After avoiding this stone, Jiang Xiaohu shouted angrily and was about to rush out of the small courtyard. A dozen stones flew in from the wall again, causing the three girls to scream.

Jiang Xiaohu, who had originally planned to chase people, could only turn his head back, swiftly stepped in front of the three girls, and quickly took all the stones with both hands.

"Who is this, damn sick!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Ronger, who has always been gentle and pleasant, couldn't help cursing loudly.

Although she has seen a lot of bloody scenes, she has never seen one like this. It would be better if she smashed glass while others were not paying attention.

"Stop talking! Come in!"

Seeing that it was no Ou being thrown in again, Jiang Xiaohu whispered, watching the three girls walk into the living room with their waists down and rush out of the small courtyard.

It's just that there is no one outside the courtyard, but there are a few familiar back figures in the distance.

Looking at this figure, Hong Zhu must be no doubt!But there is no evidence!

"Damn, something is wrong!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Hong Zhu and others who were going away, cursed in a low voice. He was about to turn around and go home. He was immediately stunned. The bunch of bastards at the foot of the wall at the door actually placed more than a dozen snakes. Tongue out.

"Little Tiger..."

"Don't come out!"

At this moment, Shen Rong'er was still a little worried, and wanted to come out to take a look, but was yelled in a low voice, and she did not dare to move.

"Mother, don't you know Xiaoye, I used to catch fish and snakes to live?"

Outside, Jiang Xiaohu looked at a dozen snakes, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised, thinking about what snake soup he would cook tonight.

A few minutes later, the three people in the living room who were worried about Jiang Xiaohu, looked at Jiang Xiaohu and ran into the kitchen with a smile, and then went out with a kitchen knife.

"Little tiger, don't be impulsive!"

"Little tiger, stop, don't go!"

Shen Ronger, who had just returned to the living room, took a step forward when he saw this scene, and Biyun rushed out as well. Only Xu Linglong was left alone and said nothing. In her eyes, Jiang Xiaohu should be a very calm person. This should happen!

"Not desperately, add food tonight!"

With that, Jiang Xiaohu threw away Shen Rong'er's hand.

"Forget it, Xiaohu shouldn't..."

Bi Yun took Shen Rong'er's hand, and while talking, he wanted to follow it out to have a look.

They were dumbfounded just as soon as they left the house, and saw Jiang Xiaohu squatting not far away, slicing snake heads and pulling out snake skins.


Shen Ronger just glanced at this scene, and immediately began to retching, as if she was very disgusted.

"Let's go in first!"

Although Biyun had seen many things dealing with snakes, she still felt a little uncomfortable goodbye, pulling Shen Rong'er back to the living room.

When the two of them had just talked about this, Xu Linglong on one side became interested and hurriedly went out to help Jiang Xiaohu, but as soon as she went out, Jiang Xiaohu had already returned with more than a dozen snakes.

"Supper tonight! Snake soup, stir-fried, and stew!"

While talking, Jiang Xiaohu and Xu Linglong got into the kitchen together and began to get busy.

This time, Biyun was also considered to have more than enough energy and did not dare to step forward to work.

It was Shen Ronger who couldn't stop drooling when hearing the evening menu.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Biyun asked her quietly when she saw her gulping all the time.

"I'm afraid, but I'm not afraid of it!"

As she spoke, Shen Ronger swallowed another time, and her eyes followed and looked out the door.


"Whose dog!"

Shen Rong'er looked at the small house that had been calling for the small courtyard, and suddenly came in interest.

There are many native dogs in the mountain villages, but such white native dogs are still rare. They are all yellow and look very seductive.

"Whose is this..."


Shen Rong'er looked at the big dog, the more he looked, the more cute she became, and she had to go out to ask when she stood up, but the big dog suddenly rushed into the small courtyard and went straight to Shen Rong'er to bite.

"Be careful!"

Biyun sitting on the spot hurriedly stepped forward when he saw this, trying to stop the evil dog, but he was also afraid, so he could only close his eyes and hold Shen Rong'er in his arms.


However, there was no pain that Biyun thought, only a bumping sensation came from her waist, followed by a popping sound.

"It's okay!"

Biyun, who was holding Shen Rong'er tightly, heard Jiang Xiaohu's voice and hurriedly turned to look over.

The big dog had a different head at this time, his head fell on the ground not far away, his mouth was very big, his body straightened his legs on the ground, and his neck was still bleeding.

Seeing this scene, Shen Ronger rolled her eyes and passed out.

Fortunately, Biyun, who had killed a pig, was by her side, caught her in a hurry, without thinking, hugged her back into the room.

"Yes, add meat again tonight!"

Looking at the big dog on the ground, Jiang Xiaohu didn't feel any sympathy at all. He whispered, stretched out his hand and carried the dog out and started to get busy.

Within a few minutes, he came back with a skinned dog. Of course, Xu Linglong, who has always loved to eat, naturally went forward to help.

Biyun was once again taking on the role of washing the floor, and began to busily clean up the blood in the house.

"Who saw my dog!"

Just as Biyun had just cleaned up the blood on the ground, a voice rang outside the door.

"What dog?"

Before Biyun could speak, Jiang Xiaohu had already come out of the kitchen, looked at a young man standing at the door, and asked with a smile.

"My dog, yellow, big! I just asked them, and they said they saw it at your door!"

"It's a coincidence, it's only half an hour, and at this point, no one in the village is idle!"

While talking, Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand to check the time. It was already past eleven o'clock. This time is usually cooking and eating, preparing to take a nap, and going to the fields in the afternoon to work.

"Is it in your house?"

"I killed it, it got into our house and wanted to bite, so I killed it!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the young man with the corners of his mouth raised. He didn't believe that someone would come to his house to make trouble by coincidence.

"What? You unexpectedly!"


As soon as the young man heard this, he rushed into the courtyard, but as soon as he stepped into the courtyard with his left foot, the kitchen knife in Jiang Xiaohu's hand flew towards him, and steadily stuck on the wooden door at the courtyard entrance, more than three inches deep.

"If it comes to bite someone, I will kill it. If you dare to come in and bite someone, I will also dare to kill you! Boy, that Hong Zhu or something, let him stop it, it's too much, I won't provoke him He, he won't come to provoke me anymore, that piece of land is not his, and it won't be mine now! So be it!"

Seeing that the young man was stunned and afraid to move, Jiang Xiaohu walked to the door, pulled out the kitchen knife, and said softly.

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