The outside of the main house had already been stopped by them. Strictly, the outermost was the guards in black uniforms. They looked at Jiang Xiaohu with unkind eyes.

"You are finally here."

Jiang Jiaren breathed a sigh of relief, took out the Jinpa to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, cleaned up his appearance, only then bowed his hands to the elderly who walked in, and said respectfully, "The elder, the second elder, and the third elder, hello, They are all incompetent and shocked you, and you deserve death!"

"Then you should commit suicide and apologize!"

Jiang Xiaohu narrowed his mouth and said unceremoniously.

At the same time, I was astonished, and I underestimated the Jiang family's background, and even hidden such a master, even the original owner of this body did not have the memory of these few middle-aged people with the bones of immortality.

Of course, this does not mean that Jiang Xiaohu is afraid of people like them.

As long as these Jiang family masters are drawn out, that is enough.

If they didn't show up, even if they really killed Jiang Jiaren, it wouldn't make much sense.

As soon as these words were spoken, whether it was Jiang Jiaren or the three elders with gray beards, their expressions turned black.

The second elder had the hottest temper. He walked in a tiger step. Even though his beard was all white, he still blushed. He walked in front of Jiang Xiaohu, yelled at him, and spit stars flying wildly.

If it wasn't for Jiang Xiaohu to walk back two steps in succession, staggering his gushing direction, maybe the old man's saliva was all over his face now.

This old man even scolded Jiang Zhanhao in, and did not notice that Jiang Zhanhao had completely recovered.

The two elders and the three elders also pulled their faces off, but they were better tempered and did not immediately break out. They just stared at Jiang Xiaohu with cold eyes, as if they had an unshakable hatred with Jiang Xiaohu.

However, in terms of blood relationship, the original owner of this body should call them Grandpa and Grandpa Third.

However, these grandfathers, although they are direct brothers, their favorite thing to do is not to unite, but to fight in the nest. When they were young, they were the masters who did not do their jobs, all day in eating and drinking.

Before being kicked out of Jiang's house, Jiang Xiaohu looked down on these people, let alone Jiang Xiaohu who was completely changed.He is a healer, but what are these people?

Even with a shy face occupying the position of the elder of the Jiang family, Jiang Xiaohu felt a little sad for the original owner of this body.

If the Jiang family continues to do this, sooner or later they will lose.

Since then, Jiang Xiaohu also knows that these three old men have not been tossing about in these years, but there is no self-knowledge.

Being fooled by Jiang Jiaren and Chang Xiaojing again, the Jiang family's fortunes did not increase much, but dropped sharply.

Jiang Zhanhao was forced to hand over the position of the heir of the Patriarch. These three old guys did not help in the middle, and they became more and more arrogant. They set up the so-called Jiang Clan Association and intervened in the Jiang family's industry indiscriminately. The Jiang family can maintain the way it is now, and it won't work without them.

I don't know, Chang Xiaojing has eaten inside and out, secretly transferred her family property to the Chang family's name, coupled with random defeat, the Jiang family's industry has shrunk significantly.

In fact, this is also the aspect that Jiang Xiaohu despised and despised Jiang Jiaren most.

As the heir to the Patriarch of the Jiang family, he should have managed the property well when the Patriarch of the Jiang family was in retreat, but he gave up his hand to an outsider, which is simply a family scum.

In addition, there is another aspect of Jiang Jiaren doing well, that is, to please Chang Xiaojing in every possible way, but he treats Jiang's people very coldly.

Now only Jiang Jiasheng is left to support the Jiang family, but the fact that he did not come back this time has explained a lot of problems.

All these pieces of information had been investigated by the original owner of this body, so even if Jiang Xiaohu had ever been to this so-called rich family from the future, he had no knowledge of the Jiang family.

"Hehe, since you people from the so-called Presbyterian Church are all here, I will tell you today that in the future, the heir of the Jiang family’s Patriarch is not the one who will be the heir. He will come to know my dad Jiang Zhanhao." Jiang Xiaohu said nothing. In an astonishingly endless posture, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at the people present.

"That's impossible!"

"Do you want to be shameless, do you really be a vegetarian in our Presbyterian Church?"

"Determining the heir of the Patriarch without authorization, after we agree? Our elders will say that they do not agree, don't want to jump out and become the heir of the Patriarch."

The three old guys were so angry that they blew their beards and stared. Both feet jumped up and verbally criticized Jiang Xiaohu. Although Jiang Jiaren and Chang Xiaojing were so angry that they were about to explode, none of them intervened in it. Instead, they had yin on their faces. Compassionate smile.

"I was wrong just now, it should be the Patriarch! That old immortal Jiang Bang has been in retreat for many years, even if he died in it, you probably don't know it?" Jiang Xiaohu said very rudely.

"Nizi, don't talk nonsense here!"

The third elder jumped out immediately, pointed at Jiang Xiaohu and yelled.

"What's the nonsense? If you make any noise, I will let you shut your mouth forever!"

Jiang Xiaohu's face was still so calm, and a silver needle suddenly stretched out from his right hand, and he shook it in front of everyone, threatening.

Even though the third elder was arrogant, he was also a person who was afraid of death. When he saw the silver needle, he hurried backwards in fright, for fear that Jiang Xiaohu would actually seal his mouth with the silver needle.

"I also want to tell you that today I will break this forbidden ground, and see how his Jiangbang, who is not dead, can continue to stay inside."

Jiang Xiaohu's gaze was once again focused on the closed Shimen, and a sneer that couldn't be found at the corner of his mouth.

These words were like a bomb that suddenly exploded over the forbidden ground.

"Tiger, no."

Jiang Zhanhao was frightened, and he never thought that Jiang Xiaohu would be so arrogant that he would explode the forbidden Shimen.

"Tiger, don't be foolish."

Hu Yuexin was also worried that Jiang Xiaohu was messing around and opened the forbidden Shimen. Since the establishment of the Jiang family, no one has opened it from the outside. It is the people who have completed a stage of cultivation and came out of it by themselves.

And the Shimen is set up so that people outside cannot open it, but can only be opened from the inside.

According to the Jiang family's family rules, whoever opens the gate of the forbidden area is tantamount to opposing the entire Jiang family, and everyone in the Jiang family must unanimously punish him!

The Jiang family has been operating in the imperial capital for hundreds of years, and the family power has already penetrated into all aspects of the imperial capital. Many people have listened to the Jiang family's dispatch and cooperated with the Jiang family.

No matter how powerful Jiang Xiaohu is, no matter how high his cultivation base is, he probably won't be able to fight the entire Jiang family on his own. At least Hu Yuexin doesn't believe Jiang Xiaohu has this ability.

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