Biyun sat beside him habitually without saying a word, and habitually taking care of the three people, bringing them clothes and filling them with tea, while Shen Rong'er and Xu Linglong had been talking about something, maybe It's a celebrity, or it may be a job. Anyway, the two people are fighting red-faced, but in the end they didn't come out.

"It's late, rest early!"

Seeing that the time was approaching ten o'clock, Jiang Xiaohu yelled softly, stood up and walked to the living room, while removing his stool.

Xu Linglong frowned when she heard that she was going to bed so early, a little unwilling to say, "Isn't it, so early, don't you want to play for a while?"

"Sister, this is in the mountains, not in the city, do you still expect to go to the bar and disco? Or do you want to go to the video game city?"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Xu Linglong, shook his head and sighed slightly.

"Okay, eh, sister Biyun, how about the three of us going to the city tonight?"

When Xu Linglong heard this, she seemed to wake up the person in her dream with a single word, grabbed Biyun, and spoke like a baby.

"No, let's go to sleep, you see how thick your dark circles are, take a good rest, I will accompany you tomorrow!"

"Good, don't forget tomorrow!"

It may be that Biyun's voice was gentle and had a soothing effect. It was just a word of persuasion. Xu Linglong immediately gave up the idea of ​​going to the city and walked into the back room behind Biyun strangely.

At this moment, Biyun is like a big sister taking care of two younger sisters, whispering two people softly, promising to go out with them tomorrow, what to eat and drink, they all softly agree, nodding no matter what they say willing.

"You are so popular!"

After closing the door, Jiang Xiaohu smiled and whispered to Biyun.

"Just accompany them out to play, and if Zhao Hua comes back tomorrow, there is something to do, I don't have to go there!"

"No wonder you promised so simply!"

Facing Jiang Xiaohu's doubts, Biyun always stretched out his hand to pull the hair scattered in front of him behind his ears, and followed up with a smile to speak to Jiang Xiaohu.

"Okay, okay, go to sleep!"

Every time he saw Biyun like this, Jiang Xiaohu only felt that his face was covered with fire and became hot, waved his hand again and again, turned and pushed open the door of the back room.


As soon as the door rang, a pillow slammed into Jiang Xiaohu's front door. Fortunately, Jiang Xiaohu reacted quickly enough and reached out to catch the pillow.

"What are you two doing!"

After putting the pillow in the armpit, Jiang Xiaohu saw Shen Rong'er and Xu Linglong hugged tightly in the quilt, the smiles on their faces became wretched, and he asked in a humble manner.

"I want you to manage, get out!"

Xu Linglong herself was like Jiang Xiaohu's older sister, and she shouted directly at Jiang Xiaohu.

"Yeah, it's coming, Rong'er, let's be honest, are you and Sister Linglong..."

As he said, Jiang Xiaohu made a gesture.


Seeing him doing this, Shen Rong'er sat up abruptly.

At the moment when Shen Ronger opened the quilt, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly lost the nature of continuing to watch. He glanced at Xu Linglong blankly, curled his lips and said, "Ah... Crayon Shin-chan! There is also King Kong Gourd Baby!"

"I want you to control, go out!"

"If you don't go out, where do I sleep tonight?"

In the face of Xu Linglong's order to chase away a guest, Jiang Xiaohu's cheeks became thicker, and he stood still and raised his eyebrows and looked at the two of them with no fear at all.

"Why? Do you still want to sleep with the three of us? You really want it! Get out!"

This time, Shen Ronger took the initiative to attack, and at the order, Jiang Xiaohu had to curl his lips and opened the door. Biyun was standing at the door.

"Ahem, why don't I go out to sleep too!?"

"No, Sister Biyun must sleep with us!"


After a two-minute battle, Jiang Xiaohu successfully obtained a quilt and a thick quilt, and was then driven out of the back room.

"For a long time, Rong'er doesn't want me to sleep with any other women!"

While spreading the quilt on the ground, Jiang Xiaohu was also muttering in his heart, after all, Shen Rong'er was very attached to him, and generally would not drive him out.

The moonlight gradually deepened, and there was a gust of wind outside the window, leaves and salsa rustled, and some animals screamed loudly in the middle of the night.

This night, it was a sleepless night, Jiang Xiaohu did not go to sleep, but sat cross-legged, quietly running the Zhen Qi in his body.

He didn't know how powerful he was now, only that he still couldn't beat a gray-haired old man a few days ago, and that gray-haired old man seemed to be just a striker.

If this is the case, it means that his strength is far from enough. If he provokes someone who shouldn't be offended in the future, he won't know what he will be beaten.


When the rooster cried appeared, Jiang Xiaohu stopped practicing and stared blankly at the cigarette lighted outside.

It may be because Gongsun Yao left too hastily. After not seeing Gongsun Yao for a long time, Jiang Xiaohu fell into a miss. It was not a special miss, but a pure miss for her friend, and wanted to know what she was doing. After returning home Is it already in a fight?

"Although the life of the rich is good, there are many fights. If I can choose, I still hope that I am a rich man..."

While muttering, the corners of Jiang Xiaohu's mouth also rose, and a somewhat vague figure appeared in his mind.

"Little Flower...where are you now!"

Missing time is the fastest, while loneliness is the most difficult. Coincidentally, there will be no missing if you are not alone.Before I knew it, the sky was already bright.

Just as Jiang Xiaohu thought, Biyun got up early and started to prepare breakfast, but when passing by Jiang Xiaohu, the expression on his face was a little wrong. It seemed that he hated Jiang Xiaohu smoking and didn't dare to say it.

"Forget it, let's think about the pond! It's a bit farther, if only I can dig one by myself!"

Seeing Biyun's tangled appearance, Jiang Xiaohu shook his head, threw the cigarette butt aside, and began to search for the basic format of some documents and fill in it.

Contracting a piece of land for digging fish ponds is possible, but it cannot occupy agricultural land, so Jiang Xiaohu also began to figure out where to dig. After all, the location of the hillside was only a small piece of land, and Jiang Xiaohu did not apply for too much.

"what are you doing?"

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was addicted to it, Shen Rong'er suddenly appeared behind him. Looking back, she saw Shen Rong'er lying on Jiang Xiaohu's shoulder in a nearly transparent pajamas in the morning, as if he was about to stage a wonderful seduction scene. general.

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