"Dad, how do you feel?" Yang Daqiang also asked concerned, but his heart was quite bitter.

He hadn't said anything just now, just wanting to let his wife Lin Xiuqin toss, as long as Yang Daxian's family is kicked out, all the father's inheritance will fall to him.

With so much money, what else can he not do?

"I'm disappointed. I won't be able to die for at least ten years." Yang Kun glared at both Yang Daqiang and Lin Xiuqin, and said in a weird manner.

He could see clearly just now that his own son really disappointed him. He even used his death as a bargaining chip to drive the Yang Daxian family out of the Yang family, so as to take this wealth.

"Dad, I just scared Susu just now, not really wishing you..."

Lin Xiuqin's heart was extremely panic, and she explained it very carefully. If Yang Kun was upset, she was afraid that her wishful thinking would be lost.

She almost succeeded just now, and she even thought about it. Taking advantage of Jiang Xiaohu's treatment, she shot and killed Yang Kun directly, creating a near-perfect scene of planting and framing.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaohu just gave the old man a pill, and he was guarding the whole process, and there was no chance to get her close.

A small pill can extend the life of the old man by ten years, which is terrible.

If she also had such a pill, let alone inherit the power of the Yang family, if she had 100 million, she would also want to buy one and eat it.

Which woman in the world does not like to be younger and more beautiful?

"Daqiang, Xiuqin! Come over, you two, stand here."

Yang Kun's tone was extremely indifferent, pointing to a clearing in front of Jiang Xiaohu, and calling out the names of Yang Daqiang and Lin Xiuqin.

"Dad, we are all here."

Yang Daqiang hurriedly pulled Lin Xiuqin out, looking sincere and fearful.

Especially Lin Xiuqin, with his head down, where is the arrogance a little bit earlier?

"Kneel me down!"

Yang Kun took the crutches and knocked heavily on the ground, and said coldly.

"Ah, kneel down, Dad, are you making a mistake?" Lin Xiuqin said hurriedly, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

"Hmph, don't you listen to me?"

Yang Kun's voice suddenly rose several beats, "Is the courage fattened?"

"it is good."

Yang Daqiang and Lin Xiuqin shrank their necks and their facial muscles twitched.

Without the slightest hesitation, he knelt directly in front of Jiang Xiaohu, just like two bear children who made mistakes.

"And you, kneel down for me too!"

Yang Kun glanced at Yang Yating and Gou Dali, and finally pointed and ordered at Yang Yating.

"Ah good."

Yang Yating was stunned for a moment, then pulled Gou Dali and knelt down together.

The four members of the family knelt in front of him, Jiang Xiaohu didn't feel any discomfort, but his face was indifferent, as if he had already expected something like this to happen.

"Dad, listen to me, actually, I..."

Lin Xiuqin raised her head suddenly, very unconvinced, and she wanted to explain to Yang Kun.

"Shut up to me. Don't think that I don't know. I almost died on your hands just now. What kind of shit genius doctor is just a doctor who treats male diseases and wants to fool me." It was calm, but the tone was heavy, and they didn't give them any chance to excuse.

"Dad, we were also deceived..."

Lin Xiuqin wanted to continue explaining, but was pulled by Yang Daqiang to stop her from continuing.

Yang Daqiang knew very well that the old man was really angry, and as he explained it, he was afraid that the consequences would come out.

Even if he was very unhappy in his heart, now he can only endure it first and pass this level.

As long as he is not expelled from the Yang family, there is still a chance for everything.

"Dad, we did something wrong and are willing to be punished!" Yang Daqiang hurriedly said.

Yang Kun sighed for a long time and said, "It's fine, I am ten years younger now, and I am very happy. Thanks to Susu, I brought back a good boyfriend. You family, don't kowtow, thank you, grandfather? "

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Yang Kun deeply, this old man was really a wonderful person.

"Old man, you gave me ten million. This kowtow can be avoided." Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to take the old man's kindness at all.

As soon as they said this, Yang Daqiang and the others heaved a sigh of relief. They didn't expect Jiang Xiaohu to speak for them.

But now, as long as you don't kowtow, everything is easy to say, the big deal is waiting for a while, thank Jiang Xiaohu.

Yang Kun raised his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaohu, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and insisted: "This head must be knocked, not knocking is not enough to show sincerity! You guys have heard that, please knock your head!"

At this moment, Lin Xiuqin was completely dumbfounded.

Before, I was still mocking Jiang Xiaohu as a farmer with no money and no power, but now he is going to kowtow to him, and he must kowtow.

What is this called?

The rollover might have come too soon, right?

He held his head high and didn't want to knock it down at all.


Yang Daqiang didn't want her prodigal lady to ruin her good deeds, so he directly held her head, and banged his head to Jiang Xiaohu three times together.

After three beeps, Lin Xiuqin felt that her head was about to explode.

There is even more resentment in my heart, hating Yang Kun for his immortality, and he will live another ten years.

Hate Jiang Xiaohu actually took action to save Yang Kun.

Gou Dali was very upset in his heart. He originally wanted to follow Yang Yating to pretend to be thirteen, but he did not expect to kowtow to others in turn.

Malgobi’s, let me kowtow to him, hateful!

Why should I kowtow? I didn't kill this damn old man.

Hmph, you must go back to toss you bitch, dare to kowtow to me!

Yang Yating was also full of hatred in her heart. She once looked down upon the man in front of her.

But now, he kowtows to him in turn.

This proves that in the future, he will lower Jiang Xiaohu a lot.

The most hateful thing is that she hasn't figured out who Jiang Xiaohu is.

Jiang Xiaohu would not enjoy the kowtow of Yang Daqiang's family alone, but quietly pulled Yang Su to his side, letting her also enjoy the feeling of being kneeled and kowtow.

Yang Su's heart was surging, and the waves turned over.

Before, Lin Xiuqin was so insulted that she had no eyesight.

But now, she knocked her three heads unexpectedly.

The front and back flips came too fast, which made her feel a little unreal even now.

If this matter were kept in the past, no matter how big the brain was, I would never imagine Lin Xiuqin's family would kowtow to himself.

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