With the noise of the two people, they no longer felt sleepy when they started walking. Unconsciously, the three of them had come to the edge of the field. From a distance, they saw that the hillside was piled with cement and many other things. Construction stuff.

"Don't say it, it looks a bit like building a house when you look so hard! But the things are not complete!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked from a distance, narrowed his eyes, and muttered softly.

"Hey, what are you doing! Stop even if you stop!"

"Who is that!"

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaohu heard a familiar voice, turned his head to look at Xu Linglong next to him, and asked softly, but there were no two girls around.

"Grass, so fast!"

After reacting, Jiang Xiaohu hurriedly rushed to the hillside. Just looking at the people working on the hillside, he didn't notice that there were two people standing on the ridge.

Seeing that the leader of the construction team came in front of Shen Rong'er, his face was extremely terrifying, Jiang Xiaohu was born with wind under his feet, his figure was faster, and he shouted: "Wait, wait! Who are you!"

"Who are you!"

The captain frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaohu, and asked in a low voice.

"I am the contractor of this hillside, who are you? How do you build in my orchard? What are you doing?"

Jiang Xiaohu explained two sentences repeatedly, and pulled the two girls behind him, and then looked nervously at the brawny man with a big face.

"Ah, let's go first, there will be someone looking for you here later, I'm busy for now, don't disturb me! I have been working a lot recently!"

The captain said, turning around and greeted several people and began to dig down.

"Hong Zhu? Are you from the construction team?"

Jiang Xiaohu was about to continue talking when he suddenly realized that someone was lowering his head and was doing things without talking. He felt a little bit in his heart and asked in a low voice.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

Hong Zhu didn't hide, but looked up at Jiang Xiaohu.

"Hold the grass, what's the matter? You fucking threw stones at my yard in the morning, and put more than a dozen snakes at my door, and let a dog bit me?"

With that said, Jiang Xiaohu dodged the construction team leader, went directly to Hong Zhu, and grabbed his collar.

"What are you doing! Stop it, don't be impulsive!"

Hearing the sound, the captain hurriedly called Jiang Xiaohu, and walked forward three or two steps, but did not do anything, but stared at Jiang Xiaohu nervously, for fear that he would do something bad.

"You have something wrong, what evidence is there, don't bury people like this!"

Hong Zhu didn't care, with impatience on his face, he curled his lips and asked softly.

"What's the evidence? We have installed surveillance outside our small courtyard. Let's go back with me. We will check the surveillance. You can show me what's going on. Don't fucking talk!"

"Don't don't don't, don't be impulsive, young man, don't be impulsive, you're not good, let's say no, don't do it!"

Seeing this, the captain seemed to be more anxious than Hong Zhu, and quickly grabbed Jiang Xiaohu, winning streak to persuade him.

"Two beauties, everything has a solution, violence is not necessarily the best! Persuade this little brother!"

After talking for a long time, the team leader found that Jiang Xiaohu ignored him, so he had to pin his hopes on the two Shen Ronger, and the bricks shouted at them.

"All right, Xiaohu, listen to what you said!"

Shen Rong'er and Xu Linglong were also out of business habit. As soon as they heard about chatting, they really saw the tension on the captain's face, so they had to help softly persuade them.

"Okay, let me see what you say! You bastard! I'm older than me, and my heart is more than me!"

With that said, Jiang Xiaohu loosened Hong Zhu's collar and grabbed his sleeve instead to prevent him from slipping.

"Young man, what's going on! Come and smoke a cigarette, my name is Fu Ye, don't worry, talk about it! You guys stop for a while, don't do it! Take a break!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu was willing to speak, the team leader Fu Ye immediately relaxed a lot, took out the cigarette, and greeted the workers behind him not to worry about construction.

"No, who is he! You protect him like this! What I just said is true, but this old bastard has placed a dozen venomous snakes at my door!"

Jiang Xiaohu pushed the cigarette, frowned and looked at Fu Ye, with unhappy eyes.

"Ah! You must be bewitched by others, don't worry, this person is also a pitiful person, not someone else, it's my elder brother, his brain is not good, don't worry, let me ask!"

Fu Ye seemed to be very worried about the trouble. He pulled Jiang Xiaohu and said a few words softly in his ear, turned around and grabbed Hong Zhu by the collar, and yelled: "Who the hell did you hear? Who asked you to do it!"

"Can't say, gentleman..."

"Fuck you! Say!"


Ling Jiang Xiaohu didn't expect that Fu Ye was also a hater for not letting Jiang Xiaohu beat him. He went straight up and slapped a few times. The loud slap in the ears made Jiang Xiaohu feel pain.

"Hey, don't you care about him? Fight like this!"

"Rong'er, don't ask nonsense!"

Seeing Fu Ye treat her subordinates like this, Shen Ronger still couldn't hold back, and asked a migrant worker next to him softly. Xu Linglong heard the question, Limala passed Shen Ronger and looked at the migrant worker nervously.

"It's okay! Don't worry, we are not bad guys, and this Hong Zhu is not a good thing either. He was beaten and killed in the early years. After reading a lot of books, he was smashed by someone. His sister died soon after marrying the captain. The captain saw him pitifully accepting to do things. Over the years, she has caused a lot of things, and the captain is also tired! It should be done! Alas..."

The migrant worker did not mind Xu Linglong's guard, grinned, took a cigarette, and whispered the past.

"Then you don't know? Fu Ye is so righteous? It doesn't look like he looks like a good person!"

Upon seeing this, Xu Linglong continued to ask.

"What do we know? This old bastard does everything. We are far away from him. We also persuaded the captain, but the captain said that he married a hundred days ago. This is his wife's brother. You can't ignore it!"

"Yeah, little girl, don’t let our captain talk so much now, he used to hack people in the street, and finally went in. After learning, he’s easy to talk, and his humanity is good, alas... If it weren’t for Hong Zhu, the captain of these years was I made a lot of money, but I lost it!"

As soon as this migrant worker finished speaking, the other also followed up and mumbled softly, with emotion in his eyes.

"No wonder I said you followed him when I hit someone like this!"

Xu Linglong smiled softly when she heard this, and sat directly on the stool next to the migrant workers. They were still wary of the bosses and the two of them, but for the migrant workers who were simple in nature, both of them were very relieved.

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