"Oh, how is it a virtue!"

Seeing the appearance of the big golden hand, Jiang Xiaohu instantly remembered Gongsun Pu, and he did not give anyone a chance to refuse.

"That's the promise? Okay, then you can rest first. I will pick you up tomorrow, and I will leave first!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu did not refuse, the big golden hand naturally knew what he was thinking, and stood up, indicating that people outside would come in and deal with the two Feng Qingtao who were still wailing.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the blood stains on the floor of the room were also cleaned up. Jiang Xiaohu looked at the moonlight and was lost in thought. He just wanted to make a little money and brought it to the village. Why do you always have this? Many things find yourself.

"Unlucky, let's go and see Rong'er first!"

After a few words, Jiang Xiaohu stood up, lit a cigarette, and strolled towards Biyun's new home.

Jiang Xiaohu was also busy with other things these days and didn't pay attention to the construction of Biyun's house. After coming here for the first time in the evening, he was stunned when he saw Biyun's new house.

This is exactly the same as the one carved out by a previous model!

But I opened the door and walked closer to the courtyard to see that it was different. Many of the placements inside have been changed, completely rationalized and maximized.


"Ah! Little Tiger? Is it all right!"

As soon as Jiang Xiaohu opened the door, he saw Xu Linglong who was taken aback. The latter's first reaction when he saw Jiang Xiaohu was to ask Jiang Xiaohu if he had anything to do.

"It's okay!"

"Well, they are all upstairs, I came down to close the door, I just forgot to close it!"

Xu Linglong pointed upstairs, and while talking, she stretched out her hand and scratched her head, feeling a little embarrassed. She used to have someone close the door for herself at home, but now she almost forgot to close the door.

"Okay, okay, come up soon, you have to go back tomorrow, I'm going to go far!"


Before Xu Linglong wanted to ask more details, Jiang Xiaohu had already reached the top of the stairs.

"Sister Biyun, are you serious?"

"Yeah, I was still a kid back then, I didn't expect it to grow so fast before long!"

Coming to the door of the room, Jiang Xiaohu heard the voice of Shen Rong'er and Biyun talking inside, and the subject of the discussion was Jiang Xiaohu's peeping at Biyun when he was a child, or venting his anger to Biyun afterwards.

"Ahem, I'm not good to say that!"

After hearing a couple of sentences, Jiang Xiaohu blushed. When he did it before, he didn't feel stupid. Now suddenly he heard someone say that he felt like a child and he could only push the door into the room. Looked at the two and laughed softly.

"Haha, don't let others say if you have done it! I'm so ashamed to let someone write a guarantee! Hahaha!"

Shen Rong'er wasn't afraid of Jiang Xiaohu. Seeing Jiang Xiaohu came, she still didn't restrain herself, and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh, Xiaohu should be angry for a while, Xiaohu, rest! It's too late today!"

Upon seeing this, Biyun chuckled and pulled Shen Rong'er, and the other side also called Jiang Xiaohu to rest.

Before, she thought about leaving Jiang Xiaohu to sleep here for one night, even if it’s just a good night’s sleep, and let her feel the feeling of being protected, but she has not been able to do so. Now with this opportunity, even if there are other She is still very happy to accompany her two beautiful women, at least she can justly leave Jiang Xiaohu.

"Where are my mother and grandma?"

"They are in the room over there. They have already fallen asleep. Aunt Wang is afraid that grandma may be uncomfortable, so she went to accompany her!"

Biyun said, pointing to the room on one side, and said with a light smile.

"Hao, I see, Rong'er, I should be traveling tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaohu sat on the side of the bed and frowned and said softly.

"Huh? Where to go? I'll follow you!"

When Shen Rong'er heard this, she suddenly became unhappy, stood up and asked.

"Forget it, you still don't go, it's best to stay at home honestly!"

Jiang Xiaohu just waved his hand when he saw this, not because he didn't want Shen Rong'er to go, but because he didn't even know if it was good or bad.

"Little Tiger, is it dangerous?"

Biyun asked softly after hearing this, she didn't care about anything else, she could keep Jiang Xiaohu at home for as long as Jiang Xiaohu was safe, so she could have spiritual sustenance.

"I don't know, it should be safe, oh, don't think about these useless things, let's talk about it tomorrow! The big gold hand will pick me up tomorrow, it's okay, don't worry!"

"How about I go talk to him!"

"Yes, I'll follow Sister Biyun, maybe I won't have to go!"

Hearing what Dajinshou said, Biyun and Shen Ronger's emotions eased a little, because Dajinshou and the two of them knew each other.

"Forget it, that's a lively businessman who only has money in his eyes!"

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand again and again without directly pointing it out. After all, the big gold hand is not a joke. People with infinite potential like Jiang Xiaohu can clearly show their purpose. Such goods rely solely on knowledge and a trace of money. The interests of the country cannot be controlled.

"What's wrong with you?"

As soon as the voice came down from here, Xu Linglong came up from downstairs. She pushed the door and was about to speak, but saw Jiang Xiaohu, Shen Ronger, Biyun and all three of them with bitter faces. They were stunned, thinking they were not wearing clothes. Look down quickly.

"It's okay, go to sleep!"

Shen Rong'er said softly when she saw this, turned over and drilled to the most corner, rarely sticking to Jiang Xiaohu. Xu Linglong went straight to bed when she saw this, and pushed Shen Rong'er outside. After all, she didn't want to sleep with Jiang Xiaohu. people.

This evening, as always, Jiang Xiaohu said that he was between Biyun and Shen Rong'er.

Nothing happened overnight...

Jiang Xiaohu got up at 6:30 the next day. Taking advantage of daybreak, the rising qi of heaven and earth began to temper his true qi and strengthen his energy.

"you're awake?"

Until seven o'clock, Biyun woke up and saw Jiang Xiaohu standing by the window taking a deep breath, turning over and getting out of bed, and asked quietly.

"Yes, Sister Biyun won't sleep more?"

"Not used to it, I slept very well last night! I'm going to make breakfast for you!"

Biyun chuckled softly at the words, smiled softly at Jiang Xiaohu, turned and walked downstairs.

"Thank you Biyun sister!"

Jiang Xiaohu nodded, felt the phone vibrate in his pocket, and quickly took out the phone.


"Jiang Xiaohu, I will not pick you up. My son will go. You are going to Kyoto. Someone will look for you when you arrive! Don't worry, I will take care of you at home. I am a businessman. Don't worry!"

When the call was connected, the lazy voice of Dajin's hand came from the phone, and the voice fell off. Before Jiang Xiaohu could answer, the phone beeped and hung up.

"Hurrying to reincarnate?"

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