Since that dim morning, after Li Wanjie ran out of Huang's house like crazy, he called crazy to find the local church.

Begged bitterly, promised a lot of money, and took the bishop who was dressed in black with a white cross to go to Huang's house with him.

His face was lost.

Master Huang was not only well, but he was still drinking millet porridge.

Although Sun Lean and Qi Minghai didn't say anything, their avoiding eyes clearly wrote contempt.

"It's still the bachelor of Western medicine who has returned from studying abroad. It turns out that holy water and crosses are used to treat illnesses!"

This is Li Wanjie's inner narration for the two.

After returning to the hospital, he took a few days off.

I haven't been able to recover. Until today, I went to work on the first day and was making a report in the dean's office. She promised to take this kind of vacation to communicate with the dean as soon as possible, but was interrupted by a male nurse who suddenly broke in.

The nurse wears yellow rubber gloves on his hands, and it is clear at a glance which part the other party is responsible for.

Can someone save the dead?Ha, the world's great success!

This incident successfully diverted the dean's attention, wearing curiosity, gratitude, and contempt for the incident.

Li Wanjie came here with the dean and encountered his nightmare again.

"What? Doctor Li knows him?"

The white-haired dean helped his glasses. If he knew him, then the matter would be easy to handle.


Li Wanjie broke out in cold sweat, and he misunderstood what the dean meant.

"That's considered acquaintance? You go to persuade, this is a public place, don't expand the influence!"

He gave Li Wanjie a majestic look. You can handle the matter well and forget about the leave.


This time, Li Wanjie completely understood the dean's meaning and threw the mess on his head.

At this time, Li Wanjie regretted it so much that he shouldn't have watched the excitement. At that time, he left silently, and it didn't happen.

"President, in fact, I'm really unfamiliar. I just had a face-to-face meeting. As for the face-to-face, Vice President Sun is more familiar with this gentleman."

Last time I saw Huang Yingsheng, Li Wanjie saw that Jiang Xiaohu was not the kind of person who could be persuaded.

Li Wanjie knew that he could not complete the task even if he sent it forward.

In extreme moments, people's intelligence will definitely improve.

Li Wanjie quickly carried Sun Lean out.

After Li Wanjie ran away, wasn't Sun Lean still there? Speaking of which, Sun Lean and Jiang Xiaohu were definitely more familiar than himself.

"Oh? Let someone tell Vice President Sun to come down."

Hospitals are also divided into categories.

Dean Wu Zhende was born in western medicine. In order to promote the culture of Chinese medicine, Sun Lean, who was born in Chinese medicine, became the vice president of the hospital.

Li Wanjie is a member of Wu Zhende as a group of Western medicine.

Hearing Li Wanjie's words, Wu Zhende didn't expect this to happen, so he immediately explained it and raised his foot to Jiang Xiaohu.

"This gentleman, you said, can you save this person?"

The huge body on the hospital bed made Wu Zhende push away a little.


"Time waits for no one, prepare the operating room for this gentleman!"

The audience was in an uproar!

Whether it was the patient, the family, or even Li Wanjie, Wu Zhende was shocked by this statement.

Sun Lean hurried to see Jiang Xiaohu and the thin man pushing Zhao Jian into the elevator again. Sun Lean saw Jiang Xiaohu and was chasing him, but Wu Zhende stopped him.

"Dr. Sun, the patient is going to the third C operating room. Could you please take a trip, you must save people!"

Hearing Wu Zhende's words, Sun Lean didn't think much, turned around and ran the stairs again.

Behind him, Li Wanjie saw Sun Lean really catching up and suddenly realized.

"Dean Wu, the students admire him."

Send Jiang Xiaohu away for the first time to resolve the onlookers.

Then Sun Lean was sent up. The man would definitely not be able to save his life, but he occupied the operating room. The doctors and patients who were delayed for time, as well as the patients' family members, would certainly not give up.

At that time, Wu Zhende's responsibility may be counted, but the greatest responsibility lies with Sun Lean.

I'm afraid he will be lost as the deputy dean.

"Learn something. Go up and help!"

Wu Zhende showed a faint smile, then straightened his face and began to scold the security guard.

"What are you doing? Don't go to the door to guard, prevent scammers from entering the door, and run here to behave on the patient's family, what is it like! Who made you come just now! Song Da?! Come with me! Others, should do it What to do, so many patients are waiting for help! What is it like!"

This performance has been recognized by many patients and their families.

Song Da's face turned pale in shock.

Did you handle it wrong?

Song Da is also a department of traditional Chinese medicine, which is still in practice, and is arranged to receive patients and their families in doubt at the front desk.

"Dean, I'm passing."

Li Wanjie, who hadn't left for a long time, looked at Song Da's appearance and didn't know how cool he was.


Yes, Ruzi can teach.

Wu Zhende waved to Li Wanjie, who was still beside him.

He didn't really want Li Wanjie to help, he just needed someone to come over.

When the patient is sent to the morgue again, and all the effects begin to be turbulent, it is enough to stand up as a witness throughout the process and put the blame on Sun Lean.

"Naughty! This person is dead! Why are you crazy! Get out, there are other patients here!"

Jiang Xiaohu pushed Zhao Jiangang to the outside of the ward, and a female doctor in a white coat walked out of it.

Lifting the white cloth and seeing Zhao Jian's face, he was furious!

Yu Bailing was Zhao Jian's attending doctor. At that time, Zhao Jian was sent to the hospital and she was responsible for the rescue throughout the entire process.

Zhao Jian was shot five times in the back and three bullets hit the internal organs.

Ordinary people would have died long ago from such severe injuries, and at that time Zhao Jian could still use his cell phone to send text messages.

Yu Bailing, with professional qualities, snatched the other party's mobile phone and started first aid.

On the operating table, when Yu Bailing took out all five bullets from Zhao Jian, Zhao Jian had lost his heartbeat and his body became cold.

Although regretful, the instrument showed that this person was indeed dead.

"Xiaoyu, get out of the way, and I will explain to you later that this is the permission of the dean to temporarily requisition the operating room."

Sun Lean came over in a hurry behind him, panting, and said something.

"No! I want to use the operating room! The patient is already waiting inside!"

Yu Bailing is preparing for the next operation. Changing the time at this time will prolong the suffering of the patient and will most likely cause great danger.

"No need for an operating room, just here."

It is not difficult for Jiang Xiaohu to come back to life, but there is no need to delay too long.

He pushed Zhao Jian up, in fact, to find something.


While speaking, Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand to Yu Bailing's Hungarian mouth and took a pen from it.

Remove the upper cap, and the front tip has a bulge, about the same size as the blood vessel.

"I have golden needles here."

"No need to"

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