Hearing these words, Yang Kun was sure that the cultivation level of the young man in front of him was definitely much higher than his own. If he really did it, he would most likely be killed if he didn't get a turn from this guy's hands. .

This person is definitely not simple, people from the big family of the imperial capital really have a deep background.

Since he is the young master of the Jiang family, it will be beneficial to his Yang family to bring him closer.

However, he really didn't believe that someone as good as Jiang Xiaohu would have only one woman. It seems that his granddaughter's life will be busy in the future.

Regardless of her, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.

In such a short period of time, Yang Kun wanted to open it. As long as Yang Su liked it, he would not object.

"Well, you are not curious, where does my aura come from?" Yang Kun glanced at his secret room, and then asked.

"It looks very ordinary here, you will never have self-produced aura, I'm afraid you used things like spirit stones?" Jiang Xiaohu smiled faintly.

In fact, he didn't care too much, presumably Yang Kun, as a cultivator, possessing spirit stones is also very normal.

"Little friend Jiang, it seems that I really shouldn't underestimate you. It is indeed a spiritual stone. Moreover, it is still such a large spiritual stone, which was under this gossip soil at the beginning." Yang Kun walked to the Bagua map and pointed his finger on the ground. .

As he stepped on the ground, the rumbling sounded, the gossip map collapsed directly, and then shrank to the side. A piece of milky white like mutton jade-like spiritual stone lay quietly inside, a full square meter as large as it was still A circle.

In all directions of this big spiritual stone, several spiritual stones of different sizes are placed according to the gossip pattern.

A small piece of spiritual stone was taken out randomly, which was larger than the dragon-shaped jade pendant on his neck, and had a purer texture and more aura.

With such a big deal, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help but have other ideas for Yang Kun.

In fact, in this world, the cultivation method is wrong, even if you are diligent and have such a good spirit stone, your strength will not improve much.

And Yang Kun falls into this category.

This was already detected when he was pulsed for him before.

"How is it? My big spiritual stone is still in your eyes?" Yang Kun looked at Jiang Xiaohu with a smile, and said very proudly.

Although he hadn't noticed any change in Jiang Xiaohu's expression just now, he was like a person without a smiling face, but Yang Kun could still see that his great spirit jade definitely shocked the other party.

"I heard Su Su said that you used to sell jade. You should have discovered the spirit jade mine for such a large spirit jade? But I didn't notice any clues in the data." Jiang Xiaohu did not hide it, simply Just speak frankly.

"Clue? Young man, it seems that you don't know. Then I will tell you that this spirit jade mine does exist, and I can tell you that it is in Kunlun Mountain. However, it is now the military headquarters. Guarded heavily, even if you have a golden core period, don't even want to get in."

Yang Kun glanced at Jiang Xiaohu, "If you have the idea of ​​forcibly breaking in, I advise you to dispel it. Otherwise, you will be beaten into a sieve."

"I didn't say that I wanted to break in, I was just thinking, how did you get such a big spirit jade? There are many immortal cultivators on the earth, and they will definitely be targeted." Jiang Xiaohu stroked his own Chin, said to the point.

Although it is full of death energy, it does not mean that this piece of spiritual jade is contaminated. The death energy is blocked by the gossip. In addition, the aura is abundant, and it is continuously emitted, forming a layer of protection. membrane.

Because of this, the few small spirit stones next to him also survived.

This should benefit from the formation method, which is purely a spiritual gathering formation made of spirit stones, simple and practical.

This kind of formation, as long as there are enough spirit stones, it is very easy to build successfully.

He had heard about the Kunlun situation more than once. Jiang Xiaohu didn't expect that the Lingyu Mine actually existed, but it's difficult now. If you want to get it done, I'm afraid it will not be easy.

Jiang Xiaohu can only dispel this idea for the time being, and does not want to confront the military personnel.

However, he remembered that several big men in the military, Minister Huang, Chen Daguang and Dong Haicheng were two ruthless men, and he was still a member of the dragon group.

Of course, what Jiang Xiaohu is considering now is to see if he can build a spirit gathering formation after returning to Binhai. In the future, whether it is Zhou Lin or Deng Shuangshuang and others, they can go in for practice.

"Of course, so I secretly got it back by stealing the dragon to the phoenix."

Yang Kun said with a smile, looking like a chicken thief, "Hey, it's actually the other jade that was transported back together in other jade. After all, some of the other jade also emits gas, which can cover up the aura."

"You don't need to tell me that in detail." Jiang Xiaohu said.

Yang Kun kept staring at Jiang Xiaohu, and after looking at it for a while, he said, "Little friend Jiang, your pill has cured me, but I still feel lifeless in the pubic area. If you can help me get rid of this Death, help me get back to the path of cultivation, I think I can consider giving you some spirit stones as reward."

This is a question he has been thinking about. Once he gets better, he naturally wants to return to the path of immortality.

As a cultivator, who doesn't want to improve his strength and increase his life through cultivation?

Ten years is too little for Yang Kun. He hopes that he can live another hundred years to make the Yang family's foundation everlasting.

"It seems that your picture is not small? You want the Yang family to have a long history?" Jiang Xiaohu shrugged and said in a very calm tone, but the meaning was very obvious.

"I can live healthy, ten years is enough? Besides, I am still a cultivator. I want to live longer, no problem, right?"

Yang Kun's face was full of seriousness, his eyes gleamed with elite light, "As long as you can do it, even if you let Susu be your concubine, I will help you."

"Hehe, you really underestimated me. In fact, let me tell you this. I was a shield that I invited to embarrass the Lin Xiuqin family. Presumably, you know very well in your heart that what their family plans is Did you leave this thing?"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled casually, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you want to build the Yang Family for a hundred years, I am afraid that you will eventually become someone else's thing?"

"It was before, but it's different now, and it won't be in the future. I'm ready to pass on all of the Yang family's property to Susu." Yang Kun's crutches knocked on the ground, his tone very firm.

If before, he still wanted to investigate and investigate, after all, Yang Su's nature was too weak to support the future of the Yang family.

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