"I'm going, what are you doing, making a movie!"

Jiang Xiaohu saw Shen Rong'er's clothes clearly, and was stunned for a while, not knowing how to respond.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Shen Rong'er did not express furious anger when she heard the sound, but replied in a gentle and lovely way. After that, Jiang Xiaohu experienced a complete set of Jianglong Eighteen Twists.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xiaohu looked at Shen Rong'er, who was wearing neat clothes, with grievances all over his face.

"See what? Doesn't it hurt?"

"It hurts! I was wrong!"

Seeing that Shen Ronger had to raise his hand before twisting, Jiang Xiaohu said in a low voice for fear that he would suffer a few more blows.

These few strokes are enough, if you get a few more strokes, you won't be hospitalized!

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel with her, let's take a look with you today, lest you don't know how to do it yourself, and you don't invite people, and you end up messing up!"

Xu Linglong on one side saw that the two were still chattering and arguing, helplessly holding on to her forehead, and yelling at Jiang Xiaohu in a low voice.

"I know!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Xiaohu hurriedly got up and walked out behind Xu Linglong's ass. With the help of these two experts, how could he still think about being lazy? This is simply people doing things on their own without spending money.

Shen Rong'er naturally chased after seeing this.

Not long after the three of them arrived at the edge of the hillside, Biyun did not follow. She said something was too far. She walked too much every day and was a little tired. She took on the task of running the village party secretary and went through the procedures for Jiang Xiaohu. Strive to be settled in one day.

"Is this one really okay?"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the location of the edge of the hillside. It was a good place. It was also a place that Shen Ronger and Xu Linglong had settled down. It was also not contracted. It was almost enough to walk through the formalities.

"How big is that, three mu of land?"

"It depends on what you raise. If you raise some grass carp or something, wouldn't Xiaohegouzi be fine?"

"I don't know what to raise, but it must be calculated according to the area. Otherwise, the area of ​​the fish pond will be too large and your orchard will be less. It is not comparable. You still have to be busy!"

Hearing Jiang Xiaohu’s question, the two girls began to talk. Xu Linglong has come into contact with a lot of things, and understands a lot about the ways in it, while Shen Ronger has come into contact with more design aspects, so she naturally took the role of observation. task.

More than half an hour passed by, and only Shen Ronger and Xu Linglong were talking on the entire hillside, while Jiang Xiaohu was sitting on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth, staring blankly at the distance.

During this time, he began to doubt life...

The two girls said that everything was eloquent, and he didn't know anything, except that it was okay to plant seedlings, but it was still not as good as Xu Linglong's eyes.

Of course, he looked at Xu Linglong with admiration, Xu Linglong knew too much!

"Have you two combined? Or I will go back first!"

Seeing that the two were still discussing, Jiang Xiaohu turned to look at the two, and asked in a low voice.

"Then you go back first, it's useless for you to stay here anyway!"

Xu Linglong was straightforward. Upon hearing this, she felt that Jiang Xiaohu was of no use here, and she waved her hand and prepared to let him go back.

"No, let me go back!"

Jiang Xiaohu stood up when she saw her.

"Otherwise, what are you doing here, you don't know what to say, you know what kind of bastard you raise, that stuff is very profitable, but you know how to mix feed? How to run this company?"

"No, I just want to raise fish. What kind of company do I start!"

"If you don't start a company? Then you are ready to make some money?"

Xu Linglong took a step forward as she said, staring at Jiang Xiaohu's eyes closely, frowning, completely not believing that the man in front of her didn't want to make a lot of money.

"It's not that I don't want to make big money, but I don't need it now!"

"Is there anything I don't need to help you? I'm telling Linglong that when we do well, we will enter the food industry, and I will start planning for you in the future!"

When Shen Rong'er heard Jiang Xiaohu's unwillingness, she got a lot of energy. He took a step forward and looked up and down Jiang Xiaohu, with grievances between her brows.

I kindly helped him plan everything, but he was not happy anymore!

"What are you doing!?"

Just as the two were expressing their dissatisfaction with Jiang Xiaohu, a roar came, and the three hurriedly turned their heads to look.

On the top of the mountain, middle-aged men who were not tall were staring at the three Jiang Xiaohu and murmured.

"What? What's the matter?"

Seeing that the visitors were unkind, Jiang Xiaohu kept in front of Shen Ronger and Xu Linglong, and asked rhetorically.

"This land is mine, what are you doing here?"

Upon seeing this, the man said again, his face was pale, as if he was extremely angry.

"As far as I know, this piece of land shouldn't be yours. It hasn't been contracted yet!"

Jiang Xiaohu said, indicating that Shen Rong'er and the two of them stepped back a bit.

"I said mine is mine! What nonsense are you talking about! What contract is not contracted! Get out of me!"

As soon as the man heard Jiang Xiaohu's words, he immediately became angry, squatted on the ground and picked up a big rock, and he was about to throw it over.

"Hey, what are you doing! This land has not been contracted! Why do you say that it is yours is yours!"

"There is something wrong!"

Shen Ronger, who was hiding behind Jiang Xiaohu, was also a little unhappy when they heard the words, and they stopped.

"You three! What a hate! I really don't listen to persuasion! I killed you, two prostitutes with a duck, hate!"

Seeing that Shen Rong'er and the two were also talking, the man threw the stones over, yelling cursively, his hands were still picking up the stones from the ground and throwing them at the three of them.


"are you crazy!"

"What are you two doing!"

Seeing flying over when their fists were big, Shen Ronger and Xu Linglong screamed when they had seen such a posture.

On the contrary, Jiang Xiaohu grabbed a stone casually, and said silently.

"I didn't hit you, what are you calling!"

Jiang Xiaohu threw the stone aside, looked at the man, and said in a low voice.


Shen Rong'er murmured in a low voice. Jiang Xiaohu hadn't seen it with her back to her. If she saw it, she would have nosebleeds again as usual.

"You guys! You guys..."

"This person is sick, right!"

Jiang Xiaohu caught a stone again and frowned when he heard the man muttering something uncomfortable. He still didn't know any lunatics around here!

If there is, it is Er Yazi, but Er Yazi is crazy and cute, and she looks good, and will not provoke or beat people.

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