~~~ Alcyd's POV ~~~

My Beta, Garrett, is trying to calm me down since our pursuit for those idiot brothers.

The older brother got me ruined the picture I had of my mother and he even had the audacity to steal my royal pendant with the last picture of me and my mother in it.

My mom, Queen Esmeralda, died when I was just 2 years old. I was told she died in an accident because of rogue wolves. It made me hate rogue wolves and trained myself to death.

My childhood was filled with training with my father's Royal Guard and joining missions. I was considered the youngest warrior in the entire Werewolf kingdom.

Chasing those two idiots is giving me the hassle.

I could have let go of the first offense of the older brother by bumping into my back, while I was looking at my mom's picture by the fireplace, because of that it made me drop my mother's picture to the fireplace of the mansion that we visited last night due to some Pack business we had with the Mayor of that rotten town.

But his 2nd offense, stealing my royal pendant, deserves more than jail time. I could not understand why the human Mayor hire those filthy rogue brothers as waiters. I will make the older brother suffer for sure for crossing me.

My elite officers think that this pursuit is way too much. Especially me using the full force of 7 Executive Officers of Golden Moon Pack which I lead.

My best tracker Jackson, the oldest among the Executive Officers, is driving the car ahead of us with his mate Jane. They seem to get hold of the scent of the two brothers since our chase.

My Gamma, Oliver, telling me through our link while he is riding along with Jackson that the two brothers are very quick in their feet close enough like my Delta, Theodulf, as the fastest warrior in our pack.

I tell Theo through our mind-link that they better not lose track of those idiot brothers because I want my Royal Pendant back or else I do not know what I will do and if I can control my temper once I lose my Royal Pendant completely.

"I bet those two will be in the closest town because Jackson is telling me through the link that their scent is leading us to the closest town." My Beta's mate remarked as we speed up.

"Athena, I already told Theo as well to make sure we do not lose track of them." As my reply to her "So Caleb just prepare for any sudden encounter and make sure you capture his younger brother. I will use his younger brother as my leverage just in case he escapes from me"

The Commander of the warriors in our pack reassured me in regards to my instruction "Yes Alpha!"

I cannot wait to get my hands on that fool. He better prepare himself from my wrath because I am in no mood to be merciful.

As we enter the town that the Rogue brothers ran into, my wolf, Kratos started getting jumpy and excited in my mind about something.

This is quite unusual.

He is usually grumpy at me because ever since last year he would not stop nagging me about looking for our mate. So, imagine more than a year later with still no good news about finding our mate, Kratos excitement is definitely a surprise for me.

'Hey, buddy! can you tone down your excitement? You are distracting me and I need to focus on catching the Rogue Brothers'

'I care less for those thieves. I can sense something more important in this town. My supernatural senses are telling me that we may finally get to find what I am longing for.'

'What is more important than the memory of my mother? tell me, buddy!'

'Well, our fated mate, you dumb prince! I can sense the presence and my supernatural radar is going haywire'

'Oh just shut it! if our mate is nearby, I should have sensed her already'

I could not believe how excited my wolf has become. By the thought of our mate, it reminds me about my Alpha King, my father's words that I can only be officially announced as his heir to the crown if I finally have my Luna by my side.

I wanted to be the next Alpha King of the werewolf Kingdom and replace my father. Then, I will be the most influential and most powerful werewolf when that happens.

There are a lot of things I want to do and being the Alpha King of an entire kingdom will make it happen for me. It will allow me to access a pool of resources and influence in making things happen especially if I plan to wipe out the population of Rogue Werewolves for killing my mother.

My father may think that keeping and submitting Rogue werewolves under his reign is a good idea. Well, he is wrong!

The first thing I will do and edict when I become the next Alpha King is to abolish this system of keeping Rogue werewolves under our territory as long they have submitted themselves for obedience. Rogue Wolves do not deserve my mercy or even for any forms of compassion. They all deserve to die and suffer!

When I become the next Alpha King, I will rain fire and terror to ALL Rogue werewolves. It will be their biggest nightmare.

"Alpha! The two brothers went separate ways." My Beta Garrett informs me

"What ? ? ! ! follow the younger brother !!" I gave a firm command on my Beta who is driving the car that I am in. Then I tried to give my command to Jackson through our link "Jackson! Keep following the older brother and do not lose him. We will try to catch the younger brother."

We try to follow the scent of the younger brother with our car windows open. These two Rogue brothers are indeed smart as well.

They chose to run here in this town full of humans. We cannot shift into our wolf form if we are surrounded by humans. We also cannot make any unnecessary damages here if this town is crowded by Humans in broad daylight.

So we decided to park somewhere near a fast-food restaurant. All of us got out of the car and a gush of wind hit me with an intoxicating scent of Jasmine and primrose mixed together.

The scent got me and Kratos go insanely hypnotized. We are both enthralled by its intoxicating scent and it is making my senses go haywire.

Where the hell the scent is coming from? I need to follow where it is coming from.

"What is wrong Alpha? Something bothering you?" Caleb Asked

"Can't you smell that Jasmine and Primrose? It is disrupting my senses!" Garrett looked at me curiously as I made my query to my strong Commander.

"I do not smell anything like that!" Caleb trying to sniff around what was making me bemused and giddy, "Though I can smell the younger brother nearby, Am I right Garrett? His scent is nearby!"

"You are right ! and it looks like he is with someone that I am unfamiliar with." Garrett replied

The thought of capturing the younger brother got me out of my sudden trance and back to my real senses.

"Damn it! Get him before he escapes." I ordered my executive officers near me.

We started moving but suddenly the intoxicating scent became stronger and more vivid to me. I stopped my advances and looked around for that damn scent. I keep looking and looking around because it is playing with my sanity !!!

"Alpha! The younger brother got away. A truck suddenly appeared to his rescue!" Caleb announces.

I get back to my senses again and release a sudden burst of agitation.

"Get back in the car, we cannot let them get away!" I remarked as I clenched my fist in agitation as we got back to the car. My mood right now is not good.

Even Kratos is annoyed with this situation we are in. We could not find where that intoxicating scent is coming from plus the younger brother is getting away.

Then a sudden brake making my body thrust forward.

"What the Hell Garrett !!!" I asked my Beta with an annoyed tone

"Alpha! looks like these Rogue Brothers have help from a witch! Cars suddenly blocked our path."

I looked at the cars blocking our path making me pissed that the younger idiot got away and I can no longer smell the combination scent of primrose and jasmine which was so heavenly.

I could not determine what was making me pissed, whether the escape of that idiot rogue or the disappearance of that heavenly scent.

I immediately linked with Jackson and ordered him to lock on to the older brother because it looks like the younger one slipped away in front of us. So he better make sure that the older one gets captured. We definitely lost good leverage for the older brother.

"Alpha! Are you alright?" Athena seems to be concerned with my sudden agitation.

I ignored her and tried my best to calm down because I do not want any unnecessary commotion in front of humans.

"Just keep breathing deeper and then breathe out. Keep it going breathe-in breathe out." My beta seemed to understand what I was doing and going through.

I had to keep my calm or else there will be something that will put my pack in trouble if burst out and hurt any humans around. I am not planning to have crazy hell-bent hunters around my pack.

While I was calming myself down and contemplating on things that I should avoid, our pack's best tracker linked through me of his current situation.

"Alpha! I am sorry but we lost the older brother. He suddenly jumped behind a truck and then suddenly a giant tank fell just in front of us blocking our way." hearing Jackson makes me chuckle for such an escape plan they made.

For Luring us in a town full of humans and recruiting a witch help.

"Try to move around and still get to their tail, as long as you still get a whiff of their scent then we still have a tail to catch on." I instructed Jackson to keep the chase. "We will catch up with you guys as well, we are not that far from you."

"Got it!" Jackson's reply.

Well, the Rogue brothers better run as far as they can because when I get them, I would enjoy their screams and despair from the torture that I would put them through.

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