In a blink of an eye, it was evening, Jiang Xiaohu stood at the door of his house blankly, waiting for the arrival of the big golden hand.

He had already contacted Dajinshou in the afternoon, and Dajinshou also expressed his willingness to talk to Jiang Xiaohu about herbal medicine.

Oh oh oh!

In the distance, a convoy of luxury cars has slowly come here. Everyone in the village looks at the cars in the distance, wondering who is from this family. They can be so rich. Wait until the cars are parked in Jiang Xiaohu. When in front of him, they were not surprised.

At least in their eyes, Jiang Xiaohu himself should be like this.

As for today’s gunshots, many people in the village have gun permits. They thought they were hunting and did not hold them accountable. Even the village chief did not find it strange, but shouted loudly in the village in the afternoon. Don't mess around, frighten others, and hunt away from the village.

"Jiang Xiaohu, I didn't expect that the last thing ended so quickly, you picked out a lot of things again!"

"It's not that I'm picking things, it's that some people are picking things!"

After getting out of the car, the big gold hand grinned at Jiang Xiaohu, and whispered in a low voice. This time Jiang Xiaohu was not as timid as he used to be, but his face was calm and his eyes were cold and absent. He whispered back and turned away. Enter your own home.

At this time, Wang Xifeng, Shen Rong'er and others have all gone to Biyun's house, so Yuan Wei is doing a good job, and now his home has not been decorated.

The two walked through the small courtyard one after the other and came to the living room. The so-called servant bodyguards stood together outside the door. As long as anyone looked over here, they would stare back, making many villagers passing by. I walked around for fear of encountering a stunned master like Yuan Yu before.

"After all, why do you suddenly want to talk to me? Is there anything I need to help?"

Sitting on the stool, Da Jin took a sip of the tea that Jiang Xiaohu poured for himself and put it on the table aside. He did not show disdain because of the cheap tea.

"Since I am looking for you today, I guess you should also know the cause and effect. What I hate the most is that kind of neurosis. I don't like it. I don't want to see it again, let alone hear it!"

Jiang Xiaohu didn't go around the corner, and directly expressed his thoughts. The Feng Qingtao brothers had already touched his bottom line, and there was no need for any kindness.

"I can handle it for you, but what about things? Don't forget, you still owe me ten, if you don't! Don't talk about the two Feng brothers, even you, and your little lover, I can, I can’t do anything except the Gongsun family. For the rest, I think..."

"Give you!"

Before the big golden hand could finish speaking, Jiang Xiaohu threw out a mass of mud. Faced with something that suddenly flew towards him, Dajin's hand was also out of instinct. He stretched out his hand to catch it. After seeing the mud, he frowned and looked at Jiang. Little tiger.

"This is Gastrodia, take it away! It's still alive now!"

As Jiang Xiaohu said, he shook the dirt on his hands, and at the same time looked at the dirt on the ground seriously, observing whether there was any change.

There is no soil on the gastrodia tuber. Jiang Xiaohu took the gastrodia tuber from the mountain and river map in the afternoon and worried that it would affect the activity of gastrodia tuber.

"OK, alright!"

The big gold hand handles so many precious things every year. Naturally, as soon as he comes into contact with Tianma, he feels the bursts of medicine from above. The whole person suddenly became interested, and he no longer put on a arrogant attitude. He straightened up and looked at Jiang. Little tiger.

"More? Good! I can put ten today..."

"No, no, don't worry, I didn't come empty-handed today!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu had misunderstood, the big gold hand waved his hand quickly, no longer waved at the outside from his previous momentum.

Some of the people waiting outside the house were paying attention to the situation inside. Seeing this gesture, they rushed into a luxury car and ran into the living room with two huge black sacks in their left and right hands.

"What's this inside? It won't be..."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the two black sacks motionless on the ground, and his heart shook.

"Yes! It's really Feng Qingtao and his brothers, but don't worry, I have already punished them for you!"

Da Jinshou smiled faintly, indicating that the man in the suit opened the bag.

Sure enough, the bag opened, revealing that the two brothers Feng Qingtao had blurred faces, with blood scabs on their faces, and they could not see their original appearance at all. If Jiang Xiaohu hadn't remembered the anger on the two of them, if it was really seen. When I arrived, I really couldn't recognize it.



The moment the two were released, they began to kneel and kowtow. After seeing Jiang Xiaohu, Feng Qingtao was on the verge of collapse and began to cry loudly, but for unknown reasons, he couldn't make much noise, and he was very hoarse. , Kowtow frantically on the ground.

"what happened to him?"

Jiang Xiaohu naturally felt a little sick when he saw this, and asked softly.

"That's not easy, I'm afraid he is too noisy, I cut his tongue!"

Da Jin's face was indifferent, and he waved his hand, not focusing on Feng Qingtao's life.

"Well, you take it away, since you did it, I won't say anything else!"

"Wait, do you want to pay back my favor at once?"

Seeing that his enemy had been resolved, Jiang Xiaohu had no reason to say anything else. He waved his hand, indicating that Dajinshou could leave, but Dajinshou did not leave in a hurry, but sneered and asked. Tao.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaohu was stunned when he heard the words, frowning, with an unknown premonition.

"Jiang Xiaohu, I know you can do a lot of things, and you can also do some martial arts. I have a guest, a very good guest, and very good. Now there is a problem, which is left over from the previous campaign. Some of the root causes of the disease, if you can show him a good idea, the matter between us will be wiped out!"


Hearing that it could be written off, Jiang Xiaohu suppressed his unwillingness and asked in a low voice, since it was just enough to pay off in one go, Jiang Xiaohu was not willing to become someone else's puppet after all.

"You just have to say whether you want it or not, and you don't have to worry about anything else!"

The big gold hand said, staring at Jiang Xiaohu tightly, as if a poisonous snake was carefully looking at its prey, to see if it suits the taste.

"If I don't want to, will these ten herbs affect me forever!"

Jiang Xiaohu sneered when he saw this and asked.

"No, no, no! You made a mistake. From the time I brought the two of them over, you have no chance to say no!"

The big golden hand waved his hand quickly and whispered.

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