It's just that if it matches Jiang Jianlong, it's still okay, even if it's just a look, it's a little bit more.

Jiang Jianlong did not expect that Jiang Xiaohu would suddenly ask such a question, and for a while, he was a bit twitchy, just like a little girl who had met a stranger for the first time.

"That's the one in yellow clothes."

Jiang Jianlong brought his head close to Jiang Xiaohu, and said with a voice like a mosquito.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaohu's very good hearing, I'm afraid I didn't even hear what this guy was saying.

"Speak louder, I didn't hear it. Anyway, you are also a man, do you have to be so embarrassed? Could it be that you have been defeated by her?" Jiang Xiaohu said on purpose.

Jiang Jianlong's complexion suddenly became extremely unnatural, and he even retracted his head, as if Jiang Xiaohu had hit the situation.

Moreover, a flush of embarrassment appeared on this guy's face.

As a result, he was even more afraid to see Nangong Ziyun.

"Mr. Nangong, I heard that you also brought a person named Ziyun? My elder brother wants to compete with her. I don't know if I agree?" Seeing Jiang Jianlong's appearance, Jiang Xiaohu turned his attention to Nangongquan smiled and looked at him.

"I said, brother, are you crazy?" Jiang Jianlong was startled, and hurriedly grabbed Jiang Xiaohu's hand.

It's just a pity that I have already spoken out, and I can't take it back.

"Xiaohu, how late is it better than martial arts? You come back so late, I haven't said about you yet." Jiang Zhanhao, who was sitting in the top position, suddenly pulled his face off and said angrily.

Not enough Nangong Quan is a personal spirit. Naturally, he understood the meaning of Jiang Xiaohu's words, turned his head and glanced at Nangong Ziyun, a faint smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, he also saw that Jiang Jianlong was like a dragon and a phoenix among people in ordinary days. Whether it was mentality or ability, he definitely surpassed his peers.

But he was interesting to Nangong Ziyun, and he was like an embarrassed yellow girl, which was really interesting.

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, even if I go back now, it doesn't make much sense. It's better to watch the contest between the two children, it's easy."

Nangongquan glanced at Jiang Zhanhao, "Clan Chief Jiang, you can borrow your site later, do you mind?"

After Jiang Zhanhao glared at Jiang Xiaohu fiercely, he smiled and nodded and said, "Patriarch Nangong doesn't mind. If I stop, I'm afraid Xiaohu will blame this old man."

"That's it. Ziyun, it's up to you later." A smile appeared on Nangong Quan's face, and he turned to look at Nangong Ziyun.

"Yes, Grandpa."

After Nangong Ziyun agreed, she immediately got up from the seat and walked towards Jiang Jianlong.

This guy is the defeated man. Tonight's contest was a complete beating of the opponent, and it was not challenging at all.

Seeing the other person approaching, Jiang Jianlong felt a little at a loss.

"Longlong, I heard that you are going to compete with me? Let's get up, just because I haven't loosened my muscles for a long time." Standing one meter away in front of Jiang Jianlong, Nangong Ziyun said with a smile.

The hands kept pressing each other, the joints snapped, a condescending posture, the tone was so relaxed.

Jiang Jianlong hurriedly said: "Let's compare it last time, there is no need to compare it again, right?"

"Wrong, very necessary, do you fight or not?"

Nangong Ziyun stared at Jiang Jianlong with scorching eyes, and asked.

Seeing the opponent's posture, Jiang Jianlong's neck shrank in fright, even more dare not to agree to a fight with the opponent.

"Guapi, I was really defeated by you, isn't it the girl you like, now come to you to compete? To be so scared like this, you really mad at me."

Jiang Xiaohu rolled his eyes, "Your sister-in-law didn't tell you this morning, how to get a girl? It's a waste of tongue."

Zhou Lin came over at this time and persuaded: "Sword Dragon, get up, and confess to the girl you like, even if it fails, there is no big deal. There is no fragrant grass in the world, right, failure? Just find another one."

Nangong Ziyun heard the words of these two people really, although she knew Jiang Jianlong was interesting to her before, but she didn't think the other party just liked her.

The impact of these words is strong enough, even if Nangong Ziyun is a lady of everybody, she sees many such confession scenes, but she still has a blush on her face.

"Forget it, Ziyan, I think you are such a good girl. There is no need to give a chance to be such a stubborn girl. Let's find someone else to marry. When you get married, I will give you a Zhuyan Dan, let Even if you are sixty years old, you can still maintain your current beautiful appearance." Jiang Xiaohu smiled slightly and said, with a calm expression.

"I also give you a gift. The latest product developed by our Tailin Beauty Group, a pure natural facial mask, guarantees that your face is full of collagen every day." Zhou Lin also said, just like a husband and wife.

Whether it was the Zhanyan Dan sent by Jiang Xiaohu or the facial mask sent by Zhou Lin, it caused a lot of shock among these people in the Nangong family. This hand ratio is really not ordinary.

No wonder my grandfather has to stay, even if he waits for an afternoon, he doesn't feel like wasting his time.

You know, the pure natural facial mask produced by Tailin Beauty Group has been bought for two hundred yuan per sheet. A box of five facial masks can't be bought even for 1,000 yuan.

It seems that it has become a good thing and a fashionable thing for the rich ladies.

What's even more exaggerated is that Zhu Yan Dan can make a woman keep her 20-year-old face even when she is 60 years old. That is really terrifying.

Wouldn't it be possible to achieve the myth of immortality with the use of Zhuyan Pill.

No woman in the world loves beauty, even an eighty-year-old old lady hopes that others will praise her for being beautiful.

"My daughter-in-law, this mask is really good. Xuan Xuan, look at my face, I used that mask." Hu Yuexin, as a loyal fan who has witnessed the miracle of the mask, immediately appeared to say to Nangong Yuhui's wife Said.

This Nangong Ziyun is the child of Nangong Yuhui and his original wife Xia Xuan. In one afternoon, Xia Xuan and Hu Yuexin had a very good relationship.

Before coming, Xia Xuan had made up her mind that she must have a good relationship with Jiang Xiaohu's mother.

"That's really a good thing, isn't a woman just looking pretty? With such a good daughter-in-law, you really envy me." Xia Xuan looked at Hu Yuexin with envy.

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