When he saw Jiang Xiaohu took his work pen from his Huns, Yu Bailing immediately felt insulted.

In fact, Jiang Xiaohu was looking for similar tools along the way, and Yu Bailing didn't have to use it.

"you you!"

"Doctor, go save your patient."

Next, Jiang Xiaohu needs a quiet environment.

At least not be disturbed for a short time.

Several family members at the door of the operating room were looking at Yu Bailing eagerly. They should be relatives of the patient inside.

Yu Bailing also has no time to delay here, no matter what the other party wants to do, as long as she doesn't delay her saving lives!Jiang Xiaohu gave Jiang Xiaohu a fierce look, then lifted his foot into the operating room.

If it were not for surgery, she would really like to see with her own eyes how Jiang Xiaohu rescued Zhao Jian!

"Do you really need a needle?"

In the Huang family, Sun Lean knew that Jiang Xiaohu was a person who could use Taiyi Xuanzhen and teach it to Qi Minghai.

Qi Minghai only showed the five needles in front of Sun Lean, which completely convinced this old man who had some opinions on Jiang Xiaohu before.

Only this time, come back to life?Sun Lean waited by letting Jiang Xiaohu give it a try.

Before coming, Wu Zhende had asked him to call the police.

Within ten minutes, the police will come over and take away the liar Jiang Xiaohu!

I really thought that Wu Zhende would kindly let him undergo the operation, this was to make him carry a big scapegoat.

"To shut up!"

The shape of the iron piece on the front of the cap was wrong, Jiang Xiaohu twisted it into a spiral with his fingers.

People of Kuayang bloodline, after being seriously injured, will enter a state of self-dormancy and are not really dead.

When Jiang Xiaohu saw Zhao Jian, he was sure that he was in such a state, but it was not that easy to wake him up, he needed to use his aura to pull the fairy gate!

Now Zhao Jian has five holes in his body, thanks to the doctor who treated him.

Even if Zhao Jian is dead, he insists on completing the operation and all the wounds have been stitched up, otherwise Jiang Xiaohu will have to complete these things first.

Tianmen Baihui, Xianmen.

Fingers rubbed Zhao Jian's head.

The immortal gate is located in the back of the head, corresponding to the person in front, one inch above.

(The following is purely fictitious, please do not imitate, it is life-threatening.)

Jiang Xiaohu held up Zhao Jian's head, pointed the pen needle that changed into a spiral shape at the fairy gate from the back, and slowly pierced a small opening.

The immortal gate is the big hole of life and death, once opened, it is like stepping into the gate of life and death.

Holding the tip of the finger of the pen needle, a burst of white light flickered, and aura flooded in, like a wave hitting the fairy gate, one after another, not too heavy nor too light.

Reverse Kuayang!

Sensing the opening of the fairy gate, Jiang Xiaohu immediately pulled out the pen needle and placed a broken step behind Zhao Jian's head.

Put your hands together into fingers, and point at Zhao Jian Ren Du Ermai.

The body of Kuayang was excited and began to absorb Zhao Jian's little Yang Qi in an overwhelming manner.

Now that Zhao Jian is at stake, he must be absorbed and his life will be lost in no time.

I've sucked so much, it's time to spit it out!

As soon as he explained the essence of Kuayang, Jiang Xiaohu's fingers changed into fists, and he aimed at Zhao Jian's chest and heart, and slammed it down!

"Don't move!"

"You lunatic! You beat the patient!"


A quake accompanied the sweet drink.

Under the stress of Kuayang body, he breathed out Yangling to protect Zhao Jian's whole body.

Knock on the immortal gate to receive the Yang Ling. Although the blood is not pure, it is a half-legged entry into the Kuayang clan.


"Xiao Wei, we are handling the case."

The person named Xiaowei was about twenty years old. He looked young and mature, so he coughed slightly and looked at Jiang Xiaohu.

Yang Ling had opened his fist and turned his fingers again, re-locking Zhao Jian's terrifying talent of Kua clan.

That is to say, if you go to Tailin, with the purity of your blood, you can practice Qi in one day and build the foundation in two days, and you will reach the fairyland within half a year.

"We received a report from someone saying that you desecrated the dead, please come with us."

Han Zhiqiang went straight to Jiang Xiaohu, standing in front of him and said.

"Yes, that's right, it's him. This person can't cure the disease at all. He is hammered and beaten at the deceased, scared and foolish. Take him away."

The belated Li Wanjie followed Han Zhiqiang in police uniform, and as soon as he came up he saw Jiang Xiaohu punching Zhao Jian.

Don't be too happy.

Grab it right.

"Tomorrow morning, let him find me at this address."

Jiang Xiaohu didn't have time to pay attention to these people. Zhao Jian had been saved. He turned his head and looked at Zhao Jian's mobile phone in the hands of the thin man.

There is the position he posted on it.


The thin man didn't know that Zhao Jian was alive, so he was dumbfounded.

"Although you can understand your feelings as a family member, your behavior has seriously interfered with the normal operation of the hospital. Since the police are here, please this gentleman, please leave quickly."

Wu Zhende appeared, followed by two devices holding handwritten notebooks and cameras in his hands to tell everyone their identity: reporters.

How could a reporter show up?

Sun Lean's heart is stunned!

But family members don’t want the deceased to leave and try to save it again. It’s a simple matter, how can there be reporters.

"Two reporter friends, this matter is just a misunderstanding. I know the whole process. Come, let's talk in the conference room."

"Deputy Dean Sun!"

Wu Zhende called his name loudly.

"Reporters represent the broad masses of the people and have the right to know! I believe no one knows how this happened better than this gentleman, disrupting public order, sensationalizing, and saying that you are a doctor who can save people! You are also one of the participants. One, don't think about covering up! It's better to quickly explain the performance in front of the people's police and don't discredit the hospital!"

Just a word, since this incident has risen to the height of a conspiracy.

"Yes! Vice President Sun, I know you are very familiar with Jiang Xiaohu, but you can't use patients as a tool for your reputation! You are really too much!"

Li Wanjie praised Wu Zhende in his heart, and at the same time complained in tears!

The big ugliness that happened at Huang's house that day, after these words, vented in a very comfortable way.

Had it not been for the police and reporters, he could dance and sing.

"No noise outside the operation... Dean..."

The door of the operating room suddenly opened, revealing a small hat.

This was a nurse, and her habitual words fell. Only then did she discover that the people standing outside the operating room were all big men, and none of them could be provoked by her, so she suddenly stuck out her tongue and bowed her head.

"Nurse Xiao Jia is right. People are still being saved here. You shouldn't make a loud noise, gentleman, please tell the police comrades quickly about this farce, organizers, participants, everything!"

Suddenly interrupted by someone, Wu Zhende's eyes flashed hostility, and then his painting style changed again.

"This Vice President Wu, since you are also involved, please take a trip together."

Han Zhiqiang heard it out, this incident was originally planned.

"You, are you Jiang Xiaohu?"

Jiang Xiaohu has been observing Zhao Jian's situation and told the little thin man.

The sweet drinker here made a circle and came in front of the two, only then could he see Jiang Xiaohu's face clearly.

Han Zhiwei, visited the club with Huang Liying last time.

"It's noisy, Qing'er, let them shut up!"


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