"I think you are an old fox. For so many years, Chang Xiaojing has drugged you to poison you, and you didn't die. I wondered, you have accumulated so many toxins in your body, but you can maintain your vital signs. I'm afraid you Is there a way to detoxify?"

Jiang Xiaohu slammed Jiang Zhanhao's arm with his elbow, "Tell me, did my mother steal the antidote for you, or that Jiang Jiaren is just the heir to the Patriarch, in fact, just a puppet. ?"

"Why are the words so straightforward? But one thing, I need to tell you that I didn't find the antidote at all, and I can sustain my life. I rely on the old man to deliver the true qi and detoxify from time to time. Until the old man half a year The former disappeared suddenly and then stopped." Jiang Zhanhao didn't intend to hide it, saying truthfully.

Jiang Zhanhao knew very well that even if he didn't tell Jiang Xiaohu about these things, the other party would still be able to find out.

Rather than being investigated and finally creating a estrangement between father and son, it is better to tell all of them.

From Jiang Xiaohu's behavior this time, Jiang Zhanhao also saw that his own son was indeed completely different from the past, as if he had been reborn and reborn.

The Jiang Xiaohu in front of him was exactly what he wanted.

Jiang Jiasheng also came back often, and had already told Jiang Zhanhao about Jiang Xiaohu's outstanding performance to the extreme.

At the beginning, Jiang Zhanhao couldn't believe that his son had reached such an excellent level. Now it seems that he really underestimated Jiang Xiaohu.

Vaguely, Jiang Zhanhao saw hope from Jiang Xiaohu. The hope of the Jiang family was also the hope of solving this crisis.

As a person with super predictive ability, Jiang Zhanhao can sense that this crisis will have a huge impact and even unexpected things.

"No wonder you don't hate Grandpa at all, but defend him in every way. Forget it, I think about it." Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand, looking deceived.

Jiang Zhanhao gently patted Jiang Xiaohu on the back, and said with concern: "If I don't do this, how can I see how the people in the family behave? Okay, don't be aggrieved. By the way, This is for you, and may be useful to you."

With that said, Jiang Zhanhao took out a yellow cloth wrapped thing from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Xiaohu's hand.

"Wait for dismantling in private." Jiang Zhanhao said.

Jiang Xiaohu took a deep look at Jiang Zhanhao, and then put the package into his pocket.

"Jiang Zhanhao, Jiang Xiaohu, you two get out of here, father and son, really when Chang Xiaojing was driven away by you, is there nothing you can do?" Just after it was installed, Chang Xiaojing came out of the forbidden area holding the microphone. The sound of roaring.

Jiang Xiaohu frowned slightly. This Chang Xiaojing, who really didn't see the coffin and didn't cry, had already reached this point, and she dared to be so arrogant.

At exactly this time, all the direct descendants of the Jiang family were all here, and Jiang Zhanhao should also be busy with his own affairs.

"Dad, just take care of you, I'll go out to deal with this matter." Jiang Xiaohu explained.

"Okay, you pay attention to safety." Jiang Zhanhao said.

Coming out of the forbidden area, Jiang Xiaohu saw Chang Xiaojing holding a black loudspeaker in her hand. Behind her stood a group of law enforcement officers in explosion-proof suits, and everyone was aggressive.

"Jiang Xiaohu, you little bastard, thinking that you have announced my information and drove me out of the Jiang family, will I not be able to deal with you? I tell you, no matter how strong you are, can you still be stronger than the country?"

Chang Xiaojing's eyes widened, her whole body exuded hostility, "He is Jiang Xiaohu, you quickly arrest him! He injured those people outside, and he still slandered me."

Jiang Xiaohu didn’t look at the law enforcement officers at all. Instead, he sympathized with Chang Xiaojing: "Chang Xiaojing, Chang Xiaojing, originally I wanted to save you some face. Seeing your performance today, there is absolutely no need to save you face. Now that this is the case, then you will be stinking for thousands of years!"

After speaking, Jiang Xiaohu directly took out the mobile phone and fluttered his fingers on it. Soon everyone's mobile phones rang one after another.

"Bring me here..."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu fiddling with her mobile phone again, Chang Xiaojing, who already had previous experience, knew that Jiang Xiaohu must have not done a good job, so she rushed to grab the mobile phone.


Without even looking at Chang Xiaojing, Jiang Xiaohu raised his leg and kicked it out.

He, who has never beaten women, can't help it today.

With a huge impact, Chang Xiaojing's body flew upside down like a cannonball and hit the ground heavily.

In such a short period of time, Jiang Xiaohu has completed all operations, and the speed is obviously more than a hundred times faster than before.

In less than a minute, a small video about Chang Xiaojing and various lace news spread all over the Internet, and it was quickly called the daughter of a modern girl.

Those law enforcement officers subconsciously took out their mobile phones and checked them, and soon their complexions became extremely exciting.

"You bastard, I want to kill, why don't you arrest him? He beat me, he is a murderer."

Chang Xiaojing yelled at the law enforcement officers, as if these people would be her subordinates.

Many of the law enforcement officers were people who had been favored by the Chang family. They immediately drew their pistols and aimed them at Jiang Xiaohu, shouting, "Raise your hands, otherwise we will use force."

These people simply ignored Jiang Xiaohu when they saw Jiang Xiaohu, and they were still very angry.

"Where do you come, go back. Don't make the situation ugly, you people can't manage it. I don't like being pointed at the head with a gun." Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the man who raised the pistol, in a shape flash.

The pistol was in Jiang Xiaohu's hands in the next second. With a click, the pistol was dismantled into parts with one hand, and even the bullets were withdrawn.

"You, who are you?" The leading law enforcement officer looked at Jiang Xiaohu like a monster.

Jiang Xiaohu pointed to his nose and smiled slightly: "You really want to know who I am? You are not afraid of being dismissed or even arrested after you know it? Let's give you a chance to call you The person above, ask him to come and deal with it, you don't have the authority to deal with it."

Jiang Xiaohu said this very bluntly. The information of the Dragon Group is not something that they, grassroots law enforcement officers, can know.

If you know the information in violation of the rules, you will be dismissed and go to jail.

"You, you don't bluff me. Knowing your identity, it is a big joke to be dismissed." This law enforcement officer was obviously favored by the Chang family and looked at Jiang Xiaohu with disbelief.

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