"Who is his wife! I am not, these two are!"

Hearing the words of the village chief, Xu Linglong was the first to stand up, and raised her hand on the spot to express that she was not, and pointed to Biyun and Shen Rong'er by the way, saying that they were both.

In the two days of getting along, she could see that both Shen Ronger and Biyun liked Jiang Xiaohu very much, but Shen Ronger was not approved after saying it, and Biyun felt that she was unworthy, so she never said it.

And Xu Linglong herself hadn't thought about this problem at all. Although Jiang Xiaohu was good enough in all aspects, she was still not the type she liked.

More importantly, she didn't want to compete with her friends for a man. In the end, three people might sleep together.

"Let's talk about it later! Village chief, what do you mean by that! I didn't occupy any land to build a house!"

Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand to indicate that Biyun and Shen Rong'er would not have to talk any more, and asked the village chief Xiang softly. Although he hadn't read many books, he still understood the law, so he wouldn't be foolish to occupy the farmland. .

"Little tiger, who else would you be? The construction team has arrived on the hillside today! Look at it, I, I have already said that!"

After all, the village chief picked up a large piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, stood up and said goodbye.

He is indeed very good to Jiang Xiaohu, otherwise he will take Jiang Xiaohu away today and go directly to questioning.

"What does this mean!"

"Really, I ate so much after I said it, and, after half of this, who can understand it!"

"What construction team! Little tiger, did the village head have a misunderstanding if the person you contacted came to plant trees?"

When the village head went out, Shen Rong'er and Xu Linglong both started to complain in a low voice, while Wang Xifeng looked at Jiang Xiaohu blankly. She didn't understand, but knew that it was wrong to do that.

"That Hong Zhu wouldn't be the slope that fell in love with me anymore!"

After a long silence, Jiang Xiaohu finally raised his head and raised his eyebrows and said softly.

"Huh? No! What does he want that piece of land for!"

Xu Linglong was stunned when she heard this, and she looked at Jiang Xiaohu with doubts. In her eyes, that piece of land was just an ordinary piece of land, and there was such a place everywhere, and there was no need to occupy it.

"Build a house?"

"Go, go find him! Someone, is there something wrong, can't you speak well?"

When Shen Rong'er heard that the land was occupied, she immediately became anxious. She stood up and rushed out to find Hong Zhu's theory.

"You go first, I'll be there this afternoon!"

"Hey, I'm worried about our family... No, when are you going now?"

"Now you go home to eat at someone's house, and no one will go there!"

Jiang Xiaohu pretended not to hear what Shen Ronger had said by mistake, and said softly.

On the contrary, Wang Xifeng, when she heard Shen Ronger's words about her, suddenly bloomed, only Biyun was taken aback when she heard this, and almost missed the chopsticks.

Biyun naturally knew Shen Ronger's feelings for Jiang Xiaohu. He originally thought he would accept it, but when he heard these words, he still couldn't help feeling sad, even though it was only Shen Ronger's slip of the tongue.

"Okay, Rong'er, eat first, the same goes for the afternoon!"

Seeing Shen Rong'er standing beside Jiang Xiaohu with her mouth open, Xu Linglong hurriedly persuaded her. If she didn't persuade, she might not even be able to eat.

The meal itself was a happy lunch. After the village head came, everyone at the dinner table was silent. Only Wang Xifeng, who kept picking food for Shen Ronger, smiled.

Finally, after a meal was over, Biyun still cleaned up the table with Wang Xifeng, while Shen Ronger was chatting with the old lady.

"What are you going to do in the afternoon!"

Xu Linglong, who had nothing to do, saw that Jiang Xiaohu was back on the couch in the small courtyard, and walked over and asked softly, although she didn’t care about her, Jiang Xiaohu also helped a lot with Yuan Yu’s affairs, which also made her satisfied. embarrassing.

"Ah...I don't know, let's go see it when the time comes. If you can, then you can do well, if you can't, then forget it!"

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand, said to himself, and lit a cigarette again.

"I think it's better to call the police directly, after all, you still have the formalities!"

Xu Linglong moved over to a stool and raised her eyebrows to express her thoughts softly.

"Is it useful? It's really not a problem if you come across a mangy dog. Look at their behavior this morning, even if a few people are taken away, the rest will still cause trouble!"

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and explained a couple of sentences. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that it was useless just like the time in Shen's house before. Those people who were able to do those things would naturally not be restrained by others, unless Be able to make them scared tough.

"That said, we don't have to bother them for a lot of things. Forget it, let's check it out this afternoon!"

"You and Rong'er still don't go, I'm afraid then..."

"What? If you don't go with you, what should we do if something snake or dog appears in this house? Aunt Wang is going to the field in the afternoon, and grandma is going out. What do we do?"

Before Jiang Xiaohu could finish speaking, Xu Linglong slapped him back with a few words, and asked him to nod honestly and express okay.

"I'm fine. Sister Biyun said that she would go to Zhao Hua's house in the afternoon and also look at the things at home. She felt that it would be too expensive for Yuan Yu to prepare, and she would like to see it together!"

At this moment, Shen Ronger came out of the living room and said with a smile.

At the moment when he heard these words, Jiang Xiaohu sometimes felt that he didn't want the person he loved to be like Shen Ronger, and always stick to him in everything, just like Zhang Xiaohua before.

Maybe he himself didn't know that distance produces beauty, it's about space, not like a sticky baby at all times.

"Okay, okay, I know, tell Sister Biyun, let's go and see first!"

Jiang Xiaohu nodded when he heard the words, indicating that Shen Ronger could go in and say something.

After all, stand up and take the lead out of the small courtyard. It was just after noon. There were basically no people in the village. They all took a nap at home, or some acquaintances had fun together. After all, even if it’s not hot now, noon You will also feel tired.

"Oh...I don't want to move as soon as I come out, why don't you carry us both!"

Just a few steps after the three of them walked, Xu Linglong patted Jiang Xiaohu's sturdy shoulder and hummed weakly.

"Just you are tired, isn't he tired? Walk around, exercise more, I will walk with you!"

"Cut, you can't bear it!"

As soon as Shen Rong'er returned, Xu Linglong joked again, her face flushed.

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