The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 437 fake death!

After spending about twenty minutes, Jiang Fei and Lin Moli took a taxi and arrived at the scene. ≤,

On the way, Jiang Fei first called Prince Charles, not asking him to directly use the relationship to calm down the matter. After all, in the British Empire, this is a relatively civilized place, something went wrong, especially in the public. If you want to be downright, even the Queen can't do it.

Jiang Fei just hoped that Prince Charles would convey the meaning to the London police and relevant departments, so that these people should not make a fuss about this matter because they feel that Chinese doctors are bullied or have received instructions from certain forces, even in the thrill of the situation. In the circumstances, it is impossible to guarantee the safety of the life of two Chinese medicine practitioners. This is a big problem.

As long as this matter can be treated fairly and fairly, it will suffice.

After all, in Jiang Fei's view, this incident is a disaster for the Chinese medicine delegation, but the reason is not the fault of the Chinese medicine delegation. As long as the internal conditions are fully presented, it has a certain impact on Chinese medicine, but it is not fatal. An old man who is almost dying and whose medicine is ineffective cannot be dying because of fainting. It is said that Chinese medicine is not enough. This is too far-fetched.

But if this matter is used by people who are interested in making a fuss, arguing about it, and uniting the relevant departments to incite the masses who do not know the truth, then the trouble can be great!

At that time, I am afraid that many ordinary people will really think that Chinese medicine is useless medicine. There is no scientific basis, and only people can not save people. Who will believe in Chinese medicine at that time? How can Chinese medicine expand in the West and seek development?

This is definitely not the belly of Jiang Fei who is a gentleman. This may definitely exist.

after all. If Chinese medicine is based in the West, the impact is too great. There are too many interests involved, and there are many people who do not care about the industry rules.

Therefore, Jiang Fei will call Prince Charles. Ask him to help, as much as possible to prevent this possibility.

However, even if Jiang Fei thought of this and took defensive measures, it was still a step later.

When he arrived at the scene, the situation had developed in the worst direction he expected.

After Jiang Fei and Lin Moli came outside the building of Big Ben, they wanted to call Cui Xiuping and ask where they are. But just after getting off the bus, they know that they want more. You don't have to call to ask, you can easily find out where the incident happened.

I saw more than 30 meters in front of me. I have gathered hundreds of people on the crowd, noisy and noisy, very embarrassing, even if I am far away, I can basically hear that these people are cursing the Chinese medicine team. Two doctors said that they are murderers and quack doctors.

Jiang Fei’s face was a bit heavy and there was no slight stop. Let Lin Moli pay the fare in the back, he himself is the first step to catch up.

At this time, it has been nearly half an hour since the incident occurred, not too short, but certainly not too long. Several police officers have arrived at the scene. Temporarily protect the site.

But this is nothing, it should be.

But it should not be that the scene is not only the police. And there are several reporters from the newspapers who came to the scene and are doing an interview on this matter!

Jiang Fei glanced at him. It is found that these media are not ordinary newspapers, and they are all influential newspapers of the British Empire.

If they are reported by these reporters. Without careful study, if you don't understand the real situation, you will make a final conclusion and then publish it on the media. What kind of ideas will the masses of people read this news?

"If a reporter stumbles upon this news and comes to the interview in a short time, it is justifiable, it can be said that it is a coincidence. But in such a short period of time, the police have not come yet, the ambulances are I haven’t had time to come, and the reporter has come so much, it’s definitely not normal!” Jiang Fei thought in his heart.

This incident he thought before may be that the Chinese medicine delegation was really bad luck and met bad luck. But now it seems that Jiang Fei has already determined that this matter is in all likelihood. Nine will not coincide, but someone is secretly concealed!

The purpose is obvious. It goes without saying that it is to fight against the Chinese medicine delegation, to disrupt the activities of the Chinese medicine delegation, and let the Chinese medicine delegation rush back to China.

Jiang Fei just squeezed out the crowd and reached the police line. It was very calm. It was very anxious that Cui Xiuping saw him at a glance and quickly walked over and said: "Jiang Fei, this is a bit abnormal. These reporters And a lot of viewers, obviously the truth of the incident, no matter how I explain, they all recognize that Chinese medicine doctors are harmful doctors, Chinese medicine is a medicine that can not be believed at all, there are many The people shouted loudly and let us roll back to China..."

"I know." Jiang Fei nodded and looked around for a week and asked: "How come there is no ambulance?"

"Because the old lady has no breathing and pulse, it is already determined to die. The police said that it is useless to call an ambulance. When the above person is sent, the body will be taken away directly. I have applied for a thorough thoroughning of the old lady's body. Check and announce the true cause of death," Cui Xiuping explained.

"Even if the old lady has already decided to die, she should also call an ambulance! The ambulance will not come directly, isn't it a mess!" Jiang Fei frowned.

Although this is the case, this matter has nothing to do with the Chinese medicine team. It has no relationship with Chinese medicine practitioners. This time, the dead people are not able to blame the Chinese medicine practitioners.

But now the media is intervening prematurely, and it is very likely that the masses who are unclear about the truth have caused public outrage.

Even after a period of time, the real result came out, and it was not caused by Chinese medicine. The old lady’s death was because her previous illness was too strong, and how many people believed?

Preconceived, I am afraid most people will not believe the true truth.

"I went to see the situation." Jiang Fei no longer talked more, and after clearing his identity, he crossed the cordon and went to see the old lady's death.

This matter can't just rely on a few days of post-mortem inspection reports. It must be on the scene. Jiang Fei has to do something to save a little bit of the situation!

If you don’t do anything now, wait a few days to clarify, even if you fight the media again, it’s too late.

The deceased was a grade of about seventy years old, and his body was a little bloated. He also had a pair of presbyopia, which seemed quite kind to the elderly. However, when Jiang Fei walked in and saw it, his eyebrows were suddenly picked up, his eyes were worried, and he found that the situation was somewhat abnormal.

"What's wrong?" Cui Xiuping saw the change of Jiang Fei's face and asked quickly.

"It has been happening for half an hour. Didn't you find that the old lady's death is a bit abnormal?" Jiang Fei asked after a glance.

Cui Xiuping carefully observed it and asked: "Do you mean that the old man's skin color is not like a person who has died for half an hour?"

Generally speaking, people who have died for half an hour will have great changes in their looks. As long as they have contacted the body, they will know that they are completely different from ordinary people.

"But half an hour ago, the two doctors of our delegation had already checked, the old man did not have a pulse, and the pupil was already scattered. I personally checked, the old lady is indeed dead." Cui Xiuping said.

Jiang Fei blinked and bent down, gently lifted the old lady's wrist and cut the pulse.

It is true that there is no pulse. Faces and eyes are in line with the characteristics of the dead. It can be said that the elderly can become a dead person in all aspects of medical definition.

At this point, Cui Xiuping and the two doctors of the Chinese medicine delegation did not read the mistake.

After all, as a famous doctor, it is impossible to distinguish even the most basic things.

However, after Jiang Fei was holding it, it was a somewhat strange face that had changed, and it became even more weird. Even between the eyebrows, there was obviously a surprise!

Because at this time in the system in his mind, the diagnosis given is that the old lady did not really die!

If you use the definition given in modern medicine, it is a fake life!

"It seems...there is no way to heaven." Jiang Fei thought with a slight squint.

[The last chapter was posted incorrectly. I deleted it very quickly. Shouldn’t the book friends subscribe? Forgive me.

Well, there are a lot of things today, and there are time code words very late, so the number of words is a bit less. But I still want to be weak and ask for too little, too little to be horrible.

Too many words tomorrow. 】(To be continued...)

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