The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 885: The Jiang Family Elders

For Chang Xiaojing, Hu Yuexin was itching with hatred. In the past, she was unable to resist and could only silently endure all kinds of abuse from her, but today, she broke out completely.

What's more, this vicious woman actually abused her son in front of her as a mother. If she bears it, will she still be a mother?

Seeing Jiang Zhanhao standing in front of her alive, Chang Xiaojing's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe that all of this was true. You know, in order to make Jiang Zhanhao stay in bed forever in the second half of her life, she didn't work hard. .

She originally wanted to get rid of Jiang Zhanhao, but in order to satisfy her perverted desire for torture, she finally chose other means.

Also shocked was Jiang Jiaren, who looked at his second brother in disbelief.

In the past, he was very jealous that Jiang Zhanhao was more capable than he, but one thing that made him very happy was that Jiang Zhanhao belonged to his old man Jiang Bang's lover outside, and he didn't take him back to admit his ancestors until Jiang Bang became the head of the family.

It's just that, Jiang Bang did not give Jiang Zhanhao any preferential treatment, but felt that he was a stain on his life.

Because of this, over the years, even if Jiang Zhanhao was poisoned, Jiang Bang just pretended not to see it.

"You, you are upside down, the sky is upside down."

Chang Xiaojing shot a vicious look in her eyes, and counterattacked, "A Jiang family's general who still wants to be the master of the Jiang family, it is really earthshaking..."


Chang Xiaojing hadn't finished her words, she only felt a gust of wind flashing by, and then her face was hot and painful, and her whole person instantly became stupid, and she didn't even realize what was going on.

Chang Xiaojing couldn't help being stupid. Even Jiang Jiaren who rushed over and the other Jiang family juniors looked dumbfounded, and their eyes finally focused on Jiang Xiaohu, who was smiling evilly at the corner of his mouth.

This person is a demon, returning to Jiang's family to torture them.

"Jiang Xiaohu, you are presumptuous!"

Jiang Jiaren, who came back to his senses, was full of frost, glared and roared.

"It's this woman who is presumptuous, Jiang Jiaren, you really know how to take care of yourself, you really feel sad for you." Jiang Zhanhao stood up directly, his eyes filled with mockery and disdain.

"Second brother, you think you will be able to become the successor of the Patriarch again if you indulge Jiang Xiaohu's nonsense. I tell you, if I have Jiang Jiaren, you can stop thinking about it!" Jiang Jiaren didn't care about his brotherhood, staring at him like a cannibal. Jiang Zhanhao shouted angrily.

Jiang Zhanhao stood in front of him so alive, making Jiang Jiaren feel as uncomfortable as eating shit.

The person in front of him was his competitor before!

Therefore, Jiang Jiaren turned a blind eye to the things his wife Chang Xiaojing did, and he sometimes even added to the flames behind his back.

"That's not necessarily, Sanshu, I'm afraid there is something that you haven't figured out yet, should I tell you?"

Jiang Xiaohu cast a playful look at Jiang Jianxiong next to Jiang Jiaren, "Xiong Er, you are back, why don't you tell your parents about something, why are they afraid that they will be so angry?"

Jiang Jianxiong ranks second among the younger generations of the Jiang family. Jiang Xiaohu naturally calls him Xiong Er. If this is Jiang Jianxiong's most hated nickname, there is no one!

"Sword Xiong, what is going on?" Jiang Jiaren was startled, and he turned around and asked his son Jiang Jianxiong, his tone was extremely solemn.

"Son, just tell mom what the matter is, and mom will be the master for you!" Chang Xiaojing immediately became anxious and asked hurriedly.

It's just a pity that Jiang Jianxiong was very hard to talk about this embarrassing thing, just staring at Jiang Xiaohu with bitter eyes, clenching his fists tightly, and shaking his whole body.

"I'm afraid you can't be the master, because your son can't touch women from now on. Is this news very exciting?" Jiang Xiaohu said with a playful expression on his face, and his words were not surprising.

These words were like the same blockbuster, smashed on the martial arts field, blasting Jiang Jiaren, Chang Xiaojing and others dizzy, choosing from the sky, feeling that the whole world has collapsed, and their world has no hope Up.

"Jiang Xiaohu, you have made all this a ghost, haven't you?"

Chang Xiaojing reacted immediately, glaring at Jiang Xiaohu like a shrew and roared.

"Yes, I did it, how about it? Isn't it exciting?"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled slightly, like a demon, "Jiang Jiaren, Chang Xiaojing, I'm so presumptuous, what can you do with me? Hehe, Jiang's first eunuch just appeared, I'm so happy."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's mocking eyes, Jiang Jiaren, who was originally wrapped in the fire of anger, suddenly felt a icy cold in his heart, and his whole body trembled.

Jiang Jiaren took a step backwards almost subconsciously, this Jiang Xiaohu was a demon, killing people without blinking.

After pushing back Jiang Jiaren, Jiang Xiaohu focused his gaze on Chang Xiaojing, and said faintly: "Chang Xiaojing, don't be afraid to tell you, this is just the beginning, my dad's hatred, I will not forget, and I will Let you know what it means to survive but not to die."

Hearing this, Chang Xiaojing's pupils shrank suddenly. Facing Jiang Xiaohu's calm eyes like lake water, she was so scared that she didn't dare to say a word. Naturally, she knew very well that Jiang Xiaohu didn't joke with her, and the other party also Have this strength.

Chang Xiaojing was so scared that she didn't dare to cry, she ran to her son's side, staring at him tightly.

In the past, Jiang Xiaohu was driven out of Jiang’s family and he wanted to kill him. In the end, he obeyed the words of his uncle Jiang Jiasheng. The other party was just a child, and his heart was softened, but he did not expect that the one who came back today would be her worst enemy.

Moreover, not to mention the strength of this person, he also possesses extremely terrifying medical techniques.

When Jiang Jianxiong came back, everything was so good. He was so good that he could eat and drink, but he became an eunuch, and he couldn't use that stuff.

If you can't touch a woman in the future, doesn't this leave her without a back?

Thinking of this, Chang Xiaojing was itching for Jiang Xiaohu.

"Jiang Jiaren, Chang Xiaojing, our game has just begun. Don't worry, I won't let the game end so soon."

Jiang Xiaohu smiled slightly, "If the game is over so soon, it would be meaningless, don't you think?"

When Chang Xiaojing heard these words, she couldn't help but tremble, and the goose bumps on her body appeared in an instant. She almost subconsciously looked at her husband, who was her only reliance on Jiang Jiaren in the Jiang family. .

Chang Xiaojing knows very well that Jiang Xiaohu can definitely do it.

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