Just recognizing Jiang Xiaohu, the person in front of him who had the name of the'deceased' suddenly raised his hand and circled his head.

It's just a supernatural event!

Han Zhiwei, the first witness, screamed on the spot!

"what happened!"

After a quick relief, Zhao Jian sat up, thinking that something had happened to the thin man!

Turning his head to look at the little skinny man with tears of excitement, because the movement was too big and the wound was pulling, Zhao Jian slightly frowned and found that there was nothing wrong, and then swept the frightened Han Zhiwei behind him, and gave him a blank eye!

Call your sister!

Lie down slowly, eyes tightly closed, breathing evenly.

"The patient needs to rest! Go home and rest!"

Gunshot wounds are only internal and external bullet holes, which can be very dangerous to ordinary people, but it has little effect on Zhao Jian, who is Kuayang.

"Okay, brother, I will discharge him later. Thank you, brother, thank you, thank you."

The little skinny man was crying, and the hand holding the hospital bed was shaking with excitement.

He was afraid, afraid that Zhao Jian would be pushed away again, pushed to the morgue, and never returned.

Han Zhiwei was scared by the eyes of three steps and two steps, and quickly ran behind her elder brother Han Zhiqiang.

Han Zhiqiang was also frightened by the sister's voice, and even took out the gun from his waist.

Seeing Zhao Jian lying down again, the whole person felt as if he had been tricked by his sister, and he was still in the public.



Kaka Kaka...

"This is big news! This doctor, may I ask..."


Jiang Xiaohu didn't have time to pay attention to these things. Every time the other party took a photo, he would quickly turn around. When they went back to do the photo, he would know that it was all back.

"The hospital is deadly, I think you should interview the dean more!"

The thin man saw that Jiang Xiaohu didn't like reporters, and angrily raised his hand to Wu Zhende who was about to leave.

The reporters quickly realized that some of the doctors who came back to life are that the behavior of this hospital just now is worth digging. They just said it was a conspiracy and farce. Now that people are really alive, what secrets are behind this incident. .

"I have nothing to say! Li Wanjie!"

"Friends from reporters, this is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this doctor is not a doctor in our hospital, he..."

"Li Wanjie!"

Wu Zhende was really angry. He asked Li Wanjie to block the reporter, not for him to say more details.

Li Wanjie is dumbfounded, am I wrong?

"It was not the doctor in your hospital, but saved the deceased. How does the doctor in your hospital explain?"

"At that time, the dean said that this incident was a premeditated plot. Could it be that the other party's condition was also a premeditated plot? Please answer!

"Dean Wu, you, as the president, were here the first time the incident started, and you are leaving now. Is there anything unspeakable?"


I go, sharp!

Reporters in this world are not ordinary people!

Jiang Xiaohu got up, Sun Lean sent him off, and the thin man accompanied Zhao Jian.

It's not that Zhao Jian didn't see Jiang Xiaohu, he just thought he was rescued by a doctor, and now his body needs to recover, he was very tired, and soon fell asleep again.

Han Zhiwei and Han Zhiqiang knew that they had been misled at all, and that the other party was really a genius doctor who came back to life.

It was impossible to take Jiang Xiaohu away at the moment, and Han Zhiqiang thought for a while and followed the reporters.

The reporter represents the broad masses of the people and has the right to know. Similarly, he also needs to explain to the police this time. Wu Zhende is not right.

Han Zhiwei, who was following her eldest brother, wanted to chase Jiang Xiaohu. Finally, she glanced at Zhao Jian, who rolled her eyes and bare feet at him, and followed her eldest brother decisively.

"Mr. Jiang, I only represent myself and would like to invite Mr. Jiang to our hospital."

Sun Lean saw with his own eyes that Jiang Xiaohu rescued a person who was clinically judged to be dead, plus Qi Minghai's twelve needles of the Taiyi Profound Needle, he also wanted to learn.

"My medical clinic will open in a few days!"

Jiang Xiaohu really didn't want to talk to Sun Lean.

But when the other party was saving Zhao Jian by himself, he blocked a few people who came to disturb him. Jiang Xiaohu replied, but the other party was obsessed.

"Oh, I must go, I must go, yes, brother will definitely go too, Mr. Jiang, I don't know, you still accept disciples..."

Sun Lean heard Jiang Xiaohu's reply and immediately changed the subject.

"Master, Lan Ting Yawan."

Jiang Xiaohu, who was in the taxi, did not answer Sun Lean's question at all.

I won't accept you, old man, it's bad!

When I was in intrigue with people like Wu Zhende all the year round, my mind was no longer superior to doctors, and even if there were others, I was not expert.

Sun Lean didn't even have the qualifications to become Jiang Xiaohu's outer disciple.

Just as Jiang Xiaohu got into the car and left, a large group of reporters chased him from far and near.

They heard that the Binhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine had misdiagnosed and that a barefoot doctor had come back to life.

Sun Lean saw the group of reporters surrounded him and asked about the geniuses.

"The genius doctor is gone, but don’t be discouraged. This doctor can save one life and surely can save more lives. Let’s talk about the dean. There are two police officers on it. Come here, please. ..."

Want to hurt me, okay, this opportunity is here, if I miss it again, it will be strange!

A battle for the rights of the upper class of Binhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a trip to resurrect a fateful bodyguard.

Jiang Xiaohu, who had done all this, got out of the car and returned to the house. He looked at Zhou Lin, who was wearing a turban and holding a mop, and handed him a towel.

Jiang Xiaohu reluctantly took it and followed along with the cleanup.

no way.

This is also the host's favorite thing to do with Zhou Lin.

In the past, Zhou Lin took Jiang Xiaohu to do the sanitation at home. The two cooperated tacitly. The host's wish to leave was to be able to accompany Zhou Lin to do sanitation.

Jiang Xiaohu has taken measures for this kind of weird wish since he bought the house.

When asking the property to buy potted plants, someone came to clean them.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Lin actually insisted on doing it again by herself. Jiang Xiaohu had no choice but to do it together.

Not to mention, the house that I cleaned is really refreshing.

"Can this red cloth be taken off?"

Today I felt that the wind was much lower, and Zhou Lin felt that the red cloth hanging in the living room was not beautiful, and asked immediately.

"No, hang on for a few more days."

"Do you know? Yuan Yimeng who lives across from us is a stewardess."


"She said you still watch Feng Shui. When you held me last night, you could move the potted plants."


Zhou Lin blushed, and she came over to find out if she had any embarrassment last night.

"I'm drunk, it's ugly."


"Jiang Xiaohu!"


Jiang Xiaohu raised his head, and an aloe vera planted on the empty basin of Bilingcao, which should have been made by Zhou Lin.He was thinking, this thing is just for life, and later it will be fried or stir-fried for cooking, but there is no reaction.

"Ding Dong! Hey, is Sister Lin at home?"

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