The huge sound of the rushing water immediately rang in the backyard, as if someone had set up a super stereo to play a waterfall that was flying down three thousand feet down.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Quan was shocked, his mouth opened wide for a long time without regaining his senses.

He felt that only those who really reached the martial arts master level and above, it would be very difficult to burst out with such terrifying strength, but for Jiang Xiaohu, it was just something that could be easily accomplished with a wave of hands.

The gap between strengths gave him the word'fear' for the first time.

The strength of this young man is too terrifying, and the Nangong family is determined not to be an enemy.

"Let's go, let's take a look." Seeing Nangongquan standing there in a daze, Jiang Xiaohu beckoned.


Recovered, Nangongquan immediately followed Jiang Xiaohu.

He knew very well that the other party must have asked himself to see something, and this thing was still extremely important to the Nangong family.

When the water split to the two sides, revealing a dry road, Jiang Xiaohu raised his leg and walked towards the rockery.

At this time, the surroundings of the rockery were all dry, as if the water here was drained and then exposed to the sun for several days.

Walking into the pond, Nangongquan also felt a cool breath emanating from the water wall on the right.

Such an intuitive and close observation made him feel that Jiang Xiaohu's strength is very important, and it is definitely not something that people like him can easily get into.

Out of curiosity, he also stretched out his hand and touched the wall of water. The water immediately wetted his fingers, but it still remained upright, as if it were made of high-tech glass. The human landscape created by the water baffle is the same.

If it hadn't been for seeing it with his own eyes, Nangongquan would really not believe that someone should have such a deep instinct.


At this time, Nangongquan was brought back to his senses by a sound.

I saw the rockery parted to the two sides, as if the rockery were two gates, it shocked him again.

"What are you stupefying? Look, this is the small spirit gathering array arranged by the ancestors. The eyes are here. This dusty bead is the spirit stone." Jiang Xiaohu removed the slate of the gossip array on the ground. , Pointed to the gloomy spirit stone and said.

"How could this happen, is this still a spirit stone?"

Seeing the dark black spirit stone shattered in half, Nangong Quan couldn't believe that all of this was true.

It has been alive for almost a hundred years anyway, and naturally he has seen the world. What people who know that immortality needs most is to find the spiritual stone and absorb the spiritual energy inside to supplement the energy in the body.

It is precisely because of the spiritual energy that distinguishes the cultivator from the martial arts practitioner.

Every piece of spiritual stone full of spiritual energy is all milky white, the higher the purity, the deeper the milky white.

But now that the really fast spirit stone turned black, it was obvious that not only was there no spiritual energy, but it also exuded a suffocating twilight.

Twilight is sullen, the next thing is lifelessness!

"This is a primitive spirit stone, which is capable of regenerating aura. It's just a pity that it's all gone."

Jiang Xiaohu also felt extremely sorry. Although this original spiritual stone was broken, it was once more curious than the original spiritual stone he had obtained.

"Is there no way to recover?" Nangong Quan asked tentatively as the muscles in the corners of his eyes throbbed.

If he can restore the spirit stone, don't say a million, even if it is a billion, he will not blink.

"Bring you down to let you know that the ancestor of your Nangong family is actually a selfish ghost."

Jiang Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, with a faint expression on his face, "There is a secret grid here, maybe there is something in it."

When he said this, Jiang Xiaohu pointed his right hand to a rectangular bluestone on the ground, and signaled Nangong Quan to remove the stone covered on it.

Nangongquan couldn’t wait to see what’s under the stone, so as soon as Jiang Xiaohu’s words fell, he immediately bent down and lifted the bluestone, and moved three more stones in a row. , I found the rustic box buried deep underground.

Without waiting for Jiang Xiaohu's instructions, Nangongquan moved the box out carefully immediately.

A waterproof wooden box made of high-quality sinking wood was completely removed. Nangongquan immediately erased the brass lock on the box and opened the box.

"Take it out and have a look."

Jiang Xiaohu said in a rather plain tone as if he had discovered such an expression a long time ago.

After Nangong Quan looked at Jiang Xiaohu, he quickly took out the yellow package from the box and quickly opened it.

What was wrapped in it was a letter written on parchment paper. I don't know how many years it has been, the parchment paper was a little yellowed.

Unfolding the parchment, Nangongquan immediately saw a lot of words written on it. The inscription turned out to be the ancestor of the Nangong family, that is, the person of the powerful martial arts immortal, Nangong Yunba.

Jiang Xiaohu also glanced, and the corner of his mouth on the parchment immediately evoked a faint smile.

"What is written on it?" Jiang Xiaohu deliberately asked even if he knew what was written.

"An ancestor's letter of regret, saying that he was selfish and harmed the descendants of the Nangong family in order to achieve martial arts."

Nangongquan looked at Jiang Xiaohu and said, "However, he also said from above that if the Nangong family had a chance, they met a strong immortal cultivator, and prayed for him to help reconstruct the formation. The Nangong family will be honored as a guest."

"Is this a conscience discovery?" Jiang Xiaohu said with a rather poisonous smile.

"Mr. Jiang, I blamed you before, and I formally apologize to you." Nangongquan said apologetically.

On the parchment, Nangong Yunba said he was a selfish ghost, so what else could he say.

He could only admit his mistakes, and he even felt that Jiang Xiaohu was the strong cultivator, and the Nangong family should treat each other with supreme courtesy.

"It's not that I despise you, selfish ghost ancestor. The layout of this formation is really not very good. I dare say that he is a layman. The gathering of spirit formations is not arranged like this. Hey, it is really a violent thing. Such a good original spiritual stone." Jiang Xiaohu was still quite heartbroken when he saw the broken original spiritual stone.

Nangongquan was very embarrassed, and at the same time he secretly agreed with Jiang Xiaohu's words. If they were arranged a little better, their Nangong family would not fall into this field.

"I also ask Mr. Jiang to take action and save our Nangong family. Our Nangong family must be treated as the honorable guest!" After taking a deep breath, Nangongquan immediately clasped his fists and arched his hands.

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