, you think that the mountain village is to live with a family across a hill, have you never been here?"

Facing Xu Linglong's narcissism, Jiang Xiaohu shook his head, said a word, and wandered up the mountain.

In fact, there is nothing to watch, mainly taking two girls for a stroll. As for this piece of land, you only need to invite people to do things. It couldn't be simpler.

The rest, he needs to appear in person, is to pay!

"Who is that!"

While the three of them were wandering around on the hillside, Shen Rong'er pointed to a figure who ran to this side and asked softly.

Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and glanced, vaguely, too lazy to check with anger, waved his hand and said, "I don't know, it's his fault!"

"Brother Little Tiger!"

As soon as the voice fell, before Jiang Xiaohu turned his head, he heard a familiar and unfamiliar voice sound.

"Liu Qin?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Xiaohu muttered in a low voice, and the real energy in his eyes gathered.

Sure enough, that figure is Liu Qin!

"Didn't this kid give him money to let him go? Why did he come again!"

Looking at the figure of Liu Qin flying over, Jiang Xiaohu's face was not happy, but doubt.

Logically speaking, after what happened last time, Liu Qin should have no face to meet people, and there is no need to come back.

"Brother Xiaohu! It's me! Liu Qin!"

"Who is he, is he familiar with you?"

As the voice got closer, Shen Ronger heard the other's shout, turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaohu, and asked with doubts.

"It should be considered familiar, but he shouldn't come back!"

With that said, Jiang Xiaohu briefly said the previous thing.

After the two girls listened to the story, their faces with anticipation were disgusted, and they no longer waited for the distant figure to approach, and wandered around on their own.

Within a few minutes, Liu Qin finally came to Jiang Xiaohu's face. After all, Wangshan ran to death. Seeing a place quite close, he might run a few miles away.

"Brother Xiaohu, I found you, I just came back!"

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Liu Qingang ran to Jiang Xiaohu's side and didn't slow down, speaking breathlessly, with a smile on his face, and he looked very happy.

When Jiang Xiaohu felt a little uncomfortable, he frowned.

After all, the two were in a hostile relationship, and he drove Liu Qin out of the village.

"Brother Xiaohu, this is something! You must help!"

After taking a couple of breaths, Liu Qin said seriously.

"No help!"

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand directly when he heard the words, and decisively cut off the other party's thoughts.

"No, Brother Xiaohu, listen to me first!"

"Don't listen, I'll be busy if I'm fine!"

Jiang Xiaohu didn't bother to listen to him at this time, turned around and called Shen Rong'er and the two of them, and walked directly to the village.

But Liu Qin didn't give up, just like a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten, he followed Jiang Xiaohu closely without speaking, just waiting for Jiang Xiaohu to let him speak.

After walking for a while, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help it anymore, turned his head to look at Liu Qin, and whispered: "You have something wrong, what are you doing with me!"

"No, I just want to discuss something with you, I'll tell you when you feel better!"

Liu Qin grinned, completely different from before.


Shen Ronger glanced at Liu Qin, frowned, and looked at Xu Linglong, nodding silently to confirm his thoughts that he was neurotic.

"Then tell it, and leave as soon as you finish!"

Jiang Xiaohu saw that he seemed not to give up for a while, so he sighed lightly.

"That's it. Last time I took the money you gave me back to the city. I was not eating and waiting to die. I found a good way. I want to talk to you about investment. I know that you have a lot of good medicinal materials, so I want to ask if you would like to sell them in large quantities. The prices are so high!"

While talking, Liu Qin took out his mobile phone and handed it to Jiang Xiaohu, indicating that he would take a look before making a decision.

"Then you think too much, then I really don't want to sell a lot, I don't have many, and I just had good luck and met a few good ones!"

Jiang Xiaohu shook his head and pushed the phone back to him. Jiang Xiaohu was not a fool, he naturally knew how valuable herbs are.

"Good, forget it, but Brother Xiaohu, can this one be sold?"

When Liu Qin heard Jiang Xiaohu say that he could not sell, he was not surprised at all, so he asked one.

"Yeah, it's going to be a routine, don't sell it!"

When Jiang Xiaohu saw that he could still do some tricks on himself, he was immediately happy, but he was happy and happy, but he decisively refused. His landscape map is not a Baiguoyuan in the village.

"Brother Xiaohu, think about it! Really, think about it, this family is super rich!"

Liu Qin said loudly, but could only look at Jiang Xiaohu's back.

Jiang Xiaohu has already expressed his position completely. Even if he catches up, it will be of no use. He can only stand still in a hurry. After a moment of silence, Liu Qin seems to have decided something. He rushes towards Jiang Xiaohu in three or two steps and reaches out. Throwing his business card into Jiang Xiaohu's hand, he turned and ran.

"Brother Xiaohu, think about it, think about it! I'll wait..."


Shen Rong'er watched Liu Qin in the distance plunged into the puddle beside your ridge because of his words, shook his head, and silently complained.

"It's OK, let's go back first, no need!"

Although he said so, Jiang Xiaohu still carried Liu Qin's business card into his trouser pocket. After all, he would inevitably need money.

Since the last time I made money, I have always posted money at home. I have eaten a lot and there are more people in my family. I have always been eating my own money. It is time to consider the source of funds.

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