Besides, which of the Jiang family is a fuel-efficient lamp?

At the end of the picture, I will report to the police directly, and the people from the regulatory agency will come. If Jiang Xiaohu does it again, I am afraid that he will be charged with a crime of deliberately hurting people. Then will Jiang Xiaohu be able to fight the entire country on his own?

Isn't the answer very obvious?

But at this time, Jiang Jiaren and Chang Xiaojing had a very close conversation. Jiang Xiaohu saw it clearly, and the contempt in his heart became more intense. He was wearing such a high green hat, and he did it like this. It looks like he I really don't know what Chang Xiaojing did. I really feel sad for Jiang Jiaren.

However, Jiang Xiaohu had planned to do it a long time ago, let Chang Xiaojing jump, and then let her fall to death directly!

Jiang Xiaohu had already made very thorough preparations to kill Chang Xiaojing.

After finally being reunited, Hu Yuexin naturally didn't want Jiang Xiaohu to have an accident.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Jiang Xiaohu turned to look at his parents and said.

But he soon heard Jiang Zhanhao glance at Jiang Jiaren and Chang Xiaojing with disdain, and cursed: "A good pair of adulterers."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Xiaohu’s eyes flashed astonishment. In the original memory of this body, Jiang Xiaohu realized that Jiang Zhanhao was definitely a gentleman and never exploded swear words, but today he was forced to say such things. , It can be seen how much Jiang Jiaren and his wife did too much.

Sure enough, when Jiang Jiaren heard this, his face instantly became gloomy, and the three horrible old men who were neglecting Jiang Xiaohu immediately stopped and looked at Jiang Jiaren with very strange eyes.

Although the three bad old men were bad, they also knew very well that Jiang Zhanhao had a very good temper. He was famous for his benevolence in the Jiang family, and he had never seen him say a dirty word.

Such an honest person naturally has a more powerful effect than ordinary people.

At least the three of them chose to believe Jiang Zhanhao's words, this is the truth.

The law enforcement officers who came with them all became very strange. Jiang Zhanhao, as the heir of the imperial capital's hundred-year-old family, was said to be like this by his own brothers. If he spread out, I am afraid that the entire imperial capital will laugh out loud.

"Finally man!"

Jiang Xiaohu directly gave Jiang Zhanhao a thumbs up and praised him.

Jiang Zhanhao also laughed bitterly. He burst into foul language just now because of his excitement. He was still very uncomfortable. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He was so angry?

But what he said was like a sharp knife, stabbing Jiang Jiaren and Chang Xiaojing fiercely. The lethality was huge, and it could be said that he stabbed them in the heart.

Jiang Jiaren was mad with anger, and his expression was extremely gloomy. He never thought that Jiang Zhanhao would give him such a knife. There was no need to look at the eyes of everyone around him. Jiang Jiaren felt the weird gazes cast by everyone at him, as if to strip him. His clothes are the same.


Chang Xiaojing's mouth opened several times, but in the end she didn't say anything, she could only get sullen, but her face was very gloomy.


The extremely gloomy Grand Elder suddenly yelled, and then glared at Chang Xiaojing with cold eyes, "Aren't you embarrassed?"

There were too many people on the scene, including the Jiang family, servants, and law enforcement officers who came with them. Even if the Jiang family had the patience, they couldn't stop these law enforcement officers.

After such a disturbance, the Jiang family's face is definitely going to be ashamed.

The great elder finally turned his attention to Jiang Xiaohu and said very rudely: "Jiang Xiaohu, let me tell you one last time, don’t mess around, go now, the great elder promises that the Jiang family will not embarrass you, but if you don’t listen If you do, you will be the mortal enemy of our Jiang family from now on, and the Jiang family will hunt you down, endlessly!"

The great elder exudes hostility, full of murderous aura.

However, he seemed to forget that the person he faced was Jiang Xiaohu.

"The gate of the forbidden area, I have to smash it open today!"

Jiang Xiaohu said very unceremoniously, pushing Jiang Jiaren away directly, raising his leg and heading to the forbidden Shimen.

"So bold!"

Suddenly pushed away by Jiang Xiaohu, Jiang Jiaren almost fell to the ground with a stagger, and immediately rushed in the direction Jiang Xiaohu was going.

Jiang Jiaren knew very well that he couldn't let Jiang Xiaohu break into the forbidden land of the Jiang family, and even more couldn't let him break open the forbidden land Shimen. In that case, the Jiang family would be truly ashamed, and it would also affect the fortune of the Jiang family for a hundred years.

Jiang Xiaohu's footsteps naturally would not stop, and he continued to move forward, and suddenly hit Jiang Jiaren's body.

Jiang Jiaren suddenly felt that he was hit by a wall, and the huge force impacted him back several steps in succession, and finally looked at Jiang Xiaohu in surprise.

You know, as the heir to the Patriarch of the Jiang family, Jiang Jiaren is also a cultivator. His strength was at the peak of foundation building, but he couldn't hold back Jiang Xiaohu's light bump.

"Stop him, stop him!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu continuing to rush forward, Chang Xiaojing hurriedly yelled and got up.

Soon the three elders, the Great Elder, the Second Elder and the Third Elder, immediately rushed to Jiang Xiaohu, and behind them were dozens of people wearing martial arts uniforms.

"Boom bang bang!"

The moment they touched Jiang Xiaohu, a majestic force exploded, and they flew upside down like a kite with a broken line, just like the scene of everyone being kicked to the sky in Kung Fu, they just appeared in real life. The person who had remained motionless was stunned.

Are all wondering, is this Jiang Xiaohu still a human?

"No, this is impossible!"

Chang Xiaojing couldn't believe all this in front of her. Her breath of a lady disappeared, as if she had seen a devil. This power was terrifying.

In an instant, Jiang Xiaohu had already crossed the steel fence of the forbidden area and headed straight for Shimen.

Moving forward is Shimen, Jiang Jiaren has no doubt whether Jiang Xiaohu has the ability to smash open the forbidden gate.

"Why are you staying there, stop me this rebel!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu didn't mean to stop at all, Jiang Jiaren yelled hysterically, his eyes fixed on the law enforcement officers who hadn't done anything.

Jiang Jiaren also learned about the current Jiang Xiaohu through various channels, knowing that he must have come prepared this time.

However, he couldn't think that Jiang Xiaohu's strength had reached this level, far beyond his imagination. Because of this, he asked Chang Xiaojing to call the police and the law enforcement officers to come over just in case.

It's just that his words are like farting. The law enforcement officers didn't plan to do anything at all. Instead, they looked at Jiang Xiaohu like a good show.

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