While Yang Su was shocked, Jiang Xiaohu's mouth raised a weird smile. The original owner of this body was about to call Lin Xiuqin'mother-in-law', but now she knelt in front of her and kowtows.

Jiang Xiaohu accepted this meritoriously.

Jiang Xiaohu could also see that even if the Yang Daxian family knelt down, they were not convinced.

Especially Yang Yating and Gou Dali were extremely angry, and they wanted to rush to press Jiang Xiaohu to the ground and rub them fiercely.

This man is simply too hateful, he took 10 million from his grandfather, and enjoyed their kowtow with a smile.

However, at this time, Gou Dali and Yang Yating were still hesitating, as if they wanted to escape the disaster.

"Mr. Yang, just do a few knocks. Besides, you have already given me 100,000 yuan. This is a fair deal for us, and it's not a life-saving grace."

Jiang Xiaohu did not intend to let go of Gou Dali and Yang Yating. "Young people nowadays are not happy to kneel and kowtow to thank you. You don't have to be a strong man."

His idea is simple. Since he inherited this body, he has the responsibility and obligation to fulfill some last wishes for the original owner.

And he also found out how to punish Yang Yating in the memory left by the original owner of this body. He must make this woman kneel and kowtow in front of him.

Because of this, Jiang Xiaohu spoke very lightly, and looked indifferent.

But in the eyes of Mr. Yang Kun, the situation was completely different, and the crutches hit the ground fiercely.

"Yating, why don't you kowtow? Don't you want to stay at Yang's house anymore?" Yang Kun's tone was very heavy and his face was full of anger.

Upon hearing this, Lin Xiuqin shuddered in shock, and because of this, she lost control of her body, and her head slammed to the ground, causing her tears to flow out of pain.

The result is that she actually knocked more than Yang Daqiang, and the knock was really real!

She hated secretly in her heart, damned is really damned!

"Grandpa, this, I..." Yang Yating wanted to explain a few words, meaning that kneeling is enough to thank you, why kowtow?

"What am I, don't you want to kowtow? Don't want to thank your benefactor for me?"

The old man Yang Kun tapped on the crutches again, "From now on, I announce that I will..."

These relatives of the Yang family saw this scene and watched it coldly from the side, the sneer that evoked from the corners of their mouths became more intense.

"Dad, don't, I'll let Tingting kowtow now, I'll let her kowtow."

Lin Xiuqin endured the pain in her head and hurriedly yelled at Yang Yating, "Tingting, if you don't kowtow, don't recognize my mother, huh, you're mad at me."

Compared with kowtow, Lin Xiuqin feels that it is best to have money, and there is nothing to bear for money.

What's more, in order to accomplish great things, the ancients also endured the humiliation of the crotch.

Isn't it just kowtow?

If you stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood, you will pass this level first!

"Tingting, kowtow, otherwise, you are not my Yang Daqiang's daughter!" Yang Daqiang said coldly with the same thoughts as Lin Xiuqin.

"I knock!"

Yang Yating bit her lip, the last trace of stubbornness disappeared, pulling Gou Dali about to kowtow.

Gou Dali's energy is broken, his body is tight and he doesn't mean to kowtow at all, and the anger in his heart is about to swallow the last trace of his sanity.

No matter if you kneel down, it would be rude to have him kowtow!

Seeing Gou Dali being so stubborn, Yang Yating murmured a few words close to his ear.

Finally this guy lowered his arrogant head and kowtowed Jiang Xiaohu and Yang Su together with Yang Yating, that was very respectful.

When they kowtow, Jiang Xiaohu took out his mobile phone and directly recorded the video.

You know, his mobile phone has a high-definition camera, a total of one minute and twelve seconds of content.

After the video was taken, three consecutive photos were taken, and they were immediately posted on the Internet.

"You are really bad enough, but I like it."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's movements, a bright smile appeared on Yang Su's face, speaking in a voice that two people could hear.

"The world is reincarnation, who has the sky spared?"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled noncommitantly, and secretly said to the original owner of this body, rest in peace, I have already helped you take revenge, and this woman Yang Yating will no longer be able to raise her head.

I have to say that Jiang Xiaohu's methods are powerful, and after passing it up like this, it immediately made headlines and hot searches.

In less than a few minutes, the content he posted became the focus of the entire Internet.

After the four people knocked, they got up from the ground together and stood aside very honestly.

Obviously, none of them wanted to be expelled from the Yang family in such embarrassment, so they could only shut up.

Yang Daqiang gave Luo Tian an unusually angry look, his eyes burst out with fire, and said bitterly, "Dad, that liar Luo Tianyi, what should I do?"

Luo Tianyi was shocked by my fright. Just now when he saw Jiang Xiaohu's skillful hands, he knew that the other party was the real genius doctor, and he was at best a little male doctor.

Comparing the two, that is the difference between cloud and mud.

"I'm not a liar, I'm a male doctor. He can prove this to me. I have treated him several times." Luo Tianyi hurriedly defended himself, and with his fingers vigorously, he dragged him off. water.

He knows very well that with the strength of the Yang family, he can definitely handle his job thoroughly.

"You, you fart, when did I seek you for treatment of male diseases?"

Gou Dali's facial muscles twitched when he heard it. This guy was too hateful, so the privacy issues were shaken out by him in public, and he immediately defended.

"Huh, you are a liar. I didn't lie a word. I still have video evidence of his treatment in my mobile phone. I am a male doctor." Luo Tianyi can't take care of that much now. He is very serious. Said.

"You, you bastard, there is still a video, I'm really fighting with you." Gou Dali was extremely angry, raising his fist and going to beat Luo Tianyi.

Luo Tianyi is now very old, which is Gou Dali's opponent, hurriedly ran over to Jiang Xiaohu, and hid directly behind him.

Luo Tianyi felt unreliable for everyone present, only Jiang Xiaohu was safe behind him.

"This is the Yang family, don't let go wild!" Yang Kun's expression was very ugly, and he lashed out at Gou.


When his voice fell, Nagou Dali didn't know what was going on, so he fell heavily to the ground.


Landing on his butt, he almost didn't smash his butt into eight petals. Gou Dali's pain was about to come out.

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