"Binhai Crafts Company, I know this. A friend of mine still works there. They often make some antique crafts. The technology is very good, almost reaching the point of being fake."

Soon someone who knew the goods came forward, "I tell you, he told me that even if it is a good copy of the handicraft, the price will not exceed 100,000. I see this Wanfushou bottle, at most one Less than ten thousand."

Undoubtedly, his remarks once again confirmed that Gou Dali, the so-called 10 million bottle bought from the auction, was a fake.

Taking a bottle that is not worth 10,000 yuan and pretending to be a genuine product of more than ten million yuan, what is the point of being a man?

The crowd boiled all at once, and there was a lot of discussion.

"I just said when the second child became so generous, it turned out to be a handicraft, pretending to be, and fooling our father."

"The world is going downhill, and people's minds are not ancient, and crafts that are worthless than ten thousand dare to pretend to be tens of millions of genuine products. If you bring one hundred thousand over, don't you have to pretend to be one hundred million?

"Today is also the 70th birthday of the old man at any rate. I even used fakes as a gift as a gift. My second child is really strange..."

These people present pointed to Yang Daqiang's family, their faces also showed contempt, which formed a sharp contrast with the previous ones.

Lin Xiuqin was trembling with anger. She couldn't think that her daughter Yang Yating would actually do such a thing, so how could she participate in the fight for family property in the future? Isn't this a proper way to drag her back?

"Tingting, what the hell is going on, tell me clearly!" Lin Xiuqin gritted her silver teeth and scolded.

Yang Yating was shocked by the sudden shout of his mother.

"Gou Dali, you clearly told me that this bottle was bought from the auction for more than 10 million yuan. How did it become a handicraft? Are you fooling me?" Yang Yating immediately turned around, glaring at Gou Dali and questioned .

When things got to this point, Gou Dali no longer concealed it. He simply spread his hands and sneered: "Huh, Yang Yating, do you think it’s made of gold? Just let me fuck it a dozen times and want to let me Spend more than ten million and buy the genuine product? Do you think you are worth that money?"

Yang Yating was trembling with anger when she heard these words, she was going crazy.

She couldn't think that she was a plaything in the eyes of others.

"You make me very happy, but let me tell you, more than ten million, how many women can I play outside? Even organizing a small Haitian banquet." Gou Dali showed a very disdainful expression on his face. Come.

Now, Gou Dali no longer continues to pretend, anyway, he has enjoyed enough with Yang Yating, and he has also taken a lot of indecent videos and photos of her, and then threatens her again, and can continue to enjoy it for free.

"You, you bastard!" Yang Yating's eyes flushed with anger, pointing to Gou vigorously and cursed.

She didn't expect that Gou Dali would say such unbearable words in front of these many people.

"I'm a bastard, I admit. Anyway, I'm tired of playing with you a long time ago. You leave me on the side. I'm not in the mood to continue playing with you." Gou Dali stood up directly, shaking his hands, and not looking up. Go outside the Yang family's old house.

It is called a chic, without any nostalgia.

The people of the Yang family were completely shocked, and they were truly eye-opening. Yang Yating was such a good-for-nothing, and really lost the face of their Yang family.

Anyway, the Yang family is also a wealthy family. Although it is not in the top 50 in the Imperial Capital, it can also be in the top 100.

Yang Yating stayed there for a while with anger, and then reacted, and immediately chased Gou vigorously. She didn't want to just lose a wealthy support.


Just after Yang Yating ran out of the Yang family's door, Yang Daqiang slapped Lin Xiuqin's face with a backhand.

"Look at how you are a mother, and teach you such a shameful daughter!" Yang Daqiang roared, his eyes wide and trembling with anger.


Lin Xiuqin clutched her face and yelled at Yang Daqiang.

But at this moment, Yang Daqiang left angrily, and continued to stay without face.

And Lin Xiuqin immediately caught up.

A good birthday banquet, I originally thought it would be able to raise my eyebrows, but I didn't expect it would become like this.

Lin Xiuqin and her little family have become the laughing stock of the relatives of the Yang family.

Yang Su hasn't recovered yet, he really wants to pinch himself hard, things reversed too quickly.

Jiang Xiaohu, who she brought back halfway, would bring such a dramatic change.

This guy is so great, she has a sense of exhilaration, and she can't wait to run over and kiss Jiang Xiaohu's head hardly.

At this moment, Yang Su felt that he had fallen completely.


But at this moment, Yang Kun made an untimely noise, his face was ugly, and he was squeezed into a pile, clutching his stomach, looking very anxious.

"Quickly, take Dad out of here and go to the back garden." Zhong Baobao was the first to react and immediately said to her husband Yang Daxian.

"Dad, listen to mom, take grandpa to the back garden! It's too late," Yang Su said hurriedly.

Before Yang Daxian realized what was going on, Yang Kun clutched his stomach and rushed to the back garden first, almost as fast as a young man running a marathon.

"Quickly chase it, you guy, you lose the chain at a critical moment." Zhong Baobao pushed her husband Yang Daxian hard and urged.

"Oh. Good." Yang Daxian chased him immediately.

When Da Yang left first, the commotion in the banquet hall seemed to stop, but while everyone was eating, they were discussing what had just happened.

"Let's eat ours and leave the others alone." Yang Su glanced at Jiang Xiaohu and urged him to eat.

Jiang Xiaohu nodded lightly, and ate his head. There are still several favorite dishes on the table. If you can eat it, you can eat more, just to save dinner.

"Hey, mom, where's Grandpa? Today is his birthday, why... Hey, Professor Jiang, it's really you? Why are you here?"

And at this moment, a young man in casual clothes walked in from the door and sat down directly next to Zhong Baobao. When he saw Jiang Xiaohu, his jaw fell in shock.

This young man is the elder brother in Yang Su's mouth, Yang Zhiqiang. He still asked for leave to celebrate Yang Kun's birthday.

"Professor Jiang?"

Yang Su and Zhong Baobao both spoke in unison, full of curiosity.

The exclamation of the two of them attracted the attention of those relatives and friends of the Yang family at the same time, and the curiosity on their faces was no worse than that of Zhong Baobao's mother and daughter.

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