"Envy what, it's not that the children are too tossing."

Hu Yuexin is also a generous person, "It just so happens that I still have a box there. I will send it to you later, and take it back with you and apply it to ensure you are several years younger at once."

"Then I have to thank you very much." Xia Xuan quickly thanked her with a full smile on her face.

He had also seen Hu Yuexin before. At that time, her husband was still in Qianlong Zaiyuan. He didn’t know how bad his complexion was. It was no different from Huang Lian Po. But now, her face is ruddy and radiant. A more beautiful face is restored.

But she is gradually aging. Even if she has money at home and uses a lot of expensive cosmetics, she still can't stop this pace.

If she had previously opposed Nangong Ziyun and Jiang Jianlong being together, now, she was hopeful that her daughter would be able to resuscitate her, and she immediately agreed.

After all, it's a woman. What's wrong with being prettier for the sake of economic foundation?

The scene became lively when Jiang Xiaohu and Zhou Lin were so mixed up, and Jiang Jianlong was grilled on the fire.

The guy became fidgety and immediately stood up and said: "Okay, I'll compare with you."

Jiang Jianlong knew very well that if she agreed again, Nangong Ziyun would do it to herself in this room.

Being in front of so many people by a woman gave a severe lesson in the meeting room, even if he had a big face, he would not dare to do such a thing.

He will go out in the imperial capital in the future, and it spreads, so he won't be laughed out of his teeth?

The moment Jiang Jianlong got up, he glanced at Jiang Xiaohu very resentfully, as if to say that it was all your ghost, which made me feel so uncomfortable.

Jiang Xiaohu also stood up, and walked towards the Jiang Family Martial Arts Field with Zhou Lin.

These people in the living room also stood up one after another and went out together.

At this time, the Jiang Family Martial Arts Field was already brightly lit, and the huge martial arts field was illuminated in daylight.

Without any protective gear, Nangong Ziyun and Jiang Jianlong walked up to the ring one after another. They are all adults, so naturally they don't need cushions like cushions.

"Stegosaurus, since you are called my brother, then I will tell you, if you don’t beat Ziyan today, you will be called Zouguapi from now on. From now on, the entire imperial capital will also know that there is a Guigua in the Jiang family. Pi is called Jiang Jianlong."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Jiang Jianlong who was standing on the court and said with a smile, "If you can't beat Ziyan, how will you determine your family status in the future? You don't want her to marry someone else, then show your true skills. "

In fact, Jiang Xiaohu could see that this Nangong Ziyun still had a little meaning to Jiang Jianlong. Otherwise, when she heard the two of them joking, she would refute it.

This girl is not as perverted as Jiang Jianlong, on the contrary, she is generous and belongs to the category of people who dare to love and hate.

Her temperament was somewhat similar to Yang Su.

Moreover, Nangong Ziyun knew that Jiang Jianlong could be beaten violently, but she did not hesitate to stand up and promised to compete with Jiang Jianlong. If there was no article in it, he would naturally not believe it.

I'm afraid Nangongquan can see this too, so he just follows the tide.

Originally, the Nangong aristocratic family established their family by martial arts. Nearly half of the martial arts schools in the emperor were run by their family. Whether men or women, they practiced martial arts since childhood.

Nangong Ziyun is naturally no exception.

"Stegosaurus, to be a man, you should have a little bit of courage to defeat Ziyan. Grandpa will call you the shots and marry Ziyan to you in the future. Of course, if you can't beat him, it's hard to say." Nangongquan roared aside.

"Mr. Nangong, good calculation, but I like it. Give me your hand."

Jiang Xiaohu was still very satisfied with Nangong Quan's statement, smiled at him, and motioned for the other party to pass his hand over.

"I really hope that Ziyun and Stegosaurus will be together, marry into your Jiang family, and the two will unite. Isn't it great?"

Nangongquan handed the hand to Jiang Xiaohu, and said with a cheerful face. From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that the two could join forces. After all, the Jiang family had the resources to be in politics, and it was still a family that could not fail for a century.

Together, the Nangong family has only good and no harm.

As a person who has been engaged in martial arts for a long time, what he does every day is to absorb the essence of nature. Naturally, Nangong Quan can also feel some changes in the world.

If you want to save yourself and your family in the midst of changes, you must find a family with a deep heritage to rely on.

In the past, Nangongquan had been investigating, but now, he found that Jiang Xiaohu of the Jiang family was absolutely an alien, and even felt that he would have to rely on him in the future.

"Yes, it's good, but how do I feel, is it cheaper for your Nangong family to stand?" Jiang Xiaohu smiled.

Nangong Quan froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "You mean, I marry Ziyun to your family, and then don't even want a lottery. That's why it's not taking advantage?"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled noncommitantly: "To save you, I used a Pei Yuan Dan. This kind of pill is priceless. Even if you give me 10 million, I will not sell it. This is considered a gift, what do you think? "


Nangong Quan was taken aback for a moment, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes, "Okay, I don't want a bride price, and I will give a dowry 10 million."

What he wanted was to go to the big tree Jiang Xiaohu, this young man really shocked him.

One Pei Yuan Dan can sell for 10 million yuan. If there are so few, wouldn't it mean that they would kill their Nangong family's income for a year?

Even a fool would calculate this kind of account, how could he not understand the benefits.

"Then it will be such a happy decision."

Jiang Xiaohu hooked his finger at Nangong Quan, and when the other party approached him, he stuck to his ear and said, "Jiang Jianlong, has already entered the path of cultivating immortals, remember to keep it secret, no one should tell."

"it is good."

Nangongquan nodded immediately.

As a martial arts cultivator, he knows very well what it means to cultivate immortality. To embark on this path means to embark on the path of immortality. Once he breaks through, his life span will increase rapidly.

This is completely different from the cultivation base of martial arts, no matter how strong the martial arts cultivation is, it cannot escape the cycle of life and death.

"Jianlong Jiang, if you win Ziyan, I will not only marry Ziyan to you, but also don't need your betrothal gift, and I will also give you a gift of 10 million yuan!" Nangongquan took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and said loudly .

These words directly shocked many people present. Nangongquan is crazy. It doesn't matter if you don't need the gift, but there is a gift of 10 million. This is really an eye-opener for them like Nangong family.

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