"Young man, the destination of this BMW is somewhat unusual..." About half an hour later, the old driver of the Beijing looked at the uninhabited front, and the road was almost sealed by snowflakes, like a wilderness, some surprised. .

Jiang Fei still does not change his face, and his face smiles with a smile: "How is it unusual?"

"This is too remote? I have been a driver in Beijing for decades. I haven't taken such a remote place list. I don't know if I can find the way back later." The middle-aged driver was speechless. Said.

His old driver traveled all over the city with his own recognition. His memory is quite outstanding, but it is only limited to the city. In these wilderness, he can't know the way.

So he felt like he was digging a hole to bury himself. At first, I felt that Jiang Fei’s ‘Detective’ status was very fun to track a BMW. Who knows that he will run so far and run to such a remote place.

"Young man, you said that this BMW has already discovered us? We have been with him for so long. If it is in the city center with a lot of traffic, he can't find us tracking it. This is normal. But this is all. It’s in the wilderness. On the road, we have two cars. If he is not a fool, he should be able to find out? Do you say that the driver in front will be angry and make something too extreme?” The middle-aged driver is somewhat uneasy. He said.

Tracking is an illegal thing. If you look at the situation, you can talk about millions, tens of millions or more. These people can open a BMW, and it is not easy to think about it. If the owner of this BMW is angry and angry, it is really impossible to make a little bit of trouble.

After listening to Jiang Fei, he couldn’t help but laugh and comforted him: “Do not worry. Master, there will be no problem. I will give you a fare of two hundred yuan later.”

When I heard the tip of two hundred yuan, the middle-aged driver finally comforted a lot. Continue to follow.

But it didn't last long, and the BMW stopped outside a quaint building complex. Then there was a single eyelid man with a small eye coming down the car. Although the man's eyes are small, but he is very god-like, even if he smiles at this time, it will not give people a wretched feeling. Instead, it is like a pop-style pop style, which is really a good-looking 'small-eye single-folded' man. Very attractive to women.

The man did not leave after getting off the bus. He stood next to the BMW and turned to smile at the oncoming taxi. He had already found the taxi behind him. Specially waiting for the appearance.

In this way, let the middle-aged taxi driver who thought that he was still quietly listening to Mimi gave a big jump, quickly stepped on the brakes, and stopped at a distance of thirty or forty meters from the BMW car, for fear of reopening. In the past, the owner of the BMW car will carry the bricks and knock them.

"Young man, what should I do now?" The middle-aged driver asked some questions. Even if he really feels that he is driving well, he can see that this battle is not a simple detective tracking. The other party apparently discovered their tail in the morning.

"The destination is here." Jiang Fei said. Then he silently took out the fare from his pocket and said with a smile: "You will return to the original way."

The middle-aged driver borrowed money and didn't expect the detective to be even more fierce than him. After the object being tracked finds himself. Don't hurry to escape, but also get off the big swing and get ready to face to face.

"That boy... you take care of yourself." The middle-aged driver said silently to Jiang Fei who got off the bus. I quickly started the car again and turned around.

This ‘master’ looks like it’s not old, but it’s still very young, which makes Jiang Fei feel a little surprised.

Can be considered a master in his eyes, can cause him to pay attention to it, at least it must be at the level of the level of power can be regarded as the peak, is the master of this level of Miyamoto, Liu Yunduo.

In general, most of the masters of this level in the rivers and lakes have been famous for a long time. For example, the virginity of Wudang is the same. If you can reach this level when you are young, you must be a famous teacher. There is a master behind the training.

For example, Liu Yunduo, her father is a master who once had a deep relationship with the Maoshan wild grass priests; Bai Ke enemy and small drunkards can reach this level. That is because their masters can be said to be true hermits, but they are the top players in the Danjin level, and their strength is even stronger than that of Liu Shengzong.

And the man with this small eye in front of him, is there any ultimate master behind it?

Looking back at the Mercedes-Benz car that was just starting to pick him up outside the headquarters of the Chinese Medicine Association. When I was in the middle of the road, I didn’t know what the reason disappeared. I didn’t follow it. Maybe I knew that Jiang Fei was on the road, so I left with confidence. .

Slowly moving forward, Jiang Fei’s eyes glanced again at the man with a small eye. He said, “If you have anything to say, what are you doing so far?” Looking up, it’s not an ordinary person. The building complex, said: "Why, would you like me to drink alcohol or tea? I still want to talk to me."

The small-eyed handsome guy said: "The famous "Sword God" Jiang Fei, my little three-legged cat kungfu, compared to the one who can defeat the island king Sword Liu Shengzong, can be considered nothing, my self-knowledge is still there. ""

This guy really knows his own details, Jiang Fei secretly said in his heart.

But he is not surprised. The whole rivers and lakes in China are not big, and it’s not too small to say that a famous master knows the world is not a strange thing. The battle between myself and Liu Shengzong was not solved in private. It was so loud and loud that it almost stirred up a large number of masters of rivers and lakes to go onlookers. Many people on the rivers and lakes have already heard of their own deeds.

Since this small-eyed man has specifically intercepted himself, he has invited himself to this place where the bird is not pulling, and it is very luxurious. It must have been inquired about his own details.

"I know that I am very powerful, then you are still so intimate and intimidating to lead me. You know that you are so arrogant and unreasonable, it is very irritating." Jiang Fei's eyes slightly stunned, The pace at the foot didn't look fast, but a few blinked eyes, the distance of forty meters disappeared, and he came to the front of the handsome little guy.

Small eyes and men's eyebrows pick a little. In the face of Jiang Fei's imposing momentum, the master is like him, and he almost didn't have a few steps on the hind legs.

"Because I want to see you today. It's not me. I'm just responsible for running the errands, even if you have to be angry later. The wild monsters don't come up to me." The small-eyed man finally stabilized his momentum and said with a smile.

"Running the legs?" Jiang Fei frowned slightly.

This small glasses man in his eyes, can already be regarded as a master, and there are not many in the entire Chinese rivers and lakes, and there are not many. He thought that this guy didn't know how tall and thick he was, and he wanted to intercept him arbitrarily, but he didn't expect this person to be just an errand.

However, Jiang Fei did not wonder for too long, and suddenly looked up. Looking into the building in front of the line of sight, there is a sense of faintness.

However, he had just started to speak, but turned his head again, looking at the road before they came. A middle-aged man with a large body and a long, strong head and a long hair on his head. Cross.

"Lion King?" Jiang Fei was even more surprised.

The looks, dress, and momentum are so high, and the breath is so strong. The middle-aged man who is like a male lion is naturally the lion who has the founder of the 'seven-kill group' of the first organization in China. .

It is also a repair that has indeed achieved Dan Jin. A legendary martial arts master who can kill people by flying leaves. Jiang Fei did not expect to be able to see him here.

"Jiang Fei, I haven't seen you for a long time." The lion's figure was in front of Jiang Fei in the blink of an eye, when she stood firm. There was a strong wind blowing around, and the snow on the ground that was blowing was flying.

The lion king, as its name suggests, is simply a representative of wild arrogance. Everything is straightforward and straightforward.

Moreover, his greetings are not simply saying hello. While he is opening his mouth, he also slams one hand on Jiang Fei's right shoulder, so that even Jiang Fei can't help but feel a sense of pressure.

That is to say, the master of the level of Dan Jin, can greet him, if you change someone. For example, the little handsome guy opposite, came to say hello by the Lion King. Estimated that I really can't stand it, and I was embarrassed on the spot.

"The lion predecessor. I haven't seen it for a long time. Last time I was in the top of the Emei, because I came and went, I didn't have time to thank the Lion King." Jiang Fei said with a smile.

"What is worth thanking for. I originally wanted to help you, and finally I was not able to help anything." Lion King shook his head. "But you are very concerned about the ‘Skynet’ killer organization. This time has been completely eye-catching by our seven-killer group. We are already preparing for this, and will stop this organization that dared to come to China for the wild!”

Jiang Fei, who had been disturbed by his wife and Bai Ruoxi for the sake of no reason, was always in a bad mood. He wanted to find an excuse to send a fire. Hearing the news was a distraction.

The seven killings were organized, and the Lion King personally asked, efficiency is not covered.

Even if Ye Yuanyuan dispatched all the relations that Yejia could use, the military exerted its power to the maximum. He also felt that the killer organization of Skynet was too mysterious. If they did not kill the main action, they would not be able to start, and they could not find any clues.

The Lion King did not have the exact news in the long time.

"When do you start?" Jiang Fei asked with a bright look.

"Just after the year. Rest assured, I will definitely tell you at that time. This Tianwang organization is really not simple. After digging deep, I found that the energy contained in it made me feel a little scared. I am still swearing if I am alone. If there is a change, you can't annihilate them all at once. Jiang Fei, you are willing to help, when you don't have to use anything, this organization will definitely be destroyed!" The Lion King laughed and bluntly admitted.

Jiang Fei’s eyes narrowed and he smiled and said: “I am very happy to be able to remove this killer organization by myself.”

The Lion King nodded and no longer spoken. Turning his head and looking at the front, he whispered in a rare voice: "This tigress, the shelf is still so big. In the face of us, we only sent apprentices."

Jiang Fei’s hearing is extraordinary. Of course, he can hear the lion’s embarrassment. He can’t help but be surprised: “Do you know the lion predecessors?”

"Know, can you not know old friends for decades?" the lion said with some emotion. Then glanced at the small-eyed man, loudly: "Don't open the door yet!"

The small-eyed man shrugged helplessly. In front of this great god, he was not qualified to put on the spectrum and rushed to push the yard door away.

"Let's go in!" The Lion King said to Jiang Fei, and the two followed closely behind and entered the courtyard of the red painted door.


The wooden door was pushed open, and immediately the smell of a clear and mellow wine scented.

Looking at the spring, there are a lot of big wine tanks or wine jars in the corners of the yard. The fragrance of this stock makes Wei Fei feel very surprised.

Jiang Fei is a wine master who has reached the full level in winemaking. The wine produced is just like the dish he made, but it is absolutely rare in the world.

But now that I smell this rich wine scent, Jiang Fei does not feel that if he does it himself, the wine that is brewed may not be more fragrant than this.

That is to say, the owner of these wines can be brewed in front of them, and has reached the peak of the winemaking. It is no worse than Jiang Fei.

As soon as the lion smelled the scent of this wine, he even picked up a large jar without hesitation. He began to sip up his head and directly drunk the jar to the bottom.

"This tigress's winemaking technology is really getting better and better." The lion shook his head and exclaimed.

"Do I let you drink?" A cold voice rang from the inner court, letting the surrounding cold air drop several degrees.

The lion pouted and screamed, "Why can't I drink? You make so much every year, is it only that the wine priest can drink, I can't drink?"

After that, the Lion King felt dissatisfied, and he said bluntly: "And he wants to drink wine with you, he has to say two..."


The cold breath of the moment just suddenly became extremely violent, even worse than the Lion King! The small door of the inner court was blasted by this breath, and a black figure flashed out and went straight to the lion.

The lion's face changed, and quickly raised his hand to resist.


The surrounding space was stirred up. After a few moves, the lion and lion, who was so fierce, was directly beaten by a punch! (To be continued)

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