"Lao Huang, what are you doing so nervously? I'm just taking a look. I don't plan to move away!" Dong Haicheng smiled and hurriedly shook his head.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know your virtues, just let's take a look, didn't you move away in the end?"

Minister Huang glanced at the three of Yuan Keming, "Professor Yuan, don't you let him look at it. Be careful to see the supercomputer that ran away last."

"General Dong, Xiao Jiang is from our Academy of Sciences, and that computer is also from our Academy of Sciences. You are not allowed to make any ideas." Yuan Keming said with a serious face.

The three people competed fiercely, but Jiang Xiaohu's face was speechless.

"A supercomputer assembled from waste components, there is no need to fight like this? The performance is not as good as I expected, at most it is just useful." Jiang Xiaohu's face was pale and flat. He said with a narrow mouth.

Upon hearing these words, Minister Huang, Dong Haicheng, and Chen Daguang all had the urge to buy a piece of tofu and hit the wall, and they didn't know how to answer Jiang Xiaohu's words next.

On the contrary, Yuan Keming, Zhang Qiankun and Zhao Xuecheng are completely different. They all saw how long it took Jiang Xiaohu to put together this supercomputer, but even with waste parts, the final speed Must exceed the latest modern computers.

Minister Huang and others followed Jiang Xiaohu, Yuan Keming and others into the laboratory.

Seeing the supercomputer in operation, Minister Huang, Dong Haicheng, and Chen Daguang looked at each other. They were all used parts and components. There was nothing wrong with them. Before, I thought Jiang Xiaohu was a little bragging, but now it is completely It's not the same thing, slap your face properly.

"This is the supercomputer you put together for a whole morning?" Minister Huang asked incredulously.

This supercomputer has twenty main cabinets, which are connected by cables in a way that has never been seen before, and each main cabinet is running fast. The most strange thing is that no heat is emitted. And they are all fully utilized.

"I really saw a genius today. Those high-achieving students in my place would be ashamed to find a hole in the hole if they saw you." Dong Haicheng sighed with shock on his face.

"Assemble these things in just one morning and ensure that they can run smoothly. I'm afraid that no one of us can do it alone. It seems that we need to bring them back to the oven again." Chen Daguang also said quite emotionally.

Without waiting for Jiang Xiaohu to explain, Yuan Keming said: "Minister Huang, you are all right. This is the supercomputer. This is the supercomputer after learning that there are no good parts here."

"I regret it now. Why didn't I have some new spare parts? Otherwise, our Academy of Sciences would need an extra supercomputer." When it came to this, Zhao Xuecheng regretted wanting to beat himself up.

He is a Taishan Beidou who specializes in computer hardware. Naturally, he knows exactly how difficult a supercomputer is. Even with complete spare parts, he may not be able to successfully produce a supercomputer.

What's more, it is even more difficult for a computer that can run at a fast speed and is very practical.

"Professor, time waits for no one, I think we should get into work quickly."

Da Ma Jindao sat in front of the keyboard, Jiang Xiaohu turned to look at Yuan Keming, and said directly.

Now time is the most precious, we must seize all time to do things.

"Okay. Let's start work now and finish school. Go and help me stare at those little boys, don't let them be lazy." Yuan Keming also brought the computer over, put his hands on the keyboard, ready to do it hard at any time Preparation for typing code.

"I'm going now."

Zhao Xuecheng nodded, and immediately went downstairs to stare at the doctoral students.

Next, the sound of Jiang Xiaohu tapping the keyboard quickly sounded in the laboratory, crackling like lightning, and in the end everyone only saw the black shadows of the fingers jumping up on each button without pressing them very quickly. He was knocked tens of thousands of times within a minute.

"Oh my god, I have gained a lot of knowledge today. The speed of typing is simply too fast. If I randomly selected a hundred people from there, I am afraid that they will not be able to do Xiaojiang." Dong Haicheng was shocked when he saw Jiang Xiaohu like this.

Chen Daguang's words are more representative: "I think he can be as powerful as a regiment alone, no, he is a division."

The two generals are from strategic forces. They are both information experts. Naturally, they know very well that in cyber warfare, the keyboard is a weapon. Whoever taps the keyboard fast at a critical moment can have a huge share The advantage overturns the enemy.

Whether it is programming, making a virus, or conducting a network attack, you need to quickly tap the keyboard to complete the code input.

And Jiang Xiaohu's speed can be described as terror, crushing ordinary people.

An afternoon passed in a blink of an eye. The three military leaders just watched this all afternoon, without blinking their eyes. The codes on the big screen were refreshed at a very fast speed, and they also found that Jiang Xiaohu actually Did not even modify the code.

In other words, Jiang Xiaohu's input is completely valid input.

This is on the information battlefield, this person is too terrifying.

Dong Haicheng and Chen Daguang looked at each other, and at that moment had already made a decision to pull Jiang Xiaohu into the strategic force no matter what, even if they went to find someone from the Presbyterian Church, they had to do this.

It wasn't until 8:30 in the evening that Yuan Keming and the others couldn't stand the hunger anymore, and then they stopped their work.

"Xiaojiang, are you here today?" Yuan Keming turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaohu who was still typing the code quickly, and asked tentatively.

"Immediately, I will finish the voice system here. Give me ten minutes." Jiang Xiaohu was talking, but his hand speed did not slow down, and he continued to tap on the keyboard.

Of course, the keyboards of the Academy of Sciences are all specially made, and the quality is quite good. Otherwise, Jiang Xiaohu would really curse his mother.

Hearing Jiang Xiaohu's words, Yuan Keming was shocked. The voice system is the most cumbersome system. It is something that can only be done with billions of lines of code. It can be done by Jiang Xiaohu in an afternoon. This efficiency is simply terrifying.

Yuan Keming is very clear that once the voice system is successful, it means that the third-generation intelligent artificial system has completed a quarter.


Jiang Xiaohu stood up, "Hold it to test it and see how it works?"

After speaking, Jiang Xiaohu unplugged the hard drive.

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