That in Chang Xiaojing's heart is called a hate. Regret how she didn't sell Jiang Xiaohu this guy to Dongyang Island to do hard work, and now she has established a strong enemy for herself.

Moreover, Chang Xiaojing knew very well that as long as Jiang Xiaohu was with her, she would not have a good life.

Jiang Jiaren naturally noticed Chang Xiaojing’s projected eyes asking for help, and the anger in her heart burst him. As the only candidate for the Patriarch, he felt that his majesty was being seriously challenged, but facing Jiang Xiaohu, When Jiang Zhanhao was alive, he didn't know what to say.

Jiang Xiaohu had already been expelled from the Jiang family. This was a decision made by the Patriarch Jiang Bang himself. It was impossible to use the family law against him.

"Jiang Xiaohu, you are too presumptuous!"

Finally Jiang Jiaren couldn't help it anymore, and shouted angrily with an old face black.

"This is presumptuous, shouldn't I show you some good things, you wouldn't say that?"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced contemptuously at Jiang Jiaren's head, and deliberately turned his hand on top of his head twice, saying, "The predecessors look like a dog, and in the end, it is not a green grass."

"You, what do you mean? I'm innocent less dirty."

Chang Xiaojing immediately jumped up, just like the old cat was trampled on its tail.

She did a lot of things behind Jiang Jiaren, and once some things were exposed, her reputation would be discredited, Jiang Jiaren would definitely use her family law.

"If you don't want me to expose your scandal, just shut up!"

Jiang Xiaohu glared at her fiercely, and said in a particularly rude tone.

Chang Xiaojing was taken aback for a moment and she hurriedly shut her mouth in fright. She didn't know how much evidence Jiang Xiaohu had about her doing bad things, but seeing the other person's eyes, she knew that Jiang Xiaohu definitely had the evidence.

It's just that he hates Jiang Xiaohu even more, his teeth are biting, and the pink fists clenched his nails almost to the flesh.

"Jiang Bang, how long are you going to hide until? Do you want me to smash all your broken places before you will show up?" Jiang Xiaohu's expression was extremely cold, and he yelled at the main house again.

This time, his voice brought a majestic breath, and quickly rushed towards the main house door.


Accompanied by the sound of the wooden door breaking, everyone saw that the door of the main house could not withstand the impact of the sound wave and it was blown to pieces.

Jiang Jiaren saw a twitch in the corners of his eyes. When did Jiang Xiaohu become so powerful?

He has seen Sonic kill people, but he has never seen Sonic still be able to shake this door full of wooden windows to pieces. If someone is standing next to the door, wouldn't they be shaken to death?

As a cultivator of immortality, Jiang Jiaren knows very well what kind of strong qi is needed for this powerful Sonic Skill. At least it rests on him. He can't make it. At most, it is a 100-meter sound transmission. That's it.

The sound waves spread rapidly in the main house. For the people in the main house, it was like a Hong Zhong Dalu constantly beating, shaking people's whole body pain.

It's just a pity that Jiang Bang didn't come out, as if he was dead.

Seeing the empty main house, Jiang Xiaohu's mouth raised a weird smile. When he entered the martial arts field, he sensed energy fluctuations. Behind the main house, there is a very hidden cave, which is called by the Jiang family. It is a forbidden place.

This is the place where the Jiang family cultivates immortals, practicing in retreat.

The main house was broken into this way, Jiang Bang still did not appear, because he was practicing in retreat.

"Do you think you can break through by practicing in retreat? Today I want you to go crazy, you old man who doesn't tell right from wrong!" Jiang Xiaohu took a big step and walked straight to the main house.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu taking Jiang Zhanhao and his party through the main house to the forbidden land of the Jiang family, Jiang Jiaren couldn't sit still.

"You beast, stop for me!"

Jiang Jiaren didn't know where the courage came from, so he rushed to the front of Jiang Xiaohu, spread his hands and shouted coldly, "If you are not the Jiang family, you must not enter the Jiang family forbidden land!"


Jiang Xiaohu didn't even want to look at this guy. The slightly raised eyelids showed a light of disdain. A person who obtained the position of the heir of the Patriarch by scheming means had the face to say such things. It is simply ridiculous. .

However, Jiang Xiaohu also knew why Jiang Jiaren jumped so high. It turned out that Jiang Bang was practicing in retreat, and he is now acting as the agent of Jiang Bang Patriarch. When Jiang Bang comes out, he will return it.

This is the rule of the Jiang family, in fact it is similar to the ancient prince Jian Guo, but Jiang Jiaren does not have that much power yet.

"Jiang Xiaohu, do you really think I can't cure you?"

Jiang Jiaren was furious, and the veins on his forehead violently clenched his fists.

"Are you going to transfer someone from the guard team? Then you hurry up, don't chirp like a girl!"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled disdainfully at the corner of his mouth, "Just like you, when you become the head of the Jiang family, one day you will defeat the Jiang family in your hands."

"You little beast, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Jiang Jiaren's face was so gloomy that water was dripping, and he was full of anger and shouted, "Guard!"

When the shout fell, the guards hidden everywhere immediately appeared, stopping in front of Jiang Xiaohu and the others. These people are members of the Jiang family guard team. Everyone is a cultivator and possesses at least the strength of the initial foundation. .

The captain of the guard team even possesses the strength of the Golden Core Period.

It is precisely because of their existence that the Jiang family has such confidence to face various impacts.

"I'll take this little beast!"

Jiang Jiaren directly issued the order, and the forbidden land of the Jiang family is absolutely not allowed to allow people to enter.

Today, once Jiang Xiaohu is released, if the Patriarch breaks through, if the owner breaks through, he will get into trouble, and at the slightest, he will be injured.

"Jiang Jiaren, have you seen Tuqong Dagger now?" Jiang Zhanhao shouted coldly with his eyebrows met.

"Crossing into the forbidden land of the Jiang family will result in death. This is a family rule!"

Jiang Jiaren dodged his gaze, but still said coldly, "Guards, get on me!"


Whether it was the first guard team or the second guard team, they only obeyed the orders of the Patriarch or the Acting Patriarch, and immediately agreed, and they all stood up.

"If you want to move my son, step on my corpse first!"

Jiang Zhanhao walked directly in front of Jiang Xiaohu and protected him with his body.

"Jiang Zhanhao, since you want to die, then it will fulfill you!"

Jiang Jiaren showed a fierce look and flashed murderous intent. "The guards will kill those who trespass on the forbidden area!"

Seeing that the guards were all used, a harsh cold light appeared in the corner of Chang Xiaojing's eyes. As long as the guards killed Jiang Xiaohu, she would be safe.

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