The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 438 Ghost Gate 13-needle

In forensic science, it is the life characteristics of some people, such as breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, pulse, etc., which are already extremely weak, in a state that seems to have died, but is still alive.

The most fundamental cause of the state of suspended animation is the lack of oxygen in the blood of the brain.

Among them, the most likely to cause this situation is the newborn baby. Many newborn babies are still not fully developed, so it is easy to supply blood oxygen to the brain, which is easy to cause suspended animation.

However, in adulthood, there are also five cases that are prone to suspended animation, namely alcoholism, anemia, hypoxemia, brain damage, opium, hypnotics and anesthetics, uremia and diabetic coma.

Death is a gradual process, and it is difficult for a fake deceased to distinguish himself from the real person from the outside.

The average doctor, by taking the pulse, observing the retina, and the pupil, is difficult to judge, or the general doctor will not think about it at all. Seeing that a patient has no pulse, the subconscious will feel that this person is dead and will not think about anything else.

Only through some high-tech precision instruments can we find out in time that the patient did not actually die, but only because of the state of suspended animation.

Not to mention the two doctors of the Chinese medicine team, even if it is a Chinese medicine sage like Jiang Fei, medical skills have reached the peak of the peak, surpassing many historical sages. But today, if there is a system to help, directly check the results, he may not think that the old lady did not really die, just in a state of suspended animation.

If the suspended animation is not rescued in time. When the timing is delayed, it is easy to make a fake come true, and the patient who is suspended from death is really dead. Loss of the possibility of regeneration.

However, if the fake deceased is rescued in time, the possibility of recovery is great.

Fortunately, Cui Xiuping informed Jiang Fei that it was very timely. Jiang Fei did not have any delays. After receiving the news, he rushed in. From the time of the incident to the present, it took less than half an hour to add up. It is still within the scope of being rescued. .

If Jiang Fei is coming five or six minutes later. The result will definitely be different. Even if he has a system, he can't check that the old lady is in a state of suspended animation. Because the old lady at that time was really dead.

"Jiang Fei, what did you find?" Cui Xiuping saw a vivid color of surprise in Jiang Fei's eyes, and couldn't help but immediately asked.

of course. He did not guess that the old lady is actually not dead now, but she is in a state of suspended animation. But he knows that something is going to happen, or Jiang Fei can't be happy on this occasion.

"False death is really alive!" Jiang Fei did not talk nonsense, only said four words, let Cui Xiuping go to experience, and then began to think about ways to save this old lady.

It’s a fake life, and it’s still half an hour’s life. It’s actually not much different from real death. That is to say, the medical skills have reached the peak, and there are systems, and Jiang Fei, who has a drug store, feels that there is still a chance to rescue. If you give this problem to other people, even if you are a master of Cui Laoshen, you still have nothing to do.

"Fake death is really alive..." Cui Xiuping whispered these four words in his mouth. After two seconds of squatting, he suddenly changed his face. He looked at Jiang Fei with disbelief. "Jiang Fei, are you saying that this old lady has not really died yet? Can she be rescued and returned to life?"

"Time has passed too long. If I started out, I was on the scene. It was very simple to rescue. Now...somewhat difficult." Jiang Fei frowned and said quietly.

Hearing. Cui Xiuping could not help but annoyed and slammed his fist and said: "I should insist on getting the ambulance! If the ambulance arrives earlier, use the instrument on the car, maybe you can find the old lady is a suspended state earlier. ""

For Jiang Fei, Cui Xiuping’s hostile disdain from the beginning has already turned into 100% trust. Therefore, Jiang Fei said that the old lady was in a state of suspended animation. Cui Xiuping suspected that there was no doubt and believed it directly.

It is precisely because of this that when Jiang Fei said that there were some 'difficulties', he also knew that it was really difficult, not a humble word.

Moreover, as a descendant of the TCM family of Cuijia and Ghost Gate, Cui Xiuping was not able to check that the old lady was in a state of suspended animation, but she also knew that it is not easy to treat the state of suspended animation. After half an hour, it is even more difficult to treat. .

Jiang Fei didn't think for too long, and he didn't have time to think for him for too long. Now he has reached the last minute of the millennium, and he can still grind it.

Less than half a minute later, Jiang Fei first took out a box of silver needles from the storage space and stood up and handed it to Cui Xiuping. He said, "I will see you first, and the first step to cure this old lady. It’s up to you."

"Ah?" Cui Xiuping took over the silver needle and immediately stopped it. Some did not respond.

From knowing Jiang Fei to the present, during each confrontation, Jiang Fei has performed too well. Not only surpassed him, even his grandfather was surpassed by Jiang Fei, and he was not as good as himself.

Therefore, Cui Xiuping’s psychology against Jiang Fei has gradually changed from a beginning to a tit-for-tat. So every time there is Jiang Fei, he is not confident about himself, and he has not considered his own shots, forming a psychological dependence.

As long as there is Jiang Fei, no matter what kind of illness, Jiang Fei can solve it, and there will be nothing at all!

This is the idea of ​​Cui Xiuping.

Who would have thought that Jiang Fei would suddenly tell him today that he should be shot first.

This is too much for Cui Xiuping's surprise. He has no such preparation at all. His head is a little worried and has not been converted.

Jiang Fei did not pay much attention to it. After handing the silver needle to Cui Xiuping, he escaped the perseverance of the red thumb-sized medicinal medicine and quickly stuffed it into the old lady's mouth.

The medicinal herbs are amazing, the entrance is instant, even if the old lady is now in a state of suspended animation, there is no need to manually feed anything.

Here, the medicinal herbs, naturally, Jiang Fei just got from the medicinal store, spent more than a thousand gold coins exchanged for the old lady's condition is very good for the remedy.

"I said let you come first to treat." Jiang Fei finished all this. It was repeated once again for Cui Xiuping. "The silver needle has been sterilized. If I remember correctly, the most important effect of your 13-pin of the ghost door. Is it a peculiar treatment for epilepsy, madness and epilepsy? Now you First of all, with the three needles of Ghost Road, Ghost City, Ghost Hall and Ghost Pillow in the 13-pin, you must completely suppress it in three minutes. Do you have the confidence to do it?"

After all, Cui Xiuping is not an ordinary person.

He is a descendant of the Chinese medicine family Cuijia, and the ghost door is full of inheritance.

Although his brilliance was completely covered by Jiang Fei during this time, the sense of existence in medical practice was already very low, and most people just regarded him as an assistant to Jiang Fei.

But don't forget. The Ghost Gate 13 is the top three acupuncture techniques in the past and the present, and Cui Xiuping is also the title of ‘Little Cui God Doctor’.

In the younger generation. Before Jiang Fei’s appearance, Cui Xiuping was the first person to force the genius doctors who passed down the three millennial genres.

"I am sure!" Cui Xiuping took over the silver needle and said with a serious look.

Cui Xiuping's face is cautious. After Jiang Fei lifted the old lady from the ground, Cui Xiuping opened the silver needle that had been sterilized, and twitched three thin needles from the inside, took a deep breath, and decided to start the needle.

Thirteen needles of the Ghost Gate, the magical needle method that can recharge the ghost's life, can be listed as the top three acupuncture techniques together with the ‘God Eight Laws’ and ‘Soul Turtles Eight Laws. It is not a false name.

In three minutes, the four methods of Ghost Road, Ghost City, Ghost Hall and Ghost Pillow will be displayed in one breath. If it is Cui Xiuping’s grandfather Cui Laoshen’s doctor, it will not be too difficult, and I can almost reach 100%.

But for Cui Xiuping. The difficulty is not small.

However, in the eyes of this situation, since Jiang Fei said that it should be done within three minutes, it must be achieved. Cui Xiuping has no way but to fight hard.

The fingers flew like a butterfly wing and kept vibrating. Two silver needles were placed in the middle of the person, and then transferred to the three acupoints of Fengfu, Shaoshang and Yinbai.

When the first acupuncture point. Cui Xiuping took only half a minute to complete; the second acupoint took ten seconds and took forty seconds; the third acupoint increased by ten seconds for fifty seconds.

The three acupoints add up, it’s been just two minutes!

At this time, although Cui Xiuping's hands are still stable, there is no trace of shaking, but on his forehead, there has been a thin layer of cold sweat coming out, his eyes widened, and the temples on both sides have some slight drums. stand up.

Obviously, the three consecutive acupuncture points of the fastest and fastest acupuncture have reached the extreme of Cui Xiuping.

Next, this acupoint, although there is still a minute left for Cui Xiuping, but the difficulty is unprecedented, it is much more difficult than the previous three acupuncture points!

Jiang Fei’s eyes are as electric, and he looks at Cui Xiuping, who has always been calm and incomparable. At this time, he is somewhat embarrassed.

The 13th needle of the ghost gate is the celebrity of Cui, and he will not. However, in this state of suspended animation, it is necessary to have the thirteen needles of the ghost door to prepare for the work. Otherwise, even if he uses his medical skills and medicinal herbs, it can only be useless.

So at this time he can't help, only to see Cui Xiuping himself to work hard.

The situation is extremely grim, Jiang Fei and Cui Xiuping are not afraid to have a sloppy sloppy, even the atmosphere can not breathe.

However, the general public outside the cordon, and the reporters of the major newspapers who did not know where to come from, the news was quickly noisy.

Even if they don't understand Chinese medicine, they are not blind. They can see that Jiang Fei and Cui Xiuping's current move is to 'save people'!

Let's just save people.

Although the rescuer is an old lady who has been dead for almost half an hour. This sounds really ridiculous.

"What are these two quacks doing? Are they thinking of returning to life and saving the old lady who was killed by their doctors?"

"It’s stupid and ridiculous! It seems that the so-called Chinese medicine is really a feudal therapy without scientific basis!"

"I really can't figure it out. In the present era, how can such stupid medical skills still exist in the world? It seems that the so-called Eastern Dragon China, the situation has not improved, or the same ignorance and ignorance as a hundred years ago. No progress!"

Many people seem to be sneer, and feel that the actions of Jiang Fei and Cui Xiuping are funny.

Even the actions of two people are disrespectful to the deceased, just like Huaxia one hundred years ago.

The reporters of many media have seen this scene without letting go of any footage. Some of them directly started the live broadcast and prepared to face the citizens of the entire British Empire. They let them see this funny scene on the scene and know that Chinese medicine is a kind of What a ridiculous medical skill.

Everyone is not optimistic about Jiang Fei and Cui Xiuping, thinking that they can't save the old lady.

After today’s deeds, I am afraid that it is difficult for Chinese medicine practitioners in the British Empire and the entire West to have a little room for survival. It is sure that the degree of trust will be reduced to the extreme.

Time passes by one minute.

Cui Xiuping has inserted the silver needle into the hidden point of the old lady's last acupoint.

After a few silver needles, the old lady who had already been 'dead' for a long time suddenly seemed to have a little change in her face. This change could not be seen from the surface, only the blood flow from the blood vessels in her body could be seen. come out.

At the same time, if you have the most sophisticated instruments, you can also notice the heartbeat of the old lady. There is already a very weak and weak point.

But at the same time, Cui Xiuping's sweat on his forehead is also more and more, and even the body has some trembling.

He was engrossed and stared at his eyes, and he ignored the noise and doubts of the outside world.

The time of one minute is very short, but at this time it seems a bit extraordinarily long. Cui Xiuping feels that he can collapse at any time and can't keep going, or shake his hand. The effort has been wasted.

Fortunately, when he was about to collapse, in the last five or six seconds, Cui Xiuping slammed his right hand and pulled the silver needle out of the old lady!

He had no time to catch his breath, and he sat directly on the ground with no image, but his face was a slap in the face of a relaxed and cheerful expression. He was sweating and looking at Jiang Fei, whispering. Said three words: "Successful..."

"Good job!" Jiang Fei didn't have too much to say, only said three words, and then he also touched the silver needle, let Lin Moli hold the old lady next to him, and began to use acupuncture techniques.

The Eight Diagrams of God's Needle————The Dragon and Tiger Crossing Skills!

The technique is so fast that it is almost impossible for people to see clearly.

The technique of entering the needle is even more difficult, even if it is a doctor who has the ulterior motives of the secrets of Chinese medicine practitioners, it is completely invisible.


Three minutes later, Jiang Fei slammed the needle!


[Seeking for help! ! ! 】(To be continued)

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