Jiang Zhanhao's words were just like a bomb, directly exploding the Jiang family to the outside and the inside. Everyone was like the three elders, with a dumb face.

They have never heard of this news, and in accordance with the family rules, this kind of news is only passed on word of mouth between the patriarch and the real heir of the patriarch, and Jiang Jiaren is not clear at all. It seems that the patriarch selected by Jiang Bang is only one person. That is Jiang Zhanhao.

Jiang Xiaohu stroked his chin with his right hand and looked at Jiang Zhanhao with a smile. He really did not expect that he was still hiding deeply.

If he doesn't come to this dark room today, I'm afraid he will never know that Jiang Zhanhao still hides such a secret.

For the Jiang family, this secret was a nuclear bomb, which directly exploded everyone. They never thought that the current Jiang family was just a small branch.

Even Jiang Jiasheng projected a rather obscure and surprising light on Jiang Zhanhao.

"No, our Jiang family is just a branch. I have heard this news for the first time."

"Grandpa concealed us too hard at the beginning, so that we don't know where we really come from."

"Second Uncle, are you reliable? You are not compiling a fairy tale to deceive our feelings? How do I feel listening to a fantasy story?"

Many people reacted quickly after being trapped in the circle, and started asking Jiang Zhanhao one after another, but their tone of voice has changed a lot, and they are no longer as mean as before.

People like them can say that if the dark room is not discovered and opened, I'm afraid they won't know it in this life.

Suddenly, it was naturally difficult to digest this hot news.

Jiang Xiaohu stroked his chin, stood aside thinking slightly, and wanted to know more about the Jiang family.

After all, when Jiang Xiaohu came to the plane of the earth, he had never been particularly clear about where the cultivators on earth had gone.

"This is the secret of the family. I didn't want to tell it, but today it is forced by the situation."

Jiang Zhanhao looked after the crowd, and finally said, "Jiang Jianxiong, Jiang Jianlong, you go and invite your third aunt, fourth aunt, fourth uncle, and fifth uncle. I think it is necessary to tell you something."


Jiang Jianxiong and Jiang Jianlong looked at each other, and immediately agreed, turned around and went to find someone.

After they left, Jiang Zhanhao didn't tell these people about Jiang's family anymore. Instead, he let everyone look at the words on the wall, which were naturally Jiang Bang's handwriting.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Jiang Zhanhao, Jiang Xiaohu simply pulled Jiang Zhanhao aside and started asking him about the ancient Jiang family. After all, Jiang Bang would not disappear for no reason.

Jiang Zhanhao sighed lightly: "I know these things can't keep you from hiding. You made these things today to force me to tell the secrets of Jiang's family?"

"Do you see me as deep as a scheming person?"

Even if he was said to be in his mind, Jiang Xiaohu would definitely not admit that he was beaten to death, "I only discovered the things on this wall last night. By the way, what does it mean when it says the ancient Jiang family?"

"I know I can't keep it from you, so I'll tell you. This matter involves a century-old secret of the Jiang family, and the history of the Jiang family. I shouldn't have said it, but now I think it is necessary to disclose this secret."

Jiang Zhanhao pointed his finger at the words on the wall, "But there is a secret, I will not disclose it. I will only tell you this. You can hear clearly. The ancient Jiang family in the secret realm is combined with the other seven families. To protect the ancient eight great masters of the dragon. There may be a problem now, otherwise the old man will not disappear suddenly."

"The Eight Great Masters of the Ancient Dragon Guardian? Why haven't you heard of it before?" Jiang Xiaohu frowned. It was the first time he heard such a statement since he came to the plane of the earth.

The Eight Great Masters of the Ancient Dragon Guardians, don't all the cultivators on earth have their own tasks?

"Of course you have never heard of it. This is the most important secret of the Jiang family. Only the Patriarch knows it from generation to generation. The rest of the people cannot know it. If this news goes out, it will definitely be severely punished, even the Patriarch. The vocal cords of the children you like will also be cut!" Jiang Zhanhao said with a serious face.

"Then why are you telling me? I don't want to be the head of the Jiang family in the future." Jiang Xiaohu is very direct. As the head of the Jiang family, there are many restrictions. It is better not to do this kind of thing.

Jiang Zhanhao rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Why, the position of the Patriarch of the Jiang family is still not good enough? Actually, telling me this to you is to believe that you have the strength. Now the situation is unpredictable, I always have one It’s a feeling that something big will happen someday in the future. By the way, the people in the Presbyterian Church know about the Eight Great Masters of the Dragon Guard."

"Well, you are talking about those from the Dragon Group, right?" Jiang Xiaohu smiled.

This time it was Jiang Zhanhao's turn to be surprised. The Dragon Group has always been an extremely mysterious organization. It has never publicized it, and it is even impossible for ordinary people to know.

Even if the Internet is developed in modern society, if anyone spreads this news on the Internet, he will definitely be invited to drink tea, and it will cause endless troubles.

"It seems that you have more things than I thought. To tell you the top secret news of the Jiang family, I think there must be nothing wrong with this." Jiang Zhanhao said.

"You are not surprised, where did I know the existence of Dragon Group?"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled slightly and squeezed his eyes at Jiang Zhanhao, "Come on, I'll also tell you a good news. Look at what it is in my hand."

After all, Jiang Xiaohu took out a nameplate at random from his pocket, which was the one that the general gave him last time.

"Hu'er, I really underestimated you. No wonder you came back to Jiang's house and dared to be so public. It turns out that you have something to rely on. Put it away and don't let others know." Seeing the dragon-shaped nameplate, Jiang Zhanhao's pupils suddenly Shrinking, his breathing became a little quick, and he said hurriedly.

This nameplate represents identity and privilege.These people with nameplates are collectively referred to as members of the Dragon Group. Even non-staff members are very powerful and have the right to legally hold a gun and cut first and then play.

In the beginning, even if Jiang Xiaohu killed Chang Xiaojing, after the Chang family knew Jiang Xiaohu's true identity, they wouldn't even dare to put a fart.

No matter how powerful the Chang family is, they dare not confront the state apparatus.

"I know this." Jiang Xiaohu then put away the nameplate.

"You, you are really a little fox. Everyone in the Jiang family was circumvented by you, not to mention, and they still circled around you. But seeing Chang Xiaojing's slumped appearance, there is nothing he can do with you. Dad does it for you. Feeling proud." Jiang Zhanhao patted Jiang Xiaohu on the back lightly, his face full of pride.

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