The baby was very bitter, and the baby was bullied all night, very miserable.

Deng Shuangshuang just wanted to express his inner thoughts and communicate with someone who has the same fate.

The result ushered in a thud.

"I only knew you kicked the quilt before. I didn't expect to drool. I will wash the bed for my old lady later, otherwise you will be dead when I come back! Hey, whose toothbrush did you use!"

Yuan Yimeng looked angry, and she was obviously going to eat the little white rabbit yesterday.

As a result, the little white rabbit fell asleep on the sofa without a horror movie.

How big is this person's heart!

Yuan Yimeng tremblingly watched the disc by himself, and then had to scout the ancestor to go to bed.

"Can you blame me? Who told you to close my house!"

"You Nizi, don't think I don't know, you have a spare key!"

Yuan Yimeng angrily pointed out that the mat in front of Deng Shuangshuang's door was "safe in and out".

Zhou Lin looked at the two neighbors who looked like sisters with a smile on her face.

You can't do it without smiling, Jiang Xiaohu's details are not detailed at all, and she has no plans to share it.

Deng Shuangshuang, who held his hands high and surrendered, looked aggrieved, and the hooks under his shoulders showed a perfect curve. Yuan Yimeng was so evil that he stretched out his hands to grab!


Zhou Lin felt the door with his back suddenly opened and pushed Zhou Lin forward.

"You didn't bring your cell phone."

Holding Zhou Lin's dropped cell phone and a bunch of keys in his hand, he placed it in Zhou Lin's hand.

Jiang Xiaohu looked indifferent to the two neighbors who were making noisy and indecent actions early in the morning and closed the door again.

"Ah! Yuan Yimeng, my innocence!"

Deng Shuangshuang was angry. He hadn't worn it yet, and the shape was completely exposed.

"Where do you have innocence, didn't you give it to a certain director?"

Yuan Yimeng spread his feet, pulled Zhou Lin's wrist, and ran into the elevator with small leather shoes, making faces at Deng Shuangshuang who was still holding a toothbrush in his mouth.


Yuan Yimeng and Zhou Lin who entered the elevator laughed together.

The girl who entered the elevator that was the first to enter, bowed her head and was writing and drawing on the handwritten notebook, looked sideways.

It's cheaper Jiang Xiaohu, Zhou Lin looked at Jiang Xiaohu's cold face and felt happy for no reason.

The stress caused by Zhou Lin's own embarrassment because of an embarrassment disappeared.

"Zhou Lin, you slept last night, were you okay?"

After entering the elevator, he laughed for a while, and Yuan Yimeng asked Zhou Lin with a worried look.

"It's okay, the decoration is very good, and it's still cool. I sleep till dawn."

In fact it is the same.

Zhou Lin was worried that Jiang Xiaohu would not climb into her bed, after all, Jiang Xiaohu was different.

This feeling was felt by Zhou Lin from when Jiang Xiaohu shot Huang Liying's face.

So the worries that have never been there before have risen again.

But this time, it was completely reversed.

With Jiang Xiaohu absorbing spiritual energy in the room, Zhou Lin sleeps more and more peacefully every night, even the faint dark circles in the corners of her eyes disappear.

"Sure enough. There was no sound last night. Does your husband know how to be Feng Shui? After a few pots of trees were placed at the door, they all got better."

"You are talking about the wind, no, my husband used a cloth to block it on the balcony."

When Zhou Lin came to the living room, she also happened to see the huge red cloth.

Although it is not very beautiful, the strong wind does make people uncomfortable, and it is indeed much better to block it.

"oh, I see."

Yuan Yimeng didn't believe it.

When the wind was so strong, even people almost blew up when it was opened. She complained several times and asked the property to close the floor-to-ceiling windows of the 2706 balcony. The other party did not agree. The reason was that once closed, the glass door would be closed in less than a day. Shattered.

Then they have to find someone to change.

This has happened before. Zhou Lin said that a few pieces of cloth could block it. Yuan Yimeng really didn't believe it.

"I think your husband is full of charm, really isn't it?"

Last night, she saw Jiang Xiaohu holding Zhou Lin with her own eyes, and moved those pots of dozens of kilograms of oak trees.

"No, he is a doctor."

"Doctor, which hospital?"

"Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tailin Medical Center, which is still under renovation and will open soon."

The girl holding the handwritten notebook on the side suddenly raised her head when she heard Zhou Lin's words.

The tight face looked at the two women beside him.

"Yimeng, what about you, what do you do?"

"Can't you see it?"

Yuan Yimeng raised his waist, interlaced his hands and fingers in front of Hungarian, and the small suitcase behind him was close to his feet.


The elevator doors opened.

Yuan Yimeng pulled the suitcase out of the elevator.

Zhou Lin looked envious.

"Yimeng, you are a stewardess."

"Well, you won't see me in the next week. It's so miserable. It's going to fly half a planet. By the way, the rabbit in 2709 is called Deng Shuangshuang, you know. She is a little actor, and she makes a slap She's just going to be insane and go away."

Yuan Yimeng took small steps, walked out of Lanting Yawan, and waved to Zhou Lin after getting in the car.

Zhou Lin also waved to each other.

An enviable career can always fly in the sky.

"That, sister."

Seeing the car slowly leaving, the clothes were suddenly pulled.

"Is your husband really a doctor of Chinese medicine?"

The girl holding the handwritten notebook looked up, and Zhou Lin suddenly felt oppressed.

At that time, I was patronizing and chatting with Yuan Yimeng in the elevator, but I didn't realize that the woman who lived in the same building was so temperamental.

The melon seeds have straight eyebrows, immortal face, autumn water in the eyes, a blue broken blue and white pleated long skirt, classical beauty, gentle temperament, and charming.

"Yes, but it hasn't opened yet."

Zhou Lin also didn't know how Jiang Xiaohu's medical skills were. He wanted to come to cure Huang Liying's grandfather, he shouldn't be bad.

"Can you leave a mobile phone number?"

"it is good."

Such a girl, Zhou Lin picked up the phone.

After leaving each other's mobile phone numbers, the girl seemed to be in a hurry and left soon.

After Zhou Lin returned from buying breakfast, Jiang Xiaohu had changed into normal clothes.

At least it wasn't the bathrobe, which made Zhou Lin let go.

When eating breakfast, Zhou Lin found that the grass that had been bought with one hundred thousand was gone. There was only an empty basin on the balcony, and she did not ask much.

Thought it was blown away.

Although I feel a little distressed about the money, I don't know that this one hundred thousand, Jiang Xiaohu spends super value.


Zhou Lin's cell phone rang.

Jiang Xiaohu picked up the phone and opened the text message.

[Big brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to be your little brother in this life, thank you for giving me peace of mind these days, thank you.Zhao Jian.

The message on the SMS shocked Jiang Xiaohu.

The two did not achieve the status of a fairy servant, but Zhao Jian was the one Jiang Xiaohu planned to train as a fairy servant.

Zhao Jian's text message is like saying goodbye to the world.

It is not clear what happened without seeing people.

Grab the phone and call back immediately.

The phone is connected, but no one answers.

Jiang Xiaohu called again, and this time, the call was quickly connected.

"Brother Jian is operating!"

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