The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 943: You Are My Brother-in-law

When did Jiang Xiaohu become Professor Jiang, and it still came out of Yang Zhiqiang's mouth.

What is going on here, even Yang Su was completely trapped.

"Brother, what are you talking nonsense? He is Jiang Xiaohu." Yang Su hurriedly introduced.

"What, Professor Jiang, you are my brother-in-law, when did this happen?"

Yang Zhiqiang asked in astonishment, his eyes widened for several minutes, staring straight at Jiang Xiaohu, "That's really good, brother-in-law, you will have to cover me a little more in the future."

"Sit down and eat, the food is cold." Jiang Xiaohu still said so plainly, without any waves in his words.

"Okay, I understand. I don't ask about some things. Eat or eat. I'm so happy that I didn't expect you to be my brother-in-law."

Yang Zhiqiang was full of excitement, "Don't worry, I will never mention this secret to anyone."

This guy was so excited that he was a little incoherent, and all the calmness he had cultivated in the past was thrown out of the sky.

In fact, he knew very well that Jiang Xiaohu's identity was secret and could not be revealed casually.

If he goes back to file a complaint, maybe he will be imprisoned, or even lose his military status.

Therefore, Yang Zhiqiang now only has to bury his head and eat, but regardless of the curiosity of those around him, he even set up his ears, all wanting to inquire about the specific content.

About half an hour later, Yang Daxian ran back first, his complexion was very bad, as if something bad had happened.

Yang Su, who had already finished eating, trot over immediately.

When he was about to inquire about Yang Daxian's situation, Yang Daxian raised his hand to stop his daughter from approaching.

"Don't come close to me, I'm going to take a bath, you eat slowly." Yang Daxian's face was bitter, and he didn't look very good.

"Take a bath? Dad, why did you suddenly think of taking a bath? Hey, Dad, why are you so stinky? Could it be that you stepped on shit? I remember there was no dog in the back garden?" Yang Su was like a curious baby. It crackled and asked.

"You just stepped on the shit, I won't tell you, today I have to take a bath for half an hour!" Yang Daxian felt the stench on his body, and he was about to faint.

I thought Yang Su asked him to follow him to do something, but I didn’t expect that his father, Yang Kun, would actually create such a stinking thing. At first, the toilet door was still closed, but in the end even Yang Kun himself was smoked by the smell. I almost fainted in the toilet.

But Mr. Yang Da was afraid that his father might be in trouble, and kept squatting near the toilet door. The toilet door suddenly opened, and the strong stench directly enveloped him, and directly smoked him into several mouthfuls.

At first, he thought that Yang Kun had fallen into the cesspit, and checked his nose tightly. When he saw the other party squatting there with a very refreshing look, he knew that the culprit was his father.

Yang Daxian is so unforgettable, he can't wait to remove all his clothes.

Baby Zhong pursed his lips and smiled. If he looked at Jiang Xiaohu deeply, it is no wonder that he repeatedly emphasized that he should let the old man go to the back garden because it was to stay away from the banquet area.

"Did you know it a long time ago?" Yang Su asked Jiang Xiaohu curiously.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand a word?" Yang Zhiqiang asked very curiously with a dazed expression on his face.

Yang Su turned his head and glanced at his brother: "You really want to know? Then I'll tell you."

Soon Yang Su slapped Jiang Xiaohu in the face of Yang Yating's family, and said in great detail about the rescue of the old man Yang Kun, and her face was full of pride and pride.

"It's really great, if I'm there, I will definitely help you beat the Erniang and the others." Yang Zhiqiang looked at Jiang Xiaohu's eyes, full of admiration.

After the Yang family’s friends and relatives dispersed, the Yang family’s old house was left with a nanny and a housekeeper, plus Jiang Xiaohu and Yang Su’s family.

At this time, Yang Kun had a completely new look and walked out of the house.

After squatting in the toilet in the dark, he felt that his body was extremely relaxed, as if a person was ten years younger.

"Xiaoyou Jiang, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would die today."

Yang Kun stared at Jiang Xiaohu with scorching eyes, "You not only saved my life, but also helped me restore my body's vitality. How can you tell me to repay you."

"If you really want to repay, just reward Susu. Everything I did today was done for her." Jiang Xiaohu pointed at Yang Su casually and said with a serious face.

"Susu I will naturally reward you, then you? Don't tell me, you have no desires." Yang Kun is not a fool, thinking that Yang Su can find such a capable young man to be a boyfriend.

In Yang Kun's view, Jiang Xiaohu is definitely not small.

"Haha, what do you think I pictured about your house? Oh, yes, the Emperor Jiang family is my house. The genuine Wanfu Shou bottle you like is in my family's collection. I am afraid that the dust is so thick now. Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Yang Kun and said in a very flat tone.

This old boy, saved him, still thinks so much.

"Recently, I heard that the Jiang family changed their heads. Who are you Jiang Zhanhao?" Yang Kun asked, suppressing the shock in his heart.

"My father." Jiang Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders.

Yang Kun squinted his eyes slightly, looked at Jiang Xiaohu back and forth, and finally took a deep breath and stood up directly.

"Xiaoyou Jiang, come with me."

Yang Kun said, and immediately led the way, leading Jiang Xiaohu to his study.

"Mom, where did Grandpa take Jiang Xiaohu?" Yang Su asked concerned about Jiang Xiaohu's back.

She was really afraid that Jiang Xiaohu would fight against her old man Yang Kun. Although she hadn't seen Jiang Xiaohu make a move, she was the biggest headache when the two of them fought.

"Don't worry, grandpa is not malicious, maybe there is something to tell his brother-in-law." Yang Zhiqiang turned to look at his sister and comforted.

After Jiang Xiaohu entered the study, Yang Kun locked the study door and led him through a secret door to the basement.

As soon as he entered the basement, Jiang Xiaohu saw it. The space here was huge and filled with spiritual energy. It seemed to be a place for cultivation.

"This is my practice place. I used to come here to practice every time after I input zhenqi to Susu. Over the years, although some spiritual qi has been consumed, I can still maintain my practice." Yang Kun introduced to Jiang Xiaohu When she got up, her tone was completely different from outside.

"This place is no longer suitable for cultivation, the entire space is full of death." Jiang Xiaohu still looks calm, and the induction energy radiates in the positive space.

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