"Why? Want to try? Come, I'm ready!"

Seeing the young man still sticking to the place, like a wooden stake, Jiang Xiaohu said, turning his body sideways, holding a kitchen knife and making gestures on the young man's face.

"You, you wait!"

Seeing this posture, the young man dared to stay any longer, so he could only leave a harsh word and turn around.

"What a problem!"

Looking at the young man's back, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help shook his head.

But in any case, there must be a pot at noon and night, and this is also thanks to that Hong Zhu's nonsense, but Jiang Xiaohu really did not want to understand why he wanted to target himself in this way.

"Little Tiger, who is this!"

At this moment, Biyun came out of the back room and looked at Jiang Xiaohu with some worry.Even if she knew that Jiang Xiaohu was capable and capable, but knew that Jiang Xiaohu provoked such a lunatic, she was equally worried.

"Nothing, by the way, Sister Biyun, do you know what's going on? That Hong Zhu belongs to that village!"

"I don't know about this, but when you talk about this, I remember it. I heard that a rich man in the next village came back. It is said that he made a lot of money and built roads and repairs for the village..."

"That's not good!"

"What's so good? Within two days, I raised a lot of thugs. All day long, people in the village hide when they see them. Don't provoke this family!"

After all, the worry in Biyun's eyes is even more intense. After all, even if the big people are unreasonable, they don't bother to care about the small ones, and such a lunatic doesn't matter who you are.

"Looking at this posture, it should be the same. Otherwise, why would I just stand there and say a few words, he just punish me like this!"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled bitterly when he heard the sound. He knew that it was such a stuff, then he really didn't bother to say a few more words there. The best thing is safe and stable.

"Ah...what should I do!"

"The soldiers are here to stop, the water is here to cover up! It's okay, Sister Biyun, don't worry!"

With a casual comfort to Biyun, Jiang Xiaohu got into the kitchen again.

"What's up?"

As soon as she entered the kitchen, Xu Linglong, who was busy dealing with dog meat, turned her head.

"Ah! It's okay, nothing is going on right now!"

Jiang Xiaohu replied and knelt down and started making dog meat sauce.

To make dog meat hot pot, dog meat sauce is naturally needed. The dog meat is made into strips, mashed, and then condiments such as green onion, ginger and garlic are added. A portion of dog meat sauce is ready.

Time was flowing slowly, and the two in the kitchen were preparing dinner. Not long after Biyun watched the time was late, they came to the kitchen and started preparing lunch. Both sides did not bother, and Biyun was quick to do things, less than half. Within an hour, Jiang Xiaohu and Xu Linglong came out.

Because Biyun was about to start cooking, the two of them would only get in the way.

"Has it be done?"

"Not yet! Sister Biyun is doing it!"

In the living room, Shen Ronger was chatting with Wang Xifeng, and when Wang Xiaohu came out, Wang Xifeng asked softly.

Originally, Wang Xifeng thought that these girls would be very busy when they came home, but he did not expect that he would be so easy, and he didn’t need to do anything by himself. They were all contracted, and when he was bored, Shen Ronger would chat with him. .

What's more important is that Shen Ronger knows everything, and it's very easy and natural to talk.

"By the way, that neurosis won't come again!"


Several people sat down and talked. Jiang Xiaohu suddenly remembered the neurosis and hurriedly asked. Fortunately, he didn't come again, otherwise Jiang Xiaohu appointed him to be beaten violently.

"Oh...it's so boring, Sister Biyun promised yesterday that she was going to the city, and she is also busy now, I don't know what to do!"

"Then you still come here? And relax!"

Upon hearing Xu Linglong's complaining, Shen Rong'er looked at her cheerfully and murmured softly.

"Where did I know it was so boring, I thought it was all fishing, farming or something!"

"Then you're late, it's the autumn harvest season, you come a little earlier, maybe Xiaohu can take you out!"

When Wang Xifeng saw Xu Linglong pouting her mouth, she also laughed, turning her head to look at Jiang Xiaohu.

It's just that Jiang Xiaohu didn't pay attention to them, but looked at a small stone at the door and frowned.

The neurosis did not come, but came again, they didn't know it.

"Don't have any problems with this guy!"

Seeing Hong Zhu and those people chasing like this, Jiang Xiaohu didn't worry about it in his heart, thinking crazy about who he had provoked and whether he had provoked them.

Speaking of it, for so long, I only provoke those rich people who have more money in the village. He really hasn’t provoke anyone. If there is, then only Zhang Fugong, but Zhang Fugong is not so crazy!

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaohu sat on the threshold and lit a cigarette, and he had an idea in his mind.

Could it be that there is a treasure buried under that piece of land?

"It makes sense, maybe some tomb robber, if it's a tomb robber, I will bring them to them at night!"


Before Jiang Xiaohu dreamed about stealing the treasure, Biyun had already come out with the food.

At lunch, everyone is no longer as cautious as before, because there is a topic, that is, who is that crazy and why should he deal with Jiang Xiaohu like this.

Regarding this kind of situation, Wang Xifeng didn't care, just worried about Jiang Xiaohu's safety, and asked a few words. For her, these are all young people's things, and mixing in by herself can only cause more trouble for Jiang Xiaohu.


Several people were eating, the village head suddenly appeared at the door, knocked on the door, and said in a low voice.

"Yes, village chief, come in and sit down!"

When Jiang Xiaohu saw the village head, he quickly greeted him, pulled the village head into the house, and took a pair of tableware by the way.

"Fortunately, prepare to eat at night, otherwise the village chief may not be enough!"

While talking, Jiang Xiaohu also calculated in his heart that those snake meat and dog meat methods do not necessarily have to be eaten all at once. Good things should naturally be eaten slowly, not to mention that these things are so expensive in cities.

"Little tiger, are you planning to build a house?"

After sitting down, the village head was not polite to pick up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, and asked in a low voice.

"No, what am I doing building a house now!"

Jiang Xiaohu took a drink with the village chief, a little confused.

"Haha, these daughters-in-laws, how can they not build a bigger house, but ah, there are procedures for building a house, and you can’t just build it wherever you want!"

"Ah? What, village chief, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Hearing what the village chief said, Jiang Xiaohu was even more confused, frowning and looking at the village chief.

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