The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 10 - My Mate (Part I)

[ Nearby a Water Dam by the woods ]

~~~ Alcyd's POV ~~~

We have been tracking these Rogue brothers for days and finally we got their tail. Even I can sense them already and they are few meters away from us.

I and the others are lurking in the shadows observing what these Rogue brothers up to right now.

Jackson, our best tracker reminds me through our mind link that we have to assess the surroundings and the situation first before jumping on these two since these two brothers have their help from an unknown witch.

We watch them from a distance while they are in their wolf form.

Jackson points out that he could sense some scent of vampires around the nearby Dam so we are actually in some territory of a Coven of Vampires.

"What trouble these two rogue brothers are up to now?" I mind-linked my executive warriors since we are all in our wolf form.

"Alpha we need to be careful, the witch that helped them is up to something no good as well." Jackson warns me for any unnecessary approach.

While all of us were attentively observing and contemplating what these Rogue brothers up to at this moment.

We all turn our attention to an incoming large boulder that is about to hit the ground revealing the location of the two brothers then they suddenly started running as if it was a signal for something while some vampires in some guard suit chasing those two.

All of us followed the Rogue Brothers and kept our distance trying to observe what is about to unravel in front of us.

We reached a certain location nearby a lake and got us all surprised that the Rogue Brothers led a unit of 6 vampires into a deadly trap leaving no survivor.

The two Rogue brothers started to check if there are survivors and seemed satisfied that they took out an entire unit of vampires by themselves with no difficulty.

My Gamma, Oliver, was right that these two brothers should not be underestimated and they do have their resourceful ways. So we need to wait until they transform into their human forms before we reveal ourselves to capture them.

The younger brother approaches a big tree with some laid bags beneath its shade and transforms back into his human form before his older brother followed him

"Fred! Selene was right! The vampire guards would be so focused on taking us out and capturing than anticipate any trap laying around for them."

"Do not praise her too much, she just got lucky with her plots!" The older Rogue Brother replied his younger brother

"She is really thoughtful you know! she left her jacket for me since her size fits mine. Her taste for jackets is like for guys. She really does love black and chocolate brown colors. I always see her wearing stuff in that color. Looks like I will be keeping this jacket of hers for sure since I know she can afford to buy a new one once we clear this mission." the younger brother tells his older brother while putting on his clothes and lastly some Jacket which perfectly fits on his body.

"She is more of a tomboy that is why you do not see any feminine stuff with her. Sometimes I even question if she is really a female or is she just using some spell to look like a female. One of these days I might try to take a peek to really make sure if she is a female or not, haha!" Fred's last statement made my blood rise and got me in a very threatening mood.

I do not know why his last statement made me so angry and got me on my paws with my growl that left my other executive officers nervous for any sudden outburst from me.

I transformed back into my human and revealed myself to them.

"Finally! I got you both where I want you to." I snapped my fingers giving a signal to my officers to finally capture the two Rogue brothers which caught the two, defenseless and surprised.

Theo and Caleb pinned down each brother with their wolf form. Clearly, the two Rogue brothers are overpowered by the strength of Theo and Caleb, respectively. I immediately went to the older brother and asked him for my pendant.

"Where is my Royal Pendant? You Thief!"

"Fred give it back already! Selene is right! It is not worth our lives." The younger brother pleads to his older brother while pinned down.

The older brother started to take something from his pocket and threw my Royal Pendant in my direction as I catch it instantly with my quick reflexes.

"Now, will you let us go?" The older Rogue brother demands

"Oh no, Not yet foolish wolf! I will make you guys suffer for giving me so much trouble in chasing you both!" I released an evil smirk and thought of many ways how will I make these Rogue wolves suffer and tortured.

"Please! My big brother already returned what he stole. You already got what you want! Just Please! let us go!" The younger Rogue brother naively begged for me.

I tried walking towards the younger Rogue brother to watch him beg closely while he is pinned down by my delta. But, the intoxicating scent that struck me days ago is coming from the younger Rogue Brother.

It cannot be !!! NO !! NO !! NO!!!

"Idiot!! it is coming from the jacket if you try to get closer then you will realize that it is not from the younger Rogue Brother, his presence has no effect on us. It is the scent coming from that jacket."

I felt relief for a brief moment and got me even more pissed that he is wearing this jacket which contains the heavenly scent that I am insanely intoxicated with.

I ordered my Delta to step aside as I grabbed the collar of the younger Rogue and gave him a deafening question.

"Where the hell you got this jacket ???? and why are you wearing it ??? It is not yours, You Thief ! Where is the owner of this JACKET?"

"Do not tell me Selene stole this from you too? I did not steal anything, this was just lent to me by my friend named Selene."

The older brother started to get worried for his younger brother "Hey! Let my younger brother go!"

I am ignoring the older brother and kept my questioning towards the younger brother. I am grabbing his collar tightly as I planned to ask further. "Where is this Selene that you talk about ??"

"What are you planning to do to her? Why should I tell you?" The younger brother had the audacity to even refuse to answer me directly and even dare to challenge my authority over him.

"You do not have to know anything but rather JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION !! WHERE IS SHE?" My eyes started to change colors, making the older brother realize that I may start to lose control over my temper and patience.

Not even my Executive Officers can calm me down now.

"She is currently doing our mission, stealing some scroll in a Coven of Vampires. Any moment by now we supposed to meet here in this exact spot." His older Rogue brother interjected from the questioning that I am making to his younger brother.

Good thing he answered on behalf of his younger brother or else I do not know what I have done to his younger brother.

I pushed the younger brother on the ground from my clutch.

"Well then! we will wait for this Selene you mention." telling the younger brother while I am about to face my Executives.

I mind-linked my Delta and Caleb to take these Rogue Brothers somewhere and put a gag on them so they could not make a noise.

My Beta and his mate will accompany me in waiting while the rest will accompany my Delta and Caleb in taking away the Rogue Brothers.

I even ordered Caleb to knock out the Rogue brothers unconscious so they will not be able to escape again.

As soon as they depart to fulfill my command, I with my Beta and his mate wait for the arrival of this Selene that they spoke of.

The ring of her name in my mind seems to cause some unexplainable feeling and joy within me. There are spark and feeling in my stomach that keeps me unsteady in my wolf form.

I know it is not hunger but it is something that can only be explained with the presence of this so-called SELENE.

10 minutes have passed . . . . .

20 minutes have passed . . . . .

30 minutes have passed . . . . .

40 minutes have passed . . . . .

An hour has passed . . . . .

Then, another hour has passed . . . . .

My patience has come to its limit.

Even Kratos, my spirit wolf, is becoming less tamable due to our impatience.

My Beta, Garrett, is trying to convince me to keep our presence in the shadow and wait for more which I can no longer hold myself.

As I was about to step out from the shadows of these trees, we suddenly hear something and held our attention to the incoming presence that I was so impatient to meet.

There she was with her Silver hair and she is with another werewolf which made me agitated for her to be with someone who is not me. I wanted to reveal myself badly but I observed her more and watched her call for those two pesky Rogue Brothers.

I started to step out and approach her slowly. As I reveal myself, I can see her surprised with my presence but it was I who was more surprised.

I could not believe it that as I look at her and get absorbed in the majestic beauty she exudes. It is as if time has stopped and my breath was caught into something I could not understand.

Her scent, a mixture of Jasmine and Primrose, has finally dominated my senses and my sanity. Never in my life have I experienced such a Heavenly feeling that intoxicates every fiber of my being.

It was like everything stopped and it was only her that mattered at the moment.

Then, Kratos screamed in my head. "IT IS OUR MATE !! SHE IS OUR MATE !! DO NOT LET HER GET AWAY !! MARK HER !! SHE IS OURS !!"

As Kratos erratically announces in my head.

From this moment on, ONLY HER what my senses could feel and focus on. I am entirely captivated and no words can be enough to describe this feeling of mine.

I am indeed, utterly and completely LOVE-STRUCK!


Author's Extended Note:

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