The unfamiliar voice should be Zhao Jian's friend or brother.

"Which hospital!"

Jiang Xiaohu ignored the details and asked directly.

"Binhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine."


Jiang Xiaohu hung up the phone, got up and left.

Zhou Lin, who had been watching Jiang Xiaohu's movements all the time, took a look at the phone and suddenly guessed what happened.

"Bring your phone. I'll wait for you at home."

Zhou Lin knew that she would not be able to help if she went, but would drag Jiang Xiaohu back.

With this woman, she couldn't walk fast.

The car is under maintenance. It is estimated that the car will not be available until tomorrow.

Jiang Xiaohu's cell phone is charging, and the battery runs out. Zhou Lin helps to charge it every time.

After getting drunk last night, Zhou Lin didn't charge it either. Fortunately, most of Jiang Xiaohu's phone numbers were available on Zhou Lin's phone, so she said quickly.

Jiang Xiaohu nodded and quickly went downstairs.

It was already an hour and a half after the car arrived at Binhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Originally, Jiang Xiaohu's cultivation base in the later stage of Qi training, galloped, much faster than this congested city road.

But he didn't know the way and could only choose to take a taxi.

After entering the hospital, the strong breath here made him frown.

Jiang Xiaohu took out his cell phone again and dialed Zhao Jian's number.


"Woo, brother Jian is gone."

"where is it?"

"Go to the first floor right away. In the elevator. Brother Jian!"

Jiang Xiaohu slowly turned around and the elevator door opened.

A steel hospital bed was rolled out, and two male nurses were pushing the bed beside him, and there was a thin man on one side, holding a mobile phone in his hand, leaping on the bed and keeping tears.

Jiang Xiaohu stepped forward and directly lifted the white cloth covering the patient's face.

"what are you doing!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's actions, the male nurse immediately scolded him.

On the other side, the little thin man saw Jiang Xiaohu coming, wiped his face, and looked up at Jiang Xiaohu.

"Are you Big Brother Jiang?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

Zhao Jian was indeed lying on the hospital bed, his strong and tall body couldn't even fit the hospital bed, and his ankles were exposed.

There was no living blood on his lips, and his face turned blue.

Jiang Xiaohu put his hand on Zhao Jian's wrist.

There is no pulse, no temperature, and the heartbeat has stopped.

In medicine, this kind of cold is called clinical death.

The little thin man cried and explained.

"Brother Jian drove Long Ye, waiting for the traffic lights, and suddenly a group of people rushed out. Brother Jian saw that something was wrong, and immediately stepped on the gas pedal. The car hit a dirt truck that didn't know where it came from."

Halfway through, the little thin man cried again.

"You can't knock him down."

Zhao Jian, who has the blood of Kuayang, will not be fatal even if he rolls down from the mountain in an extreme rally.

The Kua tribe is regarded as the strongest group of vitality in Tailin, whose vitality is comparable to the three tribes of monsters, dragon, phoenix and unicorn.

"I can't get it down, but they have guns. Brother Jian used his body to block the bullets in order to save Lord Long. After we rushed over, Brother Jian..."

The little thin man wanted to say more, the male nurse waved to stop.

He has to send people to the morgue, but he has no time to listen to stories here.

"What are you still doing here? Go back, hurry up! Are you two direct relatives? Please don't interfere with the work of the hospital. If you want to condole your appearance, go through the relevant procedures. The procedures are simple. You can do it today. "

A doctor in a white coat in the hall walked over and held his glasses with disgust in his eyes.

As I said earlier, the hospital would not want to arrange the mortuary on the basement level.

So many people pass from the hall every day, who can bear it!

I don't know, I thought they couldn't be cured by one person in their hospital, and sent people to the morgue every day.

The male nurse pushed Zhao Jian and turned to go behind the elevator.

There is a trail leading to the morgue.

"Wait, the man is not dead, I can save him!"

Jiang Xiaohu grabbed the bed and prevented the male nurse from pushing it away.

"Sir, I understand your feelings about losing your loved ones. Please don't hinder our work. The patient has suffered a lot and needs rest. You..."

Song Da's expression loosened, and he spoke very tactfully, pushing his hands onto the bed at the same time.

He has seen too many betrayed family members of patients, and irrational behaviors of losing their loved ones.

In such a situation, you only need to send people away quickly to minimize the possible adverse effects of these stubborn relatives.

I push!what!

Song Da looked at the two male nurses beside the hospital bed, thinking that they were not exerting any effort, gave him a fierce look.

Push again!


The little thin guy looked dumbfounded.

He saw Jiang Xiaohu with his own eyes, resisting two strong men and a weak doctor with only one hand.

The faces of the three people blushed, and they obviously used their strength to feed themselves.

"Does your hospital want to kill people?"

The thin man reacted in an instant that Jiang Xiaohu was considered by Zhao Jian to be his eldest brother, and he must have the ability.

Maybe, maybe, maybe...

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, the little thin guy wants to give it a try.

"What are you talking about!"

It is the morning rush hour. Many patients who come to the hospital to change dressings, get injections, or prepare to see a doctor are walking back and forth in the hall.

With the sharp voice of the little thin man, many people immediately surrounded him.

For a time, countless patients pointed at Song Da.

"No, gentleman, don't mess around, the patient is really dead."

Song Da panicked, came to Jiang Xiaohu's side and begged, put his hand on Jiang Xiaohu's arm, trying to break the other party apart.

I tried it when I was pushing, and at this moment, it was even more futile.

"People are not dead, I can save them."

It is about Zhao Jian's life and death, and Jiang Xiaohu also ignores cause and effect.

"Quickly, go, find the dean, and you, go to the security guard!"

The longer the time delay, the extent to which the influence of the event will ferment is not the responsibility of his little doctor.

Soon, four or five big men in uniforms came to the door, Song Da instructed them not to be rough with Jiang Xiaohu, after all, so many people looked at, the other party was still the patient's family.

Song Da asked them to stand by the hospital bed and push the steel hospital bed together.

Plan to send people away first.

Well.Uh, ah!

The little thin man was afraid that Jiang Xiaohu could not stand it alone, so he squatted at Zhao Jian's feet, leaned his shoulders, and prepared to resist with his whole body.

Soon, he let go.

Because he didn't use any force at all, Jiang Xiaohu still had one hand, blocking a group of blushing security guards opposite.

"I'm going, this young man, with great strength."

"Isn't he posing for a photo!"

"It shouldn't be. Look at the soles of the security guards. Imprints are stuck on the floor. How much force is needed."


The crowd onlookers said everything, but few believed that Jiang Xiaohu could really treat Zhao Jian.

In the hospital, covered with the big white cloth covering his face, the life and death of this person has been settled down.

Even if there are many family members of the patients, there is nothing but regret in their hearts.

"What happened!"

"It's you!"

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