The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 907 The Voice System Is Preliminarily Completed

Seeing the hard drive in Jiang Xiaohu's hand, Yuan Keming immediately stood up, and went downstairs with Jiang Xiaohu, and he was still guarding Jiang Xiaohu's side closely, his eyes fixed on the hard drive, ready to fall on the hard drive at any time At that moment, he flew to catch it.

This thing is in his eyes, that's a baby.

Behind them, Minister Huang, Dong Haicheng and Chen Daguang followed closely, like Jiang Xiaohu's most loyal believers.

I was dazzled just now, but I also had some doubts. Is Jiang Xiaohu's codeword so fast, can it be said that there is nothing wrong with it?

For this, they still hold a certain degree of skepticism.

When they arrived at the entrance of the computer center downstairs, the soldier did not check at all, so he let Jiang Xiaohu in.

As soon as he entered, Zhao Xuecheng greeted him immediately and asked curiously: "Is the voice system ready?"

Zhao Xuecheng believed in Jiang Xiaohu's hand speed, and also believed that Jiang Xiaohu's ability was quite good.

Isn’t it a piece of cake to be able to assemble a supercomputer in one morning?

"Xiao Jiang said it was initially completed, I think it should be more than that."

Yuan Keming exclaimed, "You know that the optical voice code has 2 billion lines of code, and he knocked it out in one afternoon. I'm afraid that even if you add up all the doctoral students here, you can't keep up, right? "

"Where is it incomparable, it is not comparable at all, it is also young people, how can the difference between people be so big?"

Zhao Xuecheng smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly, "In one afternoon, they only coded two million lines of code. Let's take a look at the situation first."

Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and glanced at the two big professors, and said helplessly: "Two big professors, don't praise me, or I will be proud. I have been systematically trained in codewords, and I can't compare it. "

He is several thousand years old. How old are those PhD students? Can the two be compared?

I just look tender, but in fact it is completely different.

Of course, it is impossible for Jiang Xiaohu to say these things. After all, even if they say it, people like them will not believe it, only saying that he is joking.

The hard disk was directly inserted into the dedicated interface, and the system software was modulated. After clicking the start button, with the sound of Didi, it started running quickly, and the running speed was quite smooth.

Various speech systems, including foreign language translation, and various professional vocabulary, appeared on the screen with a very high recognition rate, which proved that the code from the afternoon code was completely correct.

"Professor Yuan, do you have a microphone here? I'll test it to see how quickly the human-machine dialogue responds." Jiang Xiaohu was no longer satisfied with the status quo, so he asked Yuan Keming to get the microphone and plug it into the microphone jack.

Next, Jiang Xiaohu began to test the voice feedback, command execution problems.

At the beginning, it was just a simple voice interaction, nothing more than simple commands such as making and answering the phone, and automatically detecting.

After testing one hundred groups continuously, there was no error.

Jiang Xiaohu began to talk about some special professional vocabulary, of course, first of all, some high-frequency vocabulary about computer science, and some very unpopular vocabulary. The system is running quite well. From the feedback, it has far exceeded expectations.

"Xiaojiang, this is not a preliminary completion of yours at all. You have completely made the voice system. How did this head do it is incredible." Yuan Keming is quite satisfied with the voice system, his eyes Staring at Jiang Xiaohu fieryly, sighed.

"This system is not yet capable of self-learning language, so it can only be considered preliminary."

Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and looked at Yuan Keming and said, "I need this system to be able to automatically recognize and learn human languages, and finally judge these languages ​​to see if the speaker is his own or the enemy's personnel."

"I know this, but I think it can basically be put into use now like this." Yuan Keming said.

Hearing Jiang Xiaohu's brand-new comprehensive words, Yuan Keming finally understood that Jiang Xiaohu was going to build an unprecedented intelligent system. At the end of the development, he would be able to think independently and make judgments on his own before launching an attack.

No wonder Jiang Xiaohu still said that even though it was 2 billion lines of code that afternoon, it was only a preliminary completion.

If all Jiang Xiaohu's requirements are fulfilled, Yuan Keming dare to say that this will be the most advanced artificial intelligence system in human history.

Thinking of these, Yuan Keming couldn't help but look forward to the early development of all the programs of the artificial intelligence system.

"Well, what you said is really good, but this is not perfect." Jiang Xiaohu still insists on his point of view, and he has no plans to put it into application now.

Next, I began to test other professional knowledge, such as medical knowledge. When Jiang Xiaohu said all medical terms, even surgical terms, whether it was Yuan Keming, Zhao Xuecheng, etc., or those The doctoral students all exclaimed.

They looked at Jiang Xiaohu like a monster. It didn't matter if he was good at computer systems and software, he even possessed such a superb level in medicine.

In fact, they didn't know that Jiang Xiaohu felt that his personal main profession was medical skills, and could he lose the name of being a doctor.

Jiang Xiaohu tests one profession and one profession, and each profession tests one hundred sets of data.

This test took three or four hours to go, and the entire test procedure was completed at nine o'clock in the evening.

Dong Haicheng and Chen Daguang, who had some doubts about Jiang Xiaohu before, were shocked by the perfect voice response from the system. This young man could only be described as terror.

"Xiao Jiang, if you don't announce the stop, we will all be hungry and faint."

Seeing that the test was finally completed, Yuan Keming smiled bitterly and said to Jiang Xiaohu that he was completely absorbed in the test of the system before and did not feel hungry. Now that he relaxes, his stomach starts to growl.

The same is true for those PhD students. They can say that since they got their Ph.D., they have never failed to eat on time. Even if they are busy, they will order a takeaway for themselves and eat first before working.

But today, their attention is all on the test of the voice system, and they are completely attracted by the performance of this super voice system.

"Why are you still here? Didn't you let you eat early?"

Seeing everyone there and no one left, Jiang Xiaohu said helplessly.

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