"Linlin, do you plan to guard this vegetable for a lifetime?"

"He is my husband, and I should guard him."

"Husband? Haha, Linlin, don't you find it ridiculous? He is your shame!"

"Auntie, I will not divorce Jiang Xiaohu at this time, and the Jiang family will not allow this to happen."

"My silly girl! Who told you to divorce him? We just need to unplug the ventilator..."

"Auntie, stop talking, you want to kill our Zhou family!"


Jiang Xiaohu, who was lying on the hospital bed, woke up leisurely, quickly integrating complicated information in his mind.

He was originally a superb and famous medical immortal, with amazing talents. After 23,000 years of cultivation, he has already stepped into the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

In addition to his amazing medical skills, he was also a genius-level sword repairer, a three-foot green sword that swept the world.

Unfortunately, while exploring an ancient ruin, he was assassinated and killed on the spot.

The sky is not dead, Jiang Xiaohu, his soul is protected by the destiny of the Hongmeng Baoding, escaped to heaven, crossed the space barrier to the earth, and was reborn in a vegetable man also named Jiang Xiaohu.

After fusing the memories of the vegetative people, Jiang Xiaohu showed a bitter smile on the hospital bed. The body he occupies is also sad enough.

The illegitimate son of the Jiang family of the northern capital, because the family was afraid of shame, he was hid in the snow since he was a child and was not seen.

When he grows up, he will be sent directly to Zhou's family in Binhai to be the door-to-door son-in-law...

Since I was afraid of being ashamed, it would be great not to be born.

Because of his life experience and childhood experience, the vegetable Jiang Xiaohu was timid, cowardly and incompetent, and was a waste person.

After arriving at Zhou's house, I was even more ridiculed and scorned by the people of the clan, even worse than the traffickers and pawns in the market, really pitiful and hateful!

Since he escaped from the dead, Jiang Xiaohu naturally wanted to re-practice and return to be too critical for revenge. However, it is really inconvenient to act as a superfluous son-in-law... It's nothing more, since I borrowed your body, let's live out your own personality!

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was thinking, the door of the ward was opened and he quickly closed his eyes.

"Zhang Yang, what are you doing? Why did you lock the door back?"

This voice is familiar to Jiang Xiaohu, his nominal wife Zhou Lin, they have been married for three years, but they are still innocent and clear.

"Linlin, don't you understand my heart now?"

A man's affectionate voice sounded, full of madness.

"Zhang Yang, I am very grateful for your help to our family, but I am already married, and I hope you will stop pestering me!"

Zhou Lin's tone was quite firm, which made Jiang Xiaohu secretly praised.

"What is the difference between you and single now? Just because of the waste on the bed? He was a waste when he was sober, and now he has become a vegetative, not even waste!"

The public voice was full of indignation.

"Yes, because of him, he is my husband."

For a long time, Zhou Lin understood Zhang Yang's intentions, but the other party didn't make it clear, so she couldn't specifically refuse.Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang began to confess his husband as soon as he became a vegetable.

"Hahaha, Linlin, this is the Jiang family's insult to you! I will kill this trash!"

"Ah, what are you doing, Zhang Yang?"

Premeditated publicity, he rushed to the hospital bed and pulled out the breathing mask on Jiang Xiaohu's face!

"You will be relieved as soon as you die! At that time, the two of us can stay and fly together!"

Zhang Yang's face is full of pleasure!

"Zhang Yang, you are fooling around! Doctor, doctor, come and save people!"

Zhou Lin was not a strong and aggressive opponent, so she could only twist the door handle in vain and ask the doctor on duty outside for help.

"Linlin, don't take the time, no one will come!"

Zhang Yang looked proud.

"You... you designed it in advance?!"

Zhou Lin looked horrified, she didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so crazy!

"Yes, I am going to kill this wimpy eating soft rice today!"

Everything is under control, just like a king over the world.

"Ahem, excuse me, you have to discuss with me personally about killing me."

Jiang Xiaohu, who couldn't listen, suddenly sat up from the hospital bed.

"Are you a man or a ghost? You... why did you wake up?"

Rao was full of enthusiasm and was shocked to see Jiang Xiaohu, who should have been lying down and waiting for death, wake up!

Jiang Xiaohu twisted his stiff neck and smiled slightly: "I feel that my breathing is not smooth, so I woke up."

I am so special, I took off the breathing mask, but saved your life!

This explanation was unacceptable, and he was immediately furious!

"Why don't you die? You are a waste of money? You die for me!"

Furiously, he stretched out his hands and was about to grab Jiang Xiaohu's neck. This was to do it himself and ended Jiang Xiaohu's life!

Jiang Xiaohu's eyes suddenly cold, an ant, it's endless, right?

Even if his cultivation base is not complete, Jiang Xiaohu still has a way to deal with the ant in front of him.

He turned, stretched his right foot, and then kicked up suddenly!


The screams resounded throughout the entire ward!

Zhang Yang covered his crotch with both hands and fell to the ground in pain.

Oops, this body is really weak, so I didn't kick the ants to death. I have to hurry up and cultivate!

"I suggest you see a doctor as soon as possible, otherwise...hehe."

Jiang Xiaohu's extremely relaxed words made Zhang Yang panic. He reluctantly took out the key to open the door and ran out for help.

Zhou Lin, who was leaning on the wall, stared at everything in front of her with a stunned mouth. Is this the Jiang Xiaohu who is conscientious to everyone?Is this... still that cowardly, fearful, bullying and useless?

Could it be said that after being beaten as a vegetative and then awakened, the personality will change?

Jiang Xiaohu rubbed his face: "Daughter-in-law, do you know who beat me like this?"

Jiang Xiaohu became a vegetative person because he was attacked and hit the back of his head with a stick. There is no clue in his memory as to who rushed to such a wretched meal.

Hearing Jiang Xiaohu's name, Zhou Lin, who was still in shock, suddenly got a cold face: "I don't know, the police have not found out the case."

"Well, let's leave the hospital for the wife, I want to go home."

"Jiang Xiaohu, do you think that if you are beaten by someone, you will become more capable?"

Zhou Lin yelled and turned and left the door.

Sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help but smile. To Zhou Lin, he had never dared to call his wife or wife before.

Back home, the night is already dim.

A beautifully dressed middle-aged woman was sitting in the living room watching TV, and she stood up when she saw Jiang Xiaohu and Zhou Lin entering the door.

"Why did you wake up because of this uselessness? Linlin, what I said to you this afternoon, you will consider again!"

"Auntie, I'm tired, so I will rest first."

Zhou Lin didn't want to talk to Chen Meijiao at all, and went straight back to the bedroom.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu staring at herself, Chen Meijiao suddenly furious: "You are a waste of rice, why don't you die! Just because you haven't died as a rubbish, the old lady made a lot of money!"

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