[ Nearby a Water Dam surrounded by the woods ]

~~~ Selene's Pov ~~~

After days of travelling with these bunch of trouble makers, we finally made it to the hide-out of the coven of the former Henchman.

I have broken down to these trouble makers my plan on how I will steal the mysterious Scroll from this dangerous being. I still have not told them that this is a coven of a former henchman of the Vampire King.

I bet if they find out, they would abandon me with this crazy mission in a heartbeat. One thing about these Rogue brothers, their biggest fear is to encounter or meet a henchman of the King of Vampires because they know how horrifying and powerful each henchman of the King of Vampires.

So imagine if they knew that we are exactly on the premises of the coven of a former henchman. They will definitely lose their screws up there.

At least I am only putting them as decoy and distraction tools to distract the vampire guards who are patrolling by the entrance of the hide-out of the Coven. Once I signal the brothers to pass through and get the guard's attention, I will immediately throw a big boulder on their side so that it catches the guard's attention.

Good thing it is dark right now with the moon not being too bright tonight.

I start making the brothers go to their position and wait for a big boulder thrown at their position. With that, it is a sign for them to transform into their wolf form and make a run for it.

Sounds easy right? But if those guards keep chasing them, I told them to go towards the lake nearby the dam where we set up a deadly trap for vampires.

Any vampire who gets caught by that trap will definitely not survive it.

If ever they get to finish their part, I instructed them to wait for me nearby the lake because it will definitely kind of take me some time in getting the mysterious scroll.

The Rogue brothers are already aware of how efficient and effective the escape plan that I personally devised for all of us.

I am pretty much confident with the success of this mission because these vampires do not know what is about to hit them. I am a force to reckon with because of my elemental powers.

I know Laquisha advised me not to use it but ONLY as my last resort. It will surprise any vampire, especially I can bend Fire through my will. Burning them to a crisp is something that will scare all of them off.

I just hope I will not be the one surprised how powerful a henchman of the Vampire King can be.

I look at the moon and started to move the Boulder and covered it with a bubble of a gust. It will cause more impact and a bit of a noise when it hits the ground. Definitely, it will get the guard's attention and I will use that window to pass through their entrance quickly.

My hands directed the boulder and made it go to the direction I pointed it to. You can hear the,


The sound it made as it moved towards the Rogue Brothers' direction.

Oh, Georgie! Freddie! I prayed quietly for their safety. I hope they make it in one piece. As I see the Vampire Guards move swiftly, I quietly moved my feet towards the entrance and began my infiltration.

I have ordered fluffy to get the mysterious scroll and walk through the shadows as he is able to. I will be the distraction that will wipe out every vampire inside.

I will have to use ALL my moves in killing all these vampires. I will vent out my anger towards vampires for killing my parents. They will feel my anger and despise for them.

Once I got to this certain pavement of the entrance of their Coven, I know initially I preferred to stick to my usual silent moves and silent stealing.

After hours of studying the blueprint and the location of the mysterious scroll. I would be needing diversion tactics part II which would be none other than me.

I have to take ALL the attention and drag them to my presence so that Fluffy can steal the mysterious scroll from its defenseless container.

Thus, I commanded the earth to shake so that the focus of the vampires will be with the sudden quake of the ground rather than my fast approach towards their Hall.

When I could sense Fluffy making his own way towards the location of the mysterious scroll, I made my appearance visible with vampires who are crowding in the Court Hall of their Coven.

The vampires were definitely surprised by my appearance especially right after a sudden quake that shook the entire ground of their Coven.

Some of the vampires attempted to jump on me and I can see some vampires making way to get their weapons to use against me and some who are pretty much calling for more reinforcement.

I started releasing my twin daggers which are coated with nightshade. Nightshade is fatal with vampires once it touches their skin.

I even soaked these twin daggers of mine in a liquid Proteum Serum which is highly exposed with UV radiation particles before coating it with thick Night Shade dust to make the nightshade stick to the dagger even it gets wet with blood or water.

My body gracefully evades any attacks from the vampires.

While my hand is instructing the direction and movement of my twin daggers through my telekinetic abilities. It allows me to control my twin daggers under my will as it dances around me spinning like a boomerang against my targets.

Vampire bodies falling one by one and then turning to ashes as I kill each one whoever approaches me. I patiently wait for the appearance of their Master as I take out his members one by one. No one has landed successfully even a single hit against me.

These vampires are turning into ashes one by one under my deadly dance

that I call,

<<< _Twin dagger Wings_ >>>.

Not even their weapons can protect them from my deadly spinning Twin Daggers.

I ordered Fluffy to find me as soon as he obtains the mysterious scroll. While I was contemplating about Fluffy, a powerful presence appeared right before me.

"Who dared to wreak havoc in my own Coven ?!?!?!" Angrily asked by The Master of this Coven, former captain, and henchman of the Vampire King Lionel.

His sight found me panting as I got my twin daggers back to my hands and I prepared into my fighting stance for a deadly showdown that is about to take place.

"So it is you !! You filthy witch !!" He angrily declared then he immediately bolted quickly to my direction punching me just right in my abdomen area which made me fly landing against a stone pillar of their sacred hall.

Oof! that's gonna hurt tomorrow. Damn!

I started throwing my twin Daggers in his direction but he quickly evaded it even if the Twin daggers non-stop spinning trying to slash his vital parts through my telekinetic abilities.

He is so fast and has very quick reflexes. He suddenly caught both of my twin daggers with his own hands and sticking it buried to the ground.

Seeing him do it make me realize how strong he really is. Now, my twin daggers are stuck and I have to resort to something else quick, or else I will become a blood bag for these vampires.

He quickly went after me. Hoping he could finally end my life.

As he approaches, I let Sylvia take control and let the two of them have the showdown.

They exchanged strong blows and had an aggressive exchange of fists and kicks with Sylvia in control of my body.

The former henchman is surprised that I am not just a witch but also a werewolf. The last hit that Sylvia made, connected to the jaw of the former henchman making him fall a few meters away from me.

"A werewolf? So you are a Hybrid! No wonder you are too confident for a witch." He started to stand firmly, meters away from me locking his sight towards me.

Then something I did not expect happened. He started changing his appearance into a monstrous bat-like form with sharp pointy wings.

"Now let us see if you survive this!" Then he started screaming with deadly sharp sound breaking anything on its path.

I and Sylvia were petrified with our discovery about our opponent's real abilities.

His screeching screams making my ears bleed and Sylvia could not take it as well. We can see him starting to approach us and definitely by the looks of it he would end our life once he gets to us.

I am on my knees covering my bleeding ears and starting to get disoriented from the deadly screeching scream binding us. I quickly told Sylvia to return my control because I have to use our trump card.

'Selene! I am not sure if that is a smart move to make. I can try to use my full strength punching his stomach as he gets close, I will pretend defeated and weak but I will end him first before he gets the chance to do it.'

'I am not sure if we will still be conscious when he gets close to us. My ears are already bleeding and my vision is starting to fade so you better let me do it now before it is too late.'

Sylvia returned the control of my body and I automatically released a fist of the ball of fire then threw at his direction making him cover himself with his dark pointy wings which are serving as his shield.

I kept throwing balls of fire at him while he kept shielding himself with these dark pointy wings. Then, he started to twirl upwards and spinning, trying to deflect the balls of fire being thrown at him.

He is now up in the air levitating releasing another screeching scream towards me and then I went behind the pillar to cover myself. It is too loud and my ears cannot take this too long. I have to end it or else I might eventually lose my consciousness.

I stared at the weapons laying on the ground and commanded it with my telekinetic abilities towards the flying loud former henchman. I anticipate him to deflect it with his wings to protect himself again.

By that, it will allow me to recite my amplifying spell without getting disturbed by his loud screeching screams. That few seconds of window protecting himself will allow me to successfully invoke the amplifying spell, for my deadly attack.

As he covered himself in the air while spinning again and me successfully activating my amplifying spell, I expect him to release himself and flap his wings again then that will be the time I will strike my deadly attack.

"Eat this !!" I proudly declared while my fingers released bolts of electricity that is amplified to a magnitude that will defeat this dangerous being.

As the amplified bolt of electricity hits the former henchman of the Vampire King, Now I can hear a different kind of scream. His defeated scream was still loud as he fell to the ground.

I can see smoke coming out from his skin and mouth but as I intend to approach him, I am surprised that he is still conscious and trying to get up.

I immediately mind linked Fluffy if he got the mysterious scroll already because this one is a tough-tough cookie to beat.

He replied in our mind link that he is on his way quickly and YES ! he got the mysterious scroll from its supposed container.

Now the former Henchman is releasing a horrifying evil smirk.

"I must give it to you Hybrid! I did not expect that. It has been so long since I felt this rush. NOW to honor your bravery and audacity to even challenge me. Let me introduce theeee . . . Thy opponent is a former henchman, 'Mei Nomen Est , Naberius Rodolfo !'. Now, Time to end Thy self " As he introduced himself in an ancient Latin language.

I started moving backward a bit, in preparation to release another bolt of electricity but he suddenly disappeared. To my surprise, as I turned around, the tip of Naberius' pointy wing was so sharp that it easily stabbed my stomach.

Rendering me weak and injured.

Despite his surprise attack, I held the bony structure of his wing and released a hellish flame from my other hand like a flame thrower.

The edge of his right-wing buried in my stomach swiped me aside after he took that Hellish flame I released. There was still flame covering his body and he was screaming in pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhh !!!!" He flew as he cries for his life but then he crashed to the ground. He struggled to stand again.

I was covering my bleeding wound. I know I will just heal but the pain and the toll on my body are reaching its limit.

Fluffy appeared and jumped out from the shadow with a scroll on his mouth. Immediately rode his back and started to run for it. The escape plan we had was, as soon as we acquire the possession of the scroll, we immediately run for it and meet in the meeting place.

Fluffy ran and ran. We finally escaped from that horrifying coven. I do not know if that henchman is still alive but right now all that matters is we have the scroll and it is time to escape.

I did not even get the chance to find anything about my older brother if they encountered any silver male wolf.

The battle with the former henchman truly took me by surprise ruining my initial plan to interrogate them about encountering any silver lone wolf.

I usually interrogate the Master of the covens or vampires that I defeat but this time around I had no time for it because I had to survive and fight for my life.

I know I should be healing by now but my wound is still open and I am still bleeding. I tried to focus my senses and I could smell wolfsbane around my wound.

Suddenly remembering now, his wings flapped beside some relic pot that I thought was simply nothing to worry for.

While I am holding on to Fluffy's back and contemplating why am I healing so slow, we arrived in the meeting spot but there is no Georgie and Freddie.

"Georgie !! Freddie !! Where are you guys ??" I went down from Fluffy's back and tried to look around for them.

While I was looking around with Fluffy by my side, there was a growl by the shadow of the tree.

I can see the dark eyes and dark fur of a large wolf starting to reveal itself. Plus, it is not alone. A pair of wolves appeared walking slowly behind him.

Oh my God! Werewolves! Most likely they are not Rogues because they look like mind linking and coordinating their movements.

By the looks of it, these are the pursuers of Georgie and Freddie.

So it means, it is the Alpha Prince! The Black Wolf in front is most likely the Alpha Prince.

He is looking at me and his eyes are glowing darkly while I can see his paws intensely buried in the ground. I do not know what he is about to do but he won't stop staring at me.

Though Sylvia is weak, I can feel her trying to come out from my mind, begging to take control again but I closed my connection with her and pushed her deep in my mind.

Then, I mind-linked Fluffy to prepare for another escape.

"Look! I am not part of whatever trouble that those two brothers got into, So, I will just go ahead and let you guys do what you need to do." Suddenly my wound is starting to hurt like hell and Fluffy caught my unexpected fall.

I was surprised that the werewolves in front of me are astonished by the condition I am in. Looks like they just realized that I am bleeding badly so I think it caught them off guard about how to approach me without hurting or bothering me.

So I took this chance and mind linked fluffy that it is time for THE ESCAPE.

Before I get to hop into Fluffy's back, looks like the former henchman followed us and still alive. Though, I can say he looks more injured than I am.

Flapping his wings in the air "You cannot hide from me !!! You will die with your companions right in this very spot." He started to let out another screeching scream but this time I am not alone.

Another bunch of wolves made a surprise appearance and they latched on the henchman's wing making him lose his balance and fall to the ground.

My fight with him weakened him tremendously that is why these wolves can eventually fight the henchman head-on.

I was surprised that the werewolves in front of me started to encircle the fallen bat-like monster despite its screeching scream.

But I have no time to deal with all of them. So I had a brilliant idea.

While these pack of werewolves busy and preoccupied taking down this 'tough-cookie' henchman, I held tightly on Fluffy's back as he ran so fast.

Fluffy ran so fast.

After a few minutes, just enough time to get further away from them, I heard a loud howl from the distance affecting me and Sylvia.

I do not know what really happened to Georgie and Freddie. If they escaped away from the pack of the Alpha Prince or if they got captured by those formidable pack of wolves.

I am not in the condition to even save anybody. I will get you guys back as soon as I get my strength back but for now, I need to recuperate and finally conclude the mission.

Mysterious Scroll, <<<Check !>>>

Information about my older brother, <<<-X-!>>>

Georgie and Freddie, <<< Not sure about that ! >>>

Fluffy and me Alive, <<< Check! >>>

Conclusion, This mission is not 100 percent successful.

Though, as usual, my Escape Plan is a success.

Oh, Lucas! Where are you? I need you! My life is full of crazy stuff and I am entangled with messy and dangerous encounters.

Where are you? My dear older brother.

I keep thinking of my older brother as my vision fell into darkness.

"Oh, Luuuccccaaasssss..."

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