Even if everyone opened their eyes wide, no one knew what had happened just now. Until they heard Gou Li's screams, they knew that this guy had fallen and was still on the ground.

"You, you must be cruel to me, right?"

Gou Dali clutched his butt, struggling to get up, glaring at Jiang Xiaohu and roaring.

He clearly felt a huge force just now, and it struck him suddenly, and directly shook him to the ground, but when he wanted to find out what hit him, he found nothing. , Jiang Xiaohu stood there even more, without moving.

"You are bloody, Jiang Xiaohu hasn't moved at all. Don't wrong the good guys."

Yang Su didn't want Jiang Xiaohu to be wronged, especially since he had already rescued his grandfather. This was the man she admired most.

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Gou Dali, with a faint smile on his face.

"Yes, Gou Dali, don't wrong the good guys."

"We can all see it, you are nonsense, do you really think we are fools?"

"That's right, people nowadays, obviously they fell, so they touched porcelain."

Many relatives of the Yang family came to Jiang Xiaohu's side and criticized Gou Dali.

There are many young people among them, seeing Jiang Xiaohu saving his dying old man to life so calmly, the light of worship projected in his eyes.

"Well, Dali, don't talk nonsense, don't blame others for your own fall."

Yang Kun's crutches smashed on the ground several times, giving the matter a certain degree, and at the same time, he was shocked. Jiang Xiaohu's hand was really powerful, even he did not see how the other party did it.

You know, he is also a cultivator anyway, and his strength is also in the middle of foundation construction.

Suddenly, Yang Kun found that he could not see through Jiang Xiaohu, but this did not prevent him from making judgments as quickly as possible. This person can only be a friend, not an enemy.

Because of this, he did not hesitate to cover Jiang Xiaohu, but also offended Gou Dali.

Seeing Yang Kun saying such words, Gou Dali was deeply resentful in his heart, but he could not express any opinions.

Yang Kun stood up and moved for a while, and found that the aging body was alive and very comfortable. It made him feel like a spring, really happy.

It can be said that he has now recovered to be an ordinary person.

Dan Tian repaired, as a cultivator, he knew very well that he was impatient.

"Little friend, can I eat Hunan spicy pepper now?"

The Hunan food on the table made Yang Kunzhi swallow his saliva. He was really reluctant to waste it. His appetite came up again, and he asked tentatively, "If I can't eat it, I can skip it."

He had eaten Hunan spicy pepper before, and almost lost his life, which made him a little bit offended.

Of course, he still wants to eat!

For him, once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the rope, but his appetite urged him.

Jiang Xiaohu could see that Yang Kun was really suffocated, and said with a faint smile: "Mr. Yang, you can eat if you want. When you are finished, remember to go to the bathroom."

"You, what you said is true?" Yang Kun suddenly lit up, and hurriedly asked.

"Of course." Jiang Xiaohu nodded.

For medical skills, he is still very confident.

Luo Tianyi immediately jumped out: "You can't blame me now, old man, I believe this young man's medical skills, you can eat."

"You, don't be fooled in the future." Jiang Xiaohu didn't want Luo Tian to die in vain, so he simply said something for him.

In fact, this is also accumulating merit. Medical skills can only live a person, and help others survive, and gain merit, which Jiang Xiaohu discovered later.

"Thank you, thank you. I will remember in the future, you can't just let people fool you." Luo Tianyi glared at both Gou Dali and Yang Yating and said hurriedly.

He knew very well that he wouldn't have fallen to this point if it hadn't been for these two people to fool themselves.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, you can open your belly and eat, don't be afraid, I will escort you." Jiang Xiaohu gently patted Yang Kun's shoulder, and pointed at the Hunan cuisine on the table.

"Okay, I believe you, I eat!"

Feeling the tremendous power coming, Yang Kun immediately picked up the chopsticks, glanced at the Hunan dishes, and finally selected the most spicy Maoxuewang, and put down the chopsticks.

He knew that Maoxuewang was the hottest dish, and it was filled with Hunan spicy peppers, and he had even made the kitchen more spicy before.

As long as it’s okay to eat this thing, then eat other dishes, it’s no problem.

When Yang Kun set down his chopsticks, the Yang family's friends and relatives focused their eyes, staring at them, as if they were witnessing a miracle.

However, Lin Xiuqin felt complicated and very uncomfortable, just like eating fly shit.

Yang Su was also very nervous, even if he believed that Jiang Xiaohu's medical skills were very good.

After all, Yang Kun is her grandfather, caring is chaotic, and her nervousness is a normal thing.

Yang Kun opened his mouth tentatively, stuffed Mao Xuewang directly into his mouth, chewed a little bit, and couldn't wait to swallow it.

It's still that taste, the familiar hometown taste!

If you don't try, you can't stop at all.

One chopstick followed by one chopstick was delivered to my mouth, and I ate a full ten mouthfuls before putting down the chopsticks. I experienced it.

And put down his chopsticks, stood up and beat violently several times, Yang Kun felt that his body was still fine, very well.

"Grandpa, how are you feeling?" Yang Su asked with concern even when he saw Yang Kun's ruddy complexion and sweat on his forehead.

"Dad, how are you?" Yang Daxian was also very nervous.

Although Bao Bao Zhong didn't ask, her eyes had been fixed on Yang Kun and she hadn't moved away.

Many people present, like Yang Daxian, wanted to hear Yang Kun say it himself.

"Hahaha, it's really okay, great, my body has finally recovered." Yang Kun cheered and said excitedly like a naughty child.

"Let go of your arms and eat, but remember to go to the bathroom after eating." Jiang Xiaohu reminded again.

Yang Su gave Jiang Xiaohu a surprised look. Why is this guy so unreliable? He emphasized that he must go to the toilet after eating twice. Is there something tricky?

"it is good."

Yang Kun didn't doubt that he had him, and immediately agreed.

Yang Daxian looked at Jiang Xiaohu's eyes with satisfaction at this time. This young man really liked him.

Baby Zhong looked at Jiang Xiaohu. It belonged to the mother-in-law and her son-in-law. The more she looked, the more she liked it.

Everyone seated again and began to feast on.

Only Yang Su was thinking about things, and he didn't forget to ask Jiang Xiaohu when he was eating: "Why do you always emphasize that my grandpa must go to the bathroom after eating?"

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