Jiang Fei and Bai Ruoxi began to understand from high school, and it is now more than ten years.

Even in high school, the two were just ordinary classmates. They came to the university and came together. The relationship between the two was determined to be seven or eight years. If it weren’t for Bai Ruoxi, a woman with a strong personality and a very strong opinion, the two had already been married, and maybe the children could go to the street to make soy sauce.

The relationship between the two has naturally developed to the level of seeing parents.

Whether it is Jiang Fei’s parents or Bai Ruoxi’s parents, they all know the relationship between the two and have met. Moreover, the parents of both sides do not know how many times they have urged them to let the two children marry as soon as possible. Unfortunately, due to Bai Ruoxi's work, he is busy all the time and living overseas. There are not many opportunities for the two to go home to see their parents like ordinary couples. It may be two or three times a year.

The most fixed one is the Chinese New Year.

Every year, the Spring Festival of the New Year is a repertoire of the two, and will definitely go to each other's home. When Jiang Fei and Bai Ruoxi were in high school, they were studying at the same school. Natural homes are all in the same city. It is convenient to see each other's parents.

This Spring Festival, Jiang Fei was specially urged by his mother to urge him to let him go home in accordance with the old rules. If Jiang Fei can't complete this task, he should not go home alone...

After the age of the year, all the units in the country are preparing for a holiday, ready to celebrate the most intense festival of Chinese New Year that has passed every summer for thousands of years.

Bai Ruoxi’s Guozihao News Service, even if it’s busy, work is so important. A large part of the journalists also need to go home for the New Year.

Of course, there are also a small number of journalists and behind-the-scenes staff. They need to be on duty. They need to stick to their posts even when the people of the country are reunited, just like some soldiers and doctors.

However, Bai Ruoxi has long been like Jiang Fei. I received a call from my parents and Jiang Fei’s parents to let her country have to go home. Naturally, she has already handed over her work and will give herself a rare seven-day holiday.

Usually, if you are not satisfied with your family, you will be tolerant to the maximum extent. In the New Year, all the family members will be 'selfishly'. I hope that the children who have been busy for a year can return home and work hard. Put it aside first.

Jiang Fei left the headquarters of the Chinese Medicine Association, and did not borrow from Cui Xiuping to send people, but was prepared to take a car to the place where Bai Ruoxi worked.

Jiang Fei stood outside the building. I took out my mobile phone from my pocket, opened WeChat, clicked on the red envelope, and then used the function 滴滴送套

Oh no!

It is a drip taxi.

As a modern urban youth, Jiang Fei bought a car early, and there were not many opportunities to take a taxi. He rarely used WeChat, but he still knew this function.

The phone locates its position and enters a good destination. Pressing the search button, the screen of the mobile phone quickly shows how many rental masters are nearby. In less than half a minute, Master Chen, who is 1.1 kilometers away, took the order.

Jiang Fei was satisfied with the lock on the screen of the mobile phone. I couldn't help but say: "Technology makes society progress. This sentence is really good! Life is more and more convenient."

About a ten-second time, Jiang Fei station on the edge of the intersection, suddenly ‘嘎吱’, the tires on the ground from the sound of friction, a Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of Jiang Fei.

"Please get on the bus." The window shook down. He was asked by a middle-aged man in black clothes and very driver-like.

"Well? I am." Jiang Fei was surprised by the eyebrows and looked at the Mercedes-Benz car in front of him.

Is this the car that I just called? That arrives so fast?

its not right. I am calling a taxi. Not a car.

And even if he accidentally called the wrong, called a special car. Shouldn't there be such a car-class Mercedes-Benz to pick up and drop off?

Is this so-called drip taxi already the same as the ‘drip drop kit?’

"Is it a taxi?" Jiang Fei felt impossible. So I didn't get on the bus right away, but I wondered if I asked.

"Drip to hit the car? What do you mean?" asked the middle-aged driver.

It seems that it is not a drip taxi.

Jiang Fei said in his heart.

This guy is obviously a lok that he doesn't even know about the drip, and naturally he can't be the driver he calls.

"I said that it is impossible to drove the car to the Mercedes-Benz BMW." Jiang Fei thought in his heart.

I waved my mobile phone and looked at the middle-aged black driver on the screen of the mobile phone. He said, "Look, I am calling a drip taxi. I am still more than 300 meters away from me. You are not my name. car."

The middle-aged full-time driver heard the fog and said the word "what a ghost". The eyes swept over Jiang Fei's mobile phone screen and said: "I am not the car you called, I was sent to pick you up. You call Jiang Fei? I want to ask you to take a trip with me. ”

Jiang Fei heard a wrinkle.

This driver knows his name.

It seems that I really know him.

"Who sent you to borrow me?" Jiang Fei took back his mobile phone, his face was quiet, and he looked at the middle-aged driver with a smile. He said that although the driver seems to be a professional driver, as long as he looks at it carefully, he knows that this driver is not just a professional, but a professional ‘overhead’!

Even this driver can already be a part-time job as a bodyguard for many wealthy locals while working as a driver!

This middle-aged driver of black clothes, although the body still has the strength to practice, but see his temperament is steady, breathing is even and powerful, indicating that this is definitely a real trainer, a family of outsiders, maybe meet Internal strength masters do not necessarily fail.

Such a master, if you are a driver, it is a bit sloppy.

"After you get in the car, I will send you to the destination, and you will know who is calling you." The middle-aged driver said quietly.

Jiang Fei laughed and said, "You don't tell me who sent you. Just like I followed you to see him, you thought... What kind of little wrist is I, and what can I see if I want to see?"

Finished. A real Beijing taxi stopped just behind the Mercedes-Benz, and Jiang Fei glanced at his mobile phone screen. I found that my drip taxi was already a hundred meters away from me, so I decided that this car is my own car.

"Is it a drip taxi?" Jiang Fei walked over and asked a question next to the window.

"Yes." The middle-aged fat driver nodded quickly. Jiang Fei put down his heart and left the tube. Regardless of the black Mercedes in front, he left the black driver who had inexplicably opened his eyes and had not returned. A taxi, let the taxi master start the car and go.

The distance from the news agency of Bairuoxi is not short. Even in the case of good road conditions, it takes twenty minutes to drive. If during the peak period of commuting, in the case of the poor road conditions in Beijing, the time spent has long gone, maybe it will be possible for several hours.

Fortunately, now is not the time to get off work, the traffic is not a lot, the road is very smooth. According to this road condition, Jiang Fei will soon be able to reach the news agency of Bai Ruoxi.


When the taxi passed a crossroad, Jiang Fei suddenly smiled and patted the front seat. Said: "Master, turn left in front."

"Turn left? No, go to the news office. It should be straight ahead. Young people, don't rely too much on the current electronic map. The route above it may not be 100% accurate. The exact route, also It depends on our old drivers to know. So you can rest assured that I will definitely take the most correct route, will not take the route, the road is the best, and will not hang your money." The taxi driver with a strong accent said with a strong heart.

Jiang Fei shook his head. Laughing: "No, I don't mean this. I don't mean you. I believe you will definitely be on the right track, but I don't want to go to the news agency right now. I am switching destinations. You only need it now. Just follow the BMW in front..."

"Oh, it turned out to be a change of destination. That line!" The taxi driver immediately started the car and began to turn to the left, chasing up towards the BMW in front.

Jiang Fei nodded, and there was nothing on his face that was still smiling.

"Young man, why are you chasing the BMW in front of you? Is it because you want to track down people? Or is your job a professional tracking person?" This is estimated to be the old driver of the locals in Beijing. It seems very talkative, very curious to ask Jiang Fei's purpose.

Jiang Fei brows slightly, and there is not much mood to talk to the old driver, so he replies with a ‘um’ word.

But after hearing this 'Hm' character, the old driver suddenly came to the mood and said with surprise: "Young man, are you really a professional detective tracking person? Who is in this BMW car? ? Men or women? They are going to private meetings. Women or juniors?"

Jiang Fei could not help but be speechless.

This old city driver is really a lot of words. It turns out that the drivers of the Magic have always heard the most, and now it seems that the capital is the same.

"You should do it." Jiang Fei is not good, and he does not want to explain anything, so he said casually.

"Well! I have been a taxi driver for twenty years. I still met this kind of thing for the first time. I met a private detective and asked me to follow another car. This is just a TV show. The same. "The middle-aged driver is a bit excited. I am very happy to say: "You can rest assured that young man. I have been driving a taxi for so many years, but the car skills are top-notch. You can rest assured that no matter how good the performance of this BMW car Ok, but it's impossible to escape my tracking!"

The taxi driver is eager to say that a pair of players are ready to show their talents and stage a big movie in the Hollywood movie chasing after the crowded streets.

Unfortunately, the development of the incident made the taxi driver very disappointed.

Because these two BMW cars, there is no idea to get rid of Jiang Fei's tracking. The speed of his driving has always been unhurried. He has always let the taxi fall behind, and there is no awareness of being tracked.

Ready to show his talents, let Jiang Fei take a good look at his car mechanic taxi driver sighed a little, said: "Young man, what is this BMW car? How can he not open quickly, run up!"

Jiang Fei couldn't help but feel a little bit tough, and casually said: "Maybe because the master is very good at driving technology, it is almost impossible to track. He does not know that I am following him, he naturally will not drive. Too fast, I won't think about running away."

I heard Jiang Fei’s explanation, and the taxi driver who was still very depressed was relieved.

It turned out that this is the case, his car skills are not only limited to speed, but also good in tracking secrets, even the front of the tracking people can not see!

So the old Beijing driver said with a smile: "This is really not a bragging. In our company, I drive technology, it is definitely one of the best. I can drive a few cars in Beijing. So the BMW in front may indeed be I don't know if I am following him..."

The BMW car was slowly moving in front, and the taxi driver followed in the back. The old driver of the Beijing city, who is very brave and driving technology, did not find their back, but also hung a car, that is, from the headquarters of the Chinese Medicine Association, let Jiang Fei get on the bus unsuccessful, and then follow the black Mercedes-Benz car .

Of course, this is not really a Hollywood street chase movie, not tracking, anti-tracking.

Because whether it is Jiang Fei, or the people inside Mercedes-Benz and BMW, it is clear that today's situation is already clear.

The BMW car in front of it was deliberately let Jiang Fei discover that it was a signal to let Jiang Fei follow up, so it did not drive fast, and did not think about getting rid of Jiang Fei.

And Jiang Fei, who knows the person in front, wants to see him, and has something to tell him.

Therefore, he did not go directly to the newspapers where Bai Ruoxi worked, but changed his attention midway and let the taxi driver follow the BMW.

After all, even if he didn't see this person very much, but looking at this battle, the owner of this car must want to see him, even if he went to work in Bairuoxi.

In this case, it is better to meet earlier.

Of course, the most important thing is that when this BMW car appeared, Jiang Fei discovered that this ordinary BMW car was sitting in the ordinary BMW, far beyond the ordinary people’s sharper perception than the beast animals. A peerless master! ! (To be continued)

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